These levels, which were the results of four months of work from October 1995 to January 1996, are some of the hardest ones you'll ever experience.
However, I did notice a few things that I felt needed improvement. I made the textures more realistic to the surroundings of the boards, eliminated some unwanted items, and installing walls where open space once was -- this would sometimes make the levels too easy to play.
Also, on some levels, I changed the passageways from the original blocky style to curves. As for keys, I redid the placement of the keys to make the level playing more realistic to its level of difficulty.
NOTE: These levels replace the original JOW.WAD, since this is a major redo of this package.
David P. Gray, creator of Nitemare-3D and the Hugo Trilogy, whose level maps made this 30- level wad possible. Thanks!
New level from scratch (All 30 were this way)
Build time:
Editor(s) used:
WADED v1.88
A flickering HOM on level 26, and a few transparent holes scattered about