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Everything posted by Jayextee

  1. Jayextee

    My first and ONLY question not about Doom3

    Isn't this more than we need to know? :)
  2. Jayextee

    sniping and hand to hand combat weapons

    I think sniping _should_ be there, as there'd be complaints from people. Personally, though, I hate snipers/campers/whatever. So, make the railgun REALLY buzz, like a loud huming, to give away their position. In SP or DM this would work, as both monsters _and_ players would be fully aware of the camper's presence before the inevitable frustration of being sniped upon happens. Melee weapons? Personally (And I'm probably the only one) I'd go for either the Q3A gauntlet, or the long-awaited return of the Berserk pack. Actually, a lot of the levels I edit for the Doom games start of with the pack -- I love it! Also, I liked the FIGHTER's fist from Hexen, three punches, the third having one hell of a recovery, but being more powerful. It's not in the name of realism, but I'd go for it.
  3. Jayextee

    About projects...

    It's on my mind, but I won't do it if there's no real want for this kind of thing. Just one reply to a post isn't justification enough, though...
  4. Jayextee

    the question.

    I used to, before I found out about tikering with the \headmodel command, so now it's into the realm of what I think looks coolest. \model razor/patriot \headmodel bones/bones Coolness. A pale guy with a skull head. Of course this is all down to opinion. I also like Crash's body with Major/Red head. Heh heh. Actually I play as chicks in a lot of games. Actually, I'd use the Doom marine with Orbb's head, were it not for the hole at the back of it. Funky.
  5. Jayextee

    Pre Doom wad on the way.....

    And I guess you'll be wanting level designers for it? Count me in, if it's non-source port specific, and if it gets to a good start. Mail me (Address to the left). Strange eh? Mostly you get people asking for designers, not volunteering.
  6. Jayextee

    Doom 3 wasted items uploaded

    Hmmm.... 1) Hell no. Half of the tension in Doom was created by being at low health, and not being sure what was around the corner. Having medikits spare from earlier levels would spoil this. 'Hmmm... 5%, and there's a door. Guess I'll hit ENTER a couple of times before I open it. Oh, it's two imps. Oh well'. This would spoil the mood somewhat -- if you were at 5% in Doom, and come across two imps, depending on the setting, it could create masses of tension. Sure, it's not as realistic to use health there-and-then, but it'd be better for gameplay. 2) Yes. This is a great idea. I'm a sole believer in that games should force the player having to 'pay' in some way for anything good. In DM this would also force a player that wanted to play 'safe' to find two powerups for the one purpose, health AND the injection. 3) It depends. Not too high - maybe double the jump? Nothing too much, as I certainly wouldn't want insane shortcuts to be possible. 4) Hmmmm, I'm not a big one on stealth, but I like the idea of having to recharge. Maybe the only way to do this would be with nukage radiation (A strange idea, but it would limit cheap use of it...) 5) Yeah, and it has it's own 'health' rating, a la armour, so if you were to pick it up at the beginning of the level, but got careless, you wouldn't have it toward the end. I would suggest a head-shot would smash the thing, but in DM this would encourage campers - the lowest form of life. My two pence. That's slightly more than two cents :)
  7. Jayextee

    DeHackEd Newbie here...

    Hmmm.... d'oh. Actually, I tried altering the various flags for the rocket projectiles to do this, but before dismissing it, I thought I'd ask the geniuses here. Never mind. I guess my DM project will be good enough when I've done it without such cheap tricks ^_^
  8. Jayextee


    Actually, we ALL know that the next Doom game will OFFICIALY be the culprit for the next columbine or whatever. Why not fill the game with cute, fluffy animals, and base the game on kindness, for a change..? (Actually, to answer my own question, it would suck)
  9. Hmmm... after a short absence from these forums (I actually had better things to do than to argue with retards... All of which seem to have disappeared) I visit, and the general concensus about Doom3's soundtrack is: NIN sucks, and Trent Reznor shouldn't do it. W.H.A.T T.H.E F.U.C.K is half the population here smoking? Okay, so maybe Quake's music (By Trent) wasn't the hottest game sountrack ever, but there was a lot more to it than most of the people here seem to realise. Maybe you only heard the 'Intro' (Demo playing) song and decided that a little screaming hurts your fragile ears. Quake's soundtrack can be compared almost directly to the Williams Doom soundtrack (PSX, Saturn, N64) - which a lot of people here seem to hold in high regard, or so I've noticed. Both soundtracks are semi-ambient with the merest hint of melody. Both seem to have random sound effects played to induce paranoia in the player, and thus make him/her afraid to venture around the next corner. And both feature what sounds like a building brick being scraped across the floor ;) This is where the comparison ends. The WDOOM (As it shall henceforth be referred to in this post) 'musical' element is minimal at best, comprising mostly of low strings, and only three notes are ever played at a time. I beleive one of the tracks only has the aforementioned piece ONCE amidst seven minutes of synth 'wind' sounds (Which are poor). Sound effects that are inserted randomly are usually babies crying, or the aforementioned brick-on-floor noise. Basically, this passes for tension-inducing, but the same effect is to be had playing without music (I had played a mod-chip comilation of FPS where the .XA files were reduced to half a second of silence to make more room for other, inferior games on the disc - thus resulting in silence.). Quake, on the other hand had mostly electirc guitars, played at low volume, with a white-noise envelope. I recall one riff in particular that built up throughout the level, until it's the only thing I was thinking of. (It's the track with the whispering at the beginning played on E3's final level) Sound effects that are included are mostly variants of the in-game sounds (With either a pitch or phase shift) and create a sense of fear to players entering new areas. There are additional sounds, such as what sounds like somebody bangin a metal bucket on a brick wall, and a sound similar to the tearing of flesh. It's not all good, though. The 'installation' levels (E?M1) had this monotonous, repetetive track. Presonally, I can't stand it, but it reminded me of machinery - it had a VERY mechanical rythmn. Anybody who first played through Quake with the CD music present can vouch for the paranoia-inducing qualities it has. The unfamiliar territory coupled with basically a NEW kind of game soundtrack (AFAIK it had never been done like that before) created quite a memorable experience. Back on the Doom3 tangent, I wouldn't mind if TR's aural representation harked back the the Quake soundtrack. However, I would prefer (As has been mentioned) remixes, BY TR, of the Bobby Prince music. After playing Doom to NIN's latest, Things Falling Apart (Which I originally hated, but hell, it grows on a guy!) I personally would like to see the inclusion of fast-paced industrial (But nearly techno. NEARLY) music, a la remix no.2 of StarF..kers Inc. from TFA, as a change of pace from slow, moody ambience, a la A Warm Place (TDS). Maybe the faster music for DM (Fragging to SiN - PHM - is excellent). Nonetheless, Trent Reznor's musical talent is quite unique, and worthy of inclusion in Doom3. I've come to think of his work, NOT as music, more 'Soundtracks' - mainly reflective of moods or states of mind. Anybody care to argue this point? I have thrown down the gauntlet to thee.
  10. Is it possible to do an episode-based Doom2 WAD that works with ALL sourceports. Basically, the levels taking the form ExMy, but have the Doom2 monsters, textures etc. This may actually help with my project, at my site (Below, check my sig)
  11. Jayextee

    Help me

    Possibly the easiest editor to use is WadEd (Version 1.71 - NOT ANY NEWER VERSION! They suck), which everyone but myself seems to hate - the only reason I haven't wrote a newbie tutorial yet to go on my site. Maybe they hate the bugs, but find ways around them, and you're Ok. And, like everyone else, I'd recommend you get WadAuthor. NOW. I can see that it's probably the best editor, it's just that I don't actually get on with it. I only use it for pasting together map segments created in WadEd (It's MS-DOS, so there is a limit to the map size). And don't worry about having problems with being new to editing. I've only been doing the stuff for about 5 month now, and all the hiccups I had (And there are so many) are still fresh in my mind. I can help - as can most of the people who frequent this forum - they're actually pretty helpful.
  12. Jayextee

    Please help me

    Please help me with transparent doors, someone. I've got problems. Basically, I can make a transparent door, but there's two things wrong with it, o; There's HOM on the door jambs o; You can see the ceiling of the door through the bars (As I've used MIDGRATE as the mid texture, Y-aligned to 128) when it's about 1/2 closed/opened. How do I lose these problems? Basically, how I've made the door is, say there's 3 sectors, 0,1 and 2. 1 is the door. Now, both of the 'door' linedefs belong to sector 1, but the jambs belong to sector 2. Sectors 0 and 2 have a floor of 0, where sector 1 has a floor of 1. What else should I do? BTW I know Doomworld has some tutorials on these kind of things, but the diagrams aren't too understandable, neither is the jargon. Somebody please explain to me in language an idiot could understand ;)
  13. Jayextee

    Doom projects Poll ?

    I like the projects Innocent Evil, found at www.geocities.com and No Hope For Life, at www.users.conninc.com/sampson/index.htm Nothing to do with me editing for them, at all... Heh ^_^ Seriously, check out all the projects you can. I especially like to check out the ones by editors who are not well known, as there's always a diamond in the rough. Like the links above, Innocent Evil's MAP03 is pretty cool (Now that it's improved) and E1M7 of NHFL is IMO something pretty special. Probably the best level of it. And, 700 monsters? Give me the URL, I'll check it out.
  14. Jayextee

    Doom projects Poll ?

    I like the projects Innocent evil, found at www.geocities.com and No Hope For Life, found at www.users.conninc.com/sampson/index.htm NOT because I'm editing for them, ohhhhhhh no.... ^_^
  15. I'm a newbie. Heh heh... Ling wants me.... (thinks) Eeeewwwwww!
  16. I have a couple of ideas. Actually one of them I stolen from deadnaily-dear :) o; WADs containing EVERY Doom2 texture o; Another ten-sectors (Just coz I missed entering the 1st...) o; WADs where EVERY 2-sided linedef must trigger something o; Large, complex levels WITHOUT keys (There it is, deady-poos) o; Themed WADs: Base you WAD on a gigantic piece of furniture (Hmmm... that ones half stolen) o; Dark, claustrophobic levels containing many, many Arch-Viles (Just because I like them) o; Levels that make an artistic picture in the automap. No porn :) Well, that's my three minutes wasted ;)
  17. Jayextee

    D2 -> Q3 ... ?

    I don't know if this is relevant, but I'm contemplating coverting "versions" (IE. as close as they can get) of the Q3A maps to Doom2. At the mo, however, I have too much going on, and as such I'm a little busy. Still, how many people think it's a cool idea? (What? None?) ^_^
  18. Jayextee

    This forum is getting quiet

    Heh. Let the jap-slapping fight begin. Only there are no japs ;) Actually, I have NEVER been beaten on Doom Deathmatch. Mainly because I've only played vs bots or on playstation. PSX deathmatchers are so hard to find. And lame when you do. Bots like to get too close (SSG anyone?) and are, again, generally lame. And I don't have a modem, I'm posting from a friend's computer. If I played, say CSDoom, I think it would be a different story ;)
  19. However, it doesn't run on the original .exe ANY sourceport will do the jobe just fine...
  20. Jayextee

    Are you a coder??????

    Otherwise I'd get a coder to make Cacodemons bounce like tennis balls when shot. Just to see how it would look... :)
  21. Hard to pull off, but I'd go for it!
  22. Jayextee

    What game should I buy?

    ...So long as somehow they rid the earth of Slipknot, too ;)
  23. Um, regarding the contest, I thought that the recent poll about what the new contest should be saw that an editing-related contest got the most votes? Oh well, I can only wait. I kinda missed the 10-sectors and will DEFINITELY participate in the next similar contest.
  24. Jayextee

    happy joy!

    Even Doom for the Saturn? /me shivers
  25. Jayextee

    Yet another message

    The Nine Inch Nails track 'heresy' says it all for me.