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Everything posted by idSoftware981

  1. idSoftware981

    Doom 4 should have...

    I get it.... I get it guys, all of you don't respect the original PC DOOM... besides what the fuck do I know? Even though John Carmack clearly stated he wants to make DOOM 4 more in line with the classic DOOM's... apparently you guys know more than me.... *sighs* ah well, go ahead and enjoy your scary-ass DOOM 3 sequel with slow walking, slow-ass reloading, scary-ass music, and N64 style everything.... :( I guess I belong in the Classic DOOM section because everything I say doesn't make sense to you guys... all you guys want is a PS1/N64 sequel... I thought you already got that through DOOM 3... but OK.... fine.... anyways, I hope DOOM 4 is a remake of DOOM 2's story through modern-day standards/id Software standards.....
  2. idSoftware981

    Doom 4 should have...

    Why are you guys so obsessed with the PSX version and N64 Version? Have you not played the original PC version which IS the original and had epic rock/metal music. DOOM 4 should be what DOOM is.... Tons of blood and gore. Super fluid gameplay. Killing demons in a Satanic enviroment. Heavy metal music blasting loud. No reloading And no regenerating health (medkits FTW!) If you guys really want a sequel to "DOOM 3" then just ask id Software to make a DOOM that's as scary as DOOM PS1, N64, and DOOM 3 combined... it seems like theirs so many DOOM fans here who think DOOM is all about horror. It's not exactly horror, it's also action. That's one of the problems I had about the PSX version... some levels were so actiony but were missing the rock music... some levels were so creepy... but were missing that DOOM 64 music...
  3. idSoftware981

    DOOM 3 BFG Edition - Debut Trailer

    I liked the DOOM 3 Pistol, just wish it sounded more powerful. So if id Software implements the RAGE Pistol firing sounds... Also I wish ID Software could port the RAGE Shotgun into DOOM 3 BFG Edition... I hated the Shotgun. They need to make the SMG black... and then when they do that make the SMG sound powerful!
  4. idSoftware981

    Doom 4 should have...

    DOOM 4 should embrace the DOOM PSX version and the DOOM PC version... it should blend both soundtracks perfectly... DOOM PC wasn't heavy metal/rock music all the time you know.... but that's right the PSX Version was MUCH more scarier... yeah right... sure it was scary but still DOOM 4 is supposed to be more action-oriented like The Ultimate DOOM and DOOM 2. Which by the way featured tons of SLAYER, Pantera, Metallica, Judas Priest, AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Megadeth, and Alice in Chains.
  5. idSoftware981

    DOOM 3 BFG Edition - Debut Trailer

    It'll probably be very hard on Veteran mode. And the reworked sounds.... I hope the DOOM 3 Pistol sounds like the RAGE Pistol... and is there a way they can replace the DOOM 3 Shotgun with the RAGE Shotgun?! I liked the RAGE Shotgun a lot more... it ACTUALLY looked like a shotgun....
  6. idSoftware981

    Doom 4 should have...

    Because, some idiots think us white people when we listen to SLAYER... they think we usually are far-right wing WHITE POWER people... well I do admit Slayer makes me proud to be white. Also, I only like two albums by SLAYER.... Reign in Blood and South of Heaven... the rest can suck it.
  7. idSoftware981

    DOOM 3 BFG Edition - Debut Trailer

    There is no perma-flashlight. Id Software has said in recent news that the flashlight will have a limited battery. Meaning that you will have to not only look for ammo but batteries. And also, I'm actually excited for the changes id is making because they are trying to make DOOM 3 more like the Classic DOOM's.... my opinion though....
  8. idSoftware981

    Doom 4 should have...

    Guys, I've heard id Software is trying to get Trent Reznor for the sounds and the music of the game.... Honestly, they should get SLAYER for the sounds and the music of the game.... because when I play DOOM I think of SLAYER. Also, I'm a huge SLAYER fan and I'm Roman-Catholic. So not all SLAYER fans are evil white-power wannabe Nazis... (well I am white myself and I'm PROUD TO BE WHITE but I don't scream out WHITE POWER everywhere I go).
  9. idSoftware981

    DOOM 3 BFG Edition - Debut Trailer

    This is not a waste of time and effort. Also, to answer a few this game is going to be made MUCH more difficult and much longer. It will be more in line with the original DOOM's and should be pretty good. Also, the only reason it looks so damn bright is because somebody turned the brightness all the way up on their God damn computer... P.S I'm getting this game for the XBOX 360...
  10. idSoftware981

    Why Doom 3 would suck on idTech5

    http://www.vg247.com/2012/09/05/doom-3-bfg-edition-not-a-rehash-id-not-a-fan-hd-collections/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIr2U92n ... re=related There is my source.
  11. idSoftware981

    Why Doom 3 would suck on idTech5

    Well uh... new info. DOOM 3 BFG Edition will be running on a heavy amount of RAGE tech (id tech 5) they actually improved the id Tech 5 they fused id tech 5 with id Tech 4.... and they made the input control respond SUPER fast. So now the game will feel fluid and smooth just like RAGE did. I loved RAGE. It was a good id Software game.
  12. idSoftware981

    Doom 4 should have...

    OK... why are we talking about DOOM 3 all the sudden?! On topic: I've seen gameplay footage of DOOM on the PS1/N64... I really want DOOM 4 to be action-horror. If anyone gets what I'm saying. Ambient music would be nice. But I'd personally like the music to fit the feel of the game. Like if there's a whole swarm of 30 enemies on screen I want heavy metal to play. 2 enemies then Ambient music. Maybe some music sounding Resident-Evil 1ish would be nice?! :3
  13. idSoftware981

    Doom 4 should have...

    :D Right now I'm listening to All Guns Blazing! Anyways, I love DOOM... and I just want it to represent what DOOM has been. Tons of gore, shotguns, pistols, blowing up demons, and heavy metal music. (Yes, I was one of those people who blasted Judas Priest albums and Black Sabbath albums while playing DOOM 64 and DOOM PSX and turned off the music! Really helped and was badass! :D)
  14. idSoftware981

    Doom 4 should have...

    I played the Gamecube remake one. I LOVED IT! (now if they ported it to 360... :D) I loved RE1, RE2, and RE3. RE4 killed the franchise for me. Unless RE makes a comeback either as a first-person survival horror or fixed camera angles. I am a Resident Evil fan. I love Resident Evil up to 4. The problem I had with 4 was... that it wasn't the Resident Evil I KNOW and LOVE! I would really love it if they remade RE1, RE2, and RE3 on Cryengine 3 and then released it for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC on a disk with a long-ass instruction manual and title the game "Resident Evil: The Classics." Half-Life 1 had a lot in common with Resident Evil 1 and DOOM. It felt a lot like they combined or something and Half-Life 1 was the result... also, I've been dying to find a Resident Evil camera angles for Half-Life 1. Also, I'm a huge Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, and Black Sabbath! LONG LIVE OLD-SCHOOL HEAVY METAL!!! :D By the way, if they are going to make DOOM 4... I want it to be like Resident Evil 1 + Half-Life 1 + DOOM 1 + DOOM 2 + Timesplitters + Goldeneye + Perfect Dark + Quake 1 + Unreal 1 + Halo 1 + Wolfenstein 3D.... all of the games I mentioned have SERIOUS immersion and can immerse you in the game. Btw, right now I'm listening to "One Shot at Glory" by Judas Priest! :D
  15. idSoftware981

    DOOM 3 BFG Edition - Debut Trailer

    I love Slayer! Yeah, Behind the Crooked Cross is in E3M3 and South of Heaven is in MAP07.
  16. idSoftware981

    Doom 4 should have...

    Yeah... now that I think about it Half-Life 1 felt A lot like DOOM. I'm a huge VALVE fan and a huge id Software fan... come to think of it... Half-Life 1 felt a lot like Resident Evil on some parts and a lot like DOOM on some parts. I for one want to see DOOM 4 be like a spiritual successor to Half-Life 1. DOOM 3 tried to be like HL1 but failed. I want DOOM 4 to make me feel like I'm in another world... LIKE I AM in that place. I loved Half-Life so much because it made me feel like I was a scientist who was trying to escape from Area 51/Black Mesa Research Facility.
  17. idSoftware981

    Doom 4 should have...

    DOOM 4 should just be what DOOM was and still is. I want the game to be to have the.... classic DOOM spirit... meaning this game will be banned in some countries. Some people will be excited to play the game and enjoy it... others will just faint from how epic it is... others will cower in fear at the shear power of the game. I want this game to liberate the video game industry from COD. I want it to make COD look like a 4 year old's game. I want this game DOOM 4... I want it to have straight up old-school gameplay. Heck, they are making Painkiller HD... why can't we have gameplay similar to Serious Sam or Painkiller?! All you guys want f---ing PSX DOOM. I want PC DOOM. The real DOOM.
  18. idSoftware981

    DOOM 3 BFG Edition - Debut Trailer

    ...For you, yes. But for me it is the opposite. And about the Dragonforce comment I was just joking. Though it would be funny to hear Through the Fire and Flames when your in Hell and your fighting all the demons with your shotgun in DOOM 4. **
  19. idSoftware981

    Doom 4 should have...

    I think DOOM 4 will be like DOOM 1 PC. The music will be changing between levels. Some levels it will be some badass metal! Some levels it will be creepy ambience scaring the shit out of me like DOOM 64 did. Some levels will be the most horrific thing on Earth... it will give DOOM 3 a run for it's money. There will be lots of dismemberment. Lots of action, lots of horror. It's a game that all of us have dreamed of. The perfect blend of action and horror. THE WAY DOOM 3 SHOULD HAVE BEEN MADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. idSoftware981

    Doom 4 should have...

    Damn it what is it with you DOOM PSX fans and DOOM 64 fans thinking that DOOM 4 will have ambient music?! What has been telling you that DOOM 4 will be a survival-horror game like DOOM 3?! It's going to be an action-shooter with heavy metal and some ambience... ON SOME LEVELS.
  21. idSoftware981

    Doom 4 should have...

    DOOM 4 should be a mix of heavy metal and ambience like the original... actually... if anything... what if it was British metal and ambience?! I mean I'm a huge British metal fan. So... :3 Maybe add some Slayer. Yeah add some Slayer. British metal and American metal (Slayer, Megadeth, Metallica, Pantera) Australian metal (AC/DC) British Metal (Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Dragonforce, MUSE, Black Sabbath)
  22. idSoftware981

    DOOM 3 BFG Edition - Debut Trailer

    GASPS! How do you know I listen to Dragonforce?! And what?! Can't you imagine "Through the Fire and Flames" while your in a Hell level and your running at 100 mph and you have a shotgun and your bunnyhopping to kill the final boss?! It'd be fucking funny and awesome!
  23. idSoftware981

    Doom 4 should have...

    Forget it... we will just have a mix of music... ranging from PC DOOM styled music, to PSX DOOM styled music, to DOOM 64 styled music, to DOOM 3 styled music, to DOOM PC styled music... you get the idea.
  24. idSoftware981

    DOOM 3 BFG Edition - Debut Trailer

    I have played DOOM 1. I've been playing it since I was 5. My point is a remake is basically taking the game and putting a fresher and newer coat of paint on it. Like Ocarina of Time 3D. Super Mario 64 DS. Tomb Raider Anniversary. Sure they aren't DOOM games. But AT LEAST they remake properly. DOOM 3 could have been a sequel to one of the greatest first-person shooters of all time but it flopped by putting in survival-horror elements.... it could have been the most awesome sequel to DOOM 2 and featuring tons of Slayer, Metallica, AC/DC, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, Pantera, Iron Maiden, Dragonforce music in it.... but instead they went with horror stuff.... it didn't feel like DOOM.... not saying that I hate DOOM 3. I love DOOM 3 because it reminded me of System Shock 2 (which by the way is awesome!)
  25. idSoftware981

    Doom 4 should have...

    I want to apologize to you and to anybody else I offended.... listen I'm really sorry, what about this.... I GOT IT! What about this?! Mix heavy metal and ambience music! :D Just imagine! It'd be scary!!!!!! Maybe death metal and ambience instead!!!!! No lyrics and singing though. (As much as I want South of Heaven by Slayer in DOOM 4 with singing and everything)