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Everything posted by trooper077

  1. trooper077

    PSone Doom... anyone remember it?

  2. trooper077

    Fuck the ATF

    They deserve that if there too dumb to duck Well all I can say is thank god I live in canada,also,Really? A airsoft gun couldn't be used as a weapon.The most damage it could do to the skin is leave a welt or two.But hey! keep kids away from guns and violence,but make sure they know to fight the terrorists. Gotta love the irony of situations like this.But REALLY? If theirs anything they should be banning is ACTUAL.GUNS.YOU KNOW,THE THINGS THAT WILL ACTUALLY KILL YOU????????? In all,I don't think this will work at all,kids aren't gonna turn in their airsoft guns and their is no way the goverment can track down every kid that has one or still uses one.Something that can be related to this is the smoking ban in vancover,you are not allowed to smoke in public in vancover at all,if your caught your fined.The problem is,alot of people do still smoke in public and very few people are caught smoking because their is a lack of police officers and other things to enforce it,I predict the same thing will happen with the airsoft guns.
  3. trooper077

    Mugen character sites?

    Does anyone know any sites where I can get some mugen characters? Besides mugenation
  4. trooper077

    Favorite Comic Book Characters

    Mine are 1.Deadpool 2.Batman 3.Wolverine 4.V 5.Dr.Doom
  5. trooper077

    Favorite Comic Book Characters

    Forgot about those two
  6. trooper077

    Worst Games of 2000 until 2010

    I never got the big comotion with fallout 3,I thought it was an amazing game that looked like and FPS,But played like a RPG
  7. trooper077

    Worst Games of 2000 until 2010

    Bomberman Act Zero,One Gigantic shitfest of a game
  8. trooper077

    The Resistance

    Story "The Resistance" A storyline that takes place 50 years after the Hell on earth incident (A sequel to Doom 2 there are no demons or hell type creatures in the wad).You play as James Pawluk,The son of "DoomGuy" (Still thinking of a name),UAC had an agreement with James to share his DNA in order to analize the effects of the demonspheres on his fathers bloodline.When James decines this offer,UAC CEO Genral David Shepard decides to take matters into his own hand by framing you for treason,association with the ocult and tress-passing on UAC property. The police of Merto city and the UAC are out to have your head and you know only a few that will help you You are few You are brave You are the resistance NOW,Time for some screens of a Map In Progress NOW,I need some help I need someone who is willing on making some enemy sprites and a few expeirienced map testers. Anyone wanna offer their services to the project? Geonightman And D_GARG-------------------- Mappers and such
  9. trooper077

    The Resistance

    Noted,Remember this all a very early beta.I posted those to show people im actually serious about this project.Plus some witty ass remarks always make my day.Good one btw!!!!
  10. Never_Again,that was unessisary What im trying to say is that this will lead to problems and it can't be aloud to happen.
  11. Trying to stay on topic. I think this is absolute bullshit,This is setting the american children on a one way path of misguided history,By teaching the next wave of kids that the UN is dangerious and the founding fathers of america didn't intend for seperation of church and state will lead to a full-out war with teachers.If this goes through,something tells me either A.A shitload of teachers will leave teaching in america and move to somewhere else B.The goverment will immediately shut-down any chance of this happening Plus all of this bullshit being taught to our kids WILL lead to a uprising in america.On the grounds of the UN being a threat to our freedom or the goverment is taxing us too much or even the goverment with make the economy fail by taxing.This will lead to only negative reactions and actions.
  12. trooper077

    Call of Duty: Black Ops trailer

    Here's a question,what happened to the call of duty based in viatnam? You see,I have nothing against treyarch,but I will not be buying this game for one reason,Im not giving a single fucking penny to activision.Im not giving my money to a company that takes company that charges me 60 dollors for the new song list on guitar hero games,when they can put it up on the virtual market for 40 bucks cheeper and end up having more people buy it,instead they rather scam the money out of you.And its funny that they immediately turn to treyarch(Who made a sub-par WW2 game that people only bought to shoot up undead nazis) to make a new call of duty game,this proves that they dont really care about the quality of the game,just if it sells.That is why if this game comes out I suggest you not buy the game for a couple of reasons A.for respect for infinity ward who actually put EFFORT into their own game and as soon as they annouced that they wern't gonna make another call of duty game,Activision started teminating half the fucking company B.The graphics shown in the trailer look really terrible. C.Funny how activision somehow convinced treyarch to switch from nam to modern warfare. Thats really All i have to say
  13. trooper077

    The Self Portrait and Personal Photograph Thread

    Not sure when this was taken,I think in febuary
  14. trooper077

    Russian botnet VNC attack

    Stalin's gonna get you (Sorry couldn't help it)
  15. trooper077

    What Game do you think should be made into a movie?

    The problem with creating a video game movie is trying to modify the storyline so It can fit in a movie,but not modifying it to the point where its not even the same story as the game,(Street Fighter the movie is a golden example). The more basic storylines are easy to do,But the more complex ones become nearly impossible to fit into a movie. Anyhow some games I would like to be made into a movie: Darksiders:Great Game and great storyline,give it a badass actor to play war and your good Call of Juarez:Bound In Blood:Perfect situation for a movie,Cowboys looking for gold in 1864 Deadspace:That would be a great horror flick if directed right Vectorman:Damn straight bitches,A future of robots cleaning up the plannet,one is built and gets a nuclear missile as a head who then corrupts all the robots on the plannet to go evil,And its all up to vectorman(A robot who was off-loading garbage into the sun) to take down the evil robot? HELL YEAH
  16. trooper077

    Can the US win in Afghanistan?

    Hate to say it Gez,But I don't think their is any way to beat the taliban even using those methods,as long as they believe what they are doing is right,they'll keep doing it until every single one of them is dead,Plus the taliban usually hide in villages of afghanistan,At this point I look at this war as something we really should have stopped years ago.
  17. trooper077

    Can the US win in Afghanistan?

    I was being sarcastic I just find it horrible that some of the people in guantanimo are blindly accused of terrorism and chucked in a cell.They need to be treated to a fair trial,terrorist or not.
  18. trooper077

    Can the US win in Afghanistan?

    Trying to stop a possible flame war........ As much as this might strike some nerves when I say this..... America is seen as the big bully to the world around them,They accused iraq of having weapons of mass destruction,They didn't BUT they got the fact the sadam hussain was evil and corrupt! They created guantanimo bay to chuck the terrorrists that get caught,Do they deserve a fair trial? Fuck no!!!! Let the muslims rot in their cells Now Osama bin laden might be in one of the surrounding countries of iraq and afganistan,and we will find him!!!! I do not blame the people of america for this,They had no clue what they were getting into when they elected bush(Maybe they did when they elected him a second time) They had no clue that bush was just a puppet of someone who I consider to be truely evil That man is dick cheney Two things A. WAS THE NAME NOT A CLUE?!?! B.HE SHOT A MAN IN THE FACE,NECK AND UPPER TORSO HUNTING A FUCKING BIRD!!!!
  19. Reaper(Silenced Colt):Credit to Wild Weasel for the diaz hands and the kickass silencer fire sound,3dRealms,Scuba Steve,Chronoteeth,Jin,Cory Whittle Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/wq6do3 Test It out!,Feedback is really apprieciated EDIT:Updated the gun,now its a bit more centered,I made it so the slide back frame appears more,If anyone want the old version,Check the realm 667 forums THE SHOTGUN IS IN Buckshot:Credit goes to xaser for the firing noise and marty kirra for the sprites Download Here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/b4eg7q GROUND RULES: 1.If you request something,Specify what you want and what you would like don't say "I wanna cool looking monster" Tell me what you want it to look like or better,Tell me what you want,Or better,some sprites 2.Anything you dont want to be public will be sent over PM's 3.ITS DONE WHEN ITS DONE.It pisses me off when someone is nagging me to get something done right away,If this happens I'll give a warning,Second time I'll stop making whatever you wanted me to make 4.Give credit when you release whatever you want me to do Thats about it.
  20. I'm having a bit of trouble with the custom sound I put for the guns fire noise and the Spawn state of the gun(Pickup sprite not showing up) Here is the DECORATE code ACTOR Reaper : Weapon 6021 { Inventory.PickupMessage "You got the Reaper" Weapon.SelectionOrder 1900 Inventory.Amount 8 Inventory.MaxAmount 200 Weapon.AmmoUse1 1 Weapon.Kickback 2 weapon.ammotype "Clip" +Weapon.NoAutoFire +Weapon.NoAlert obituary "%o Didn't hear %k's Bullets coming." AttackSound "SCOLTFIR" States { Spawn: KOLT A -1 stop Ready: COLT A 1 A_WeaponReady LOOP Deselect: COLT A 1 A_Lower Loop Select: COLT A 1 A_Raise LOOP Fire: COLT A 2 COLT B 2 A_FireBullets(2,2,-1,7,"BulletPuff",1) COLT C 1 COLT A 0 COLT B 0 A_WeaponReady Goto Ready } }
  21. -I can probably fix that tommorrow or even tonight -I noticed that too,That'll take a few seconds to fix --Thanks!-I thought that the diaz hands fit the gun rather well,Who knows,I might want to chuck it in to a small wad when I have enough Guns -I don't really like the aspect of having recoil in doom,I find it to really mess people up that use freelook -I'm Going to fix the accuracy and the damage,right now its at a 10,I might reduce it to a 7 the acuracy is in the range of 2,2 might change that to 2,4 still accurate,but not 100%, -Reloading is not a big piority for me,Im still just starting off
  22. trooper077

    Just Cause 2

    Most people (Like me) Have never played just cause 1,my guess is that it never made it over sea, Anyhow I got this game for my birthday and I was afraid to play it,I popped it in hoping it was decent,Instead I got a game that not only was worth the time,but gave me what i would call an Ideal game STORY If your looking for a good story,don't buy this game,The game is played on the fictional courrupted country of panu (I think thats what its called) In order to save the people,you must blow up all of their natural resources........ I know GAMEPLAY Just cause 2 is what I would call the textbook definition of a sandbox game.Armed with a grapling hook on your arm and a infinate amount of parachutes,you objective is to do whatever the fuck you want,You wanna hook a car down to the road while its traveling at 80 miles per hour,go ahead,You wanna scale a building with your grapling hook,Do it,you wanna highjack a plaine and crash it into an enemy base,DO IT.This game has no limitaitions at all,Unlike GTA where you only get certain parts of the map to start out with,you can go anywhere on the island in any point of the game,which leads me to my next point,this island is FUCKING HUGE.It took me a hour an hour to get to the other side of the island,that alone states just how much area there is in the game,While you blow shit up, you get chaos,chaos adds to many things like next faction mission or next black market weapon.The weapons are basic,handgun,sub machine gun sniper rifle,etc,the vehicles are plenty,jets,helicopters,cars,bikes,boats,shitloads of vehicles that you shouldn't have any problem with causing destruction with. GRAPHICS For a huge game,they did a damn good job making the island look like an island,it looks great and thats how it should in a sandbox game,a realistic surrounding to destroy shit in,it was kinda cool watching scorpio's body get covered in snow as he runs through snow VOICE ACTING Hilairiously Bad,Next SOUND Everything in the game,sounds how it should sound,the jets sound like jets and the cars sound like cars,they did a great job with every sound in the game,it fits perfectly with the gameplay EXCEPT.The soundtrack,their is only 1 song throughtout the game and that song comes on when your attacking panu officials,In short,plug in an ipod or use music off the consoleif you get bored of no songs WHAT IT'S WORTH(PRICE) This is a game that I would buy at the full retail price,if you can find any used copies cheap,get it FINAL SCORE In all,Just cause 2 is a fantastic game that deserves a place in any gamers collection its for both consoles so their really is no excuse not to have it,Im giving this game a solid 9.5,Fix the voice acting and add a soundtrack and its a 10
  23. trooper077

    Just Cause 2

    Second One
  24. Sorry i've been in the dark for awhile,just been busy with school It's looking great geonightman,Keep on going
  25. trooper077

    Uncharted 2 Review

    You probably know that its has been raved about and got near perfect reviews,But as someone who has never played the series,how does it stand STORY You play as a theif/treasure hunter named Naithan Drake,you are approched by an old friend who wants your help on finding the lost treasures of marco polo's fleet,I don't want to spoil anything for this game so thats really all i'm gonna say. SCRIPTING The dialouge and the voice acting in this game are genius,you'll never find moments where the game drops a cheesy line or the voice actor doesn't fit the character,all voices match the characters and each character develops a personality throughout the game,I found myself laughing at a couple of lines dropped in game for they were perfect or funny for the moment. GAMEPLAY The gameplay is also a huge factor in this game,it plays like any third person shooter but better,some areas you can choose to go in guns blazing,or you can stealth the entire area,the controls are great and easy to learn,guess the only gripe in this area would be instead of having to press X again to climb onto ledge,its a very minour complaint but pressing up on the anolog stick would have be a better choice GRAPHICS Their were alot of moments in the game where I said "Wow,thats pretty" They did a great job creating a surrounding that looks and even feels real,From a mountain top to stealthing around a museum,it just looks great IN GENERAL Uncharted 2 is perhaps one of the best games I have ever played,If you own a PS3,Their is no excuse for not having it,If you don't own a PS3,steal one and buy a copy of this game. SCORE 10/10