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Everything posted by skib

  1. skib


    Q. Why would we still use DEH when BEX is around? A. To patch DOOM.EXE! Q. Why would we have DEH in whacked if we can't patch the EXE? A. No reason!
  2. skib

    DEUTEX doesn't work!

    Ah, thanks! You rock!
  3. skib


    What do you mean? Haven't you used language before?OB_MTZ = "%o was killed by MTZFire";
  4. skib


    I guess I can't convince you! But I think it should be done. Also, we could add a language lump.
  5. skib


    BEX or DEH?
  6. skib


    Doesn't work for me!
  7. skib


    Coul someone please add DOOM.EXE patching?
  8. skib

    Can't download Eternity [solved]

    Thankyou so much!
  9. I can't download eternity, the link says page not found!
  10. skib


    Great, so it's settled. BEX will be best. I would like to do that because I actually want to contribute I wrote a DEHACKED but it doesn't work for ZDoom, I'll have to fix that!
  11. skib


    So, DEHACKED? Fraggle is right, we need to distance ourselves other-wise we are knee-deep in the dead and all go to the shores of hell. Boris, what do you have against DEHACKED?
  12. skib

    FreeDM is underway!

    Made MAP04, hope it's good enough. Please fix BBCode/vBcode
  13. skib


    Have you ever heard of example? Also, BOOM and other source-ports hold strings! How else does blasphemer do it? Huh? Huh?
  14. skib

    FreeDM is underway!

    Now, do we start with all weapons? Because in MAP01 we do?
  15. skib


    @Boris, what do you have against dehacked and what wouldn't use DEH? If a source-port doesn't allow DEH or BEX, it's crap and you might as well play DOOM.EXE! Just take those off the supported list @Fraggle, good point, you put it well. If John Carmack did say that, then we better use DEHACKED. And maybe a language lump (for ZDoom users) that changes obituaries. And it's not that hard to change a pickup message!GOTSHOTGUN = You have a remington shotgun
  16. skib

    Doombuilder on Windows7?

    It works on win7. Maybe run as admin
  17. skib


    Blasphemer uses it (though it has some different things) and this is made for Boom and above. So why not have DEHACKED?
  18. skib

    FreeDM is underway!

    COOL!!! I really want to map for that! So obvious rule: no monsters What level can I do?
  19. I make a patch that has sprite replacements and when I merge it into DOOM.WAD to run it with DOOM.EXE but when I run it, it crashes! PLEASE HELP!
  20. I think dehacked is un-appreciated, it is very useful.
    It is useful for BOOM, all you need is notepad and a calculator (for speed, width ect.)
    The syntax is so simple! As opposed to what ENJAY said on ZDoom.

    1. GreyGhost


      Don't you miss the good old days when you'd take the back of a TV set and be greeted by the warm glow of thermionic valves?

    2. deathbringer


      Dehacked can still be amusing to play with and some surprisingly clever or funny results can be obtained with it. I need to release my very abandoned "Insanity Please" wad one day, that has some pretty silly stuff in it.

    3. skib


      InsanityBringer said:

      I have one question:

      Have you ever tried to manipulate states using DeHackEd with nothing but a text editor? (From scratch, meaning you're starting with a blank DeHackEd file)

      If you haven't, go try and tell me if it's still easy or not.

      I don't really need to and I haven't read how to do it yet.

      EDIT: Yes, yes I do!


    4. Show next comments  6 more
  21. skib

    Sprites Status

    I would like to see a new SSG and the pickup looks like something I would draw. Also, the Hell Knight should stay like the baron and the archvile looks good.
  22. skib

    Map Status and Map Bug Reports

    The pit with the key?
  23. skib

    Question about Ultimate Freedoom

    Shareware still there!
  24. skib

    Map Status and Map Bug Reports

    did E4M8 Here 'tis
  25. skib

    Question about Ultimate Freedoom

    Remember, it's going ta be added to shareware one!