Title: The Temple of damned
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/tempdamn.zip
Size: 1.63 MB
Date: 08/04/06
Author: Paolo Tagliaferri, Montesissa Marco
Description: You have hardly complete the yours last mission against stalks that you didn't know not even when your principal have called you and place trust a new mission. The Kalonaj sect has established a base in the beautiful half of the Rocky mountains and, behind to a false coverage locates one of the biggest chemical fittings of the country. The sect has in mind the destruction of the planet. You have heard that the chemical radioactive agents of the zone have contaminated the belonging to the sect and have transformed them in abominable monsters. A complete brigade has been order to destroy the base, but it is not returned. Births and armed only of the yours faithful Beretta enters the sanctuary. For fortune a last message sended from the brigade has informed us that to the entrance of the sanctuary there is two hostile telereporter that activated, they free an ENORMOUS quantity of monsters.
Base: in the beautiful half of the Rocky mountains and, behind to a false coverage locates one of the biggest chemical fittings of the country. The sect has in mind the destruction of the planet. You have heard that the chemical radioactive agents of the zone have contaminated the belonging to the sect and have transformed them in abominable monsters. A complete brigade has been order to destroy the base, but it is not returned. Births and armed only of the yours faithful Beretta enters the sanctuary. For fortune a last message sended from the brigade has informed us that to the entrance of the sanctuary there is two hostile telereporter that activated, they free an ENORMOUS quantity of monsters.
Build time: Much
Editor(s) used: DEU 2, NWT, Dehacked
Bugs: Nobody
Rating: (6 votes)
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I dunno how this plays, but based on that garbled and inintelligible description, my guess is it blows. I don't normally rate levels without playing them, but anybody who butchers a description that bad is probably inbred. Or whatever the hell that word is in their language.x
"Yay, another map by funduke@hotmail.com " - he uploads them, he doesn't actually design the levels. If he *had* then he would be the worst and most prolific level designer of all time.x
Yay, another map by funduke@hotmail.com, which brought us DOOM IN GRACELAND. This also raped my face and made it bleed. 0/5x
Did Babelfish exist in 1996? "Births and armed only of the yours faithful Beretta enters the sanctuary"? The levels are just as bad; they look like random bug-splats on the automap, and there's an extensive and irritating sound replacement that turns the game into a cack-handed cacophony. I have no idea what the dehacked patch looks like, I didn't bother to try it out; no doubt it's awful.x

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