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About MFG38

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    Pretends to know how to host community projects

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  1. I have a Backloggery if that counts.
  2. MFG38

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    cybrfght MAP01 NM-Speed in :05.46 cybr01n0546.zip MAP01 NoMo in :02.03 cybr01o0203.zip MAP02 NoMo in :03.29 cybr02o0329.zip MAP03 NM-Speed in :04.49 cybr03n0449.zip MAP03 NoMo in :04.14 cybr03o0414.zip MAP04 NM-Speed in :02.20 cybr04n0220.zip MAP04 Stroller in :03.57 cybr04str0357.zip MAP05 NM-Speed in :04.46 cybr05n0446.zip MAP05 NoMo in :03.97 cybr05o0397.zip MAP06 NM-Speed in :04.80 cybr06n0480.zip MAP06 NoMo in :02.43 cybr06o0243.zip MAP07 NM-Speed in :02.23 cybr07n0223.zip MAP07 Stroller in :05.37 cybr07str0537.zip MAP08 NM-Speed in :01.80 cybr08n0180.zip MAP08 NoMo in :01.66 cybr08o0166.zip MAP09 NoMo in :09.17 cybr09o0917.zip
  3. So Epic do care about their own legacy after all. Unexpected but awesome news.
  4. MFG38

    How big is your mapping vault?

    I feel like I've started and scrapped more projects than I've actually finished, but I don't really have the "evidence" to show for it. If I don't touch a project for a long enough time that it starts to look like I'll never return to it, I'll usually just delete it. I like to keep my drives as free of virtual dust as possible. But I do have memories of projects I at least planned at various points in my "career", some of which are: Two more megawads next to Prayers of Armageddon back when I was working on that, respectively named Exposure Postal and Vile Apocalypse. As if making one shitty 32-level megawad as your first project wasn't enough, imagine making THREE. About a dozen different ZDoom megawads with proper storylines and gameplay elements utilizing the port's feature set. Something Egypt-themed. A gothic castle (fun fact: this was going to be Gomorrah before it took its current and final form). What basically amounted to a Stronghold clone. What basically amounted to a Jumpmaze clone. A "humans vs. demons" multiplayer mod inspired by the game Evolve.
  5. MFG38

    Doom Mappers on YouTube

    I usually upload my livestream VODs to YouTube if that counts, including the Doom mapping ones. Here's the playlist.
  6. MFG38

    Doom Streams

    Finishing Eviternity II. Maybe something else afterwards. https://www.twitch.tv/mfg38
  7. MFG38

    Controller vs Keyboard and Mouse

    Doom and other FPS games I play with mouse and keyboard. Other games, either KB+M or controller depending on the genre and which (likely) works better.
  8. MFG38

    Monster Infighting Cheating

    Quake and Unreal have monster infighting. You just don't see it being taken advantage of in those games as prominently as in classic Doom. Also, taking advantage of infighting isn't cheating. It's a well-known mechanic that some maps are specifically built around.
  9. MFG38

    Doom Streams

    Part 3 of Eviternity II, might finish today. Very strong "might". https://www.twitch.tv/mfg38
  10. MFG38

    What Order Did You Play the Games?

    The order I played the games in is something along the lines of: Doom 3 Doom 2 Ultimate Doom TNT Plutonia Master Levels Doom 3: RoE Doom 64 DOOM '16 Doom Eternal So yeah, I kinda went all over the place.
  11. MFG38

    Odd Ideas for Maps

    I once had a concept for this big scifi city sort of map that would be floating on a disk in space and have a giant tower in the middle. Still kinda want to pull it off, but knowing how my creativity works, it's going to be at least a 3-year commitment if I do.
  12. MFG38

    Doom Streams

    Continuing Eviternity II. https://www.twitch.tv/mfg38
  13. I'm not getting worked up, just voicing an opinion. The question is frankly kind of silly anyway - all game engines have their pros and cons, different development workflows etc. No one choice is going to be objectively better for the task than all others. Ultimately, it boils down to what you think the best tool might be for you.
  14. Doom has already lived through at least one generation and isn't showing any signs of slowing down in that regard. Was that thanks to remakes? No. It was thanks to the classic games being designed to be modded and the community taking the cue from that and going wild. (And the occasional new game, I guess.) As long as we have talented individuals producing custom content for the classic games, I don't think we have to worry about reinvigorating interest in them with a remake.
  15. The classic Dooms don't need (more) remakes.