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The Doommer

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Everything posted by The Doommer

  1. The Doommer

    Doom-like level stats in ECWolf

    Nvm it seems like this is due to overlay being used. And it looks terrible
  2. The Doommer

    Doom-like level stats in ECWolf

    Is there any way to have a kill/treasure/secret counter at the top left when opening up automap? I remember seeing something similar in TravGuy's video on Wolf 3D He mentions using ECWolf so I know it's this engile (Tho ngl the automap for ECWolf is hard to read too)
  3. The Doommer

    Doom-like level stats in ECWolf

    This is what I see with that enabled
  4. The Doommer

    the DOOM UAC arena

    UAC after the embrace the fact that they let the demons in and start profiting from it:
  5. The Doommer

    Things about Doom you just found out

    The one that essentially was a "Kill Hitler" message on E3F1? Man, that track was smart.
  6. The Doommer

    Games you never dared to play on hardest difficulty?

    Ultra-Nightmare for 2016/Eternal would be a forever no-no for me. I wouldn't have the patience or time to die and restart the whole game again and again. I've given Classic Doom Nightmare a chance but never went far because I tend to backtrack. (DOOM 2 on Nightmare is insane even on MAP01 because of that imp room) As for others, in most games I play I try the hardest difficulty these days (unless it's legit BS)
  7. For a COD clone even the Doomguy would likely talk ngl Regardless, it can be an interesting concept if discussed more tbh
  8. When I first played UB the farm level creeped me out a lot. I just chalked it up to a creative and imaginary writing plot that can tell such a terrifying story. But now that I've recently heard about Robert Pickton, I wonder if the character Hugo was loosely based on the guy. The looks don't but the whole concept of it being on the farm and having a slaughterhouse gives me that vibe. I'd say the Missing Persons posters are also quite interesting. For reference, this is the one I'm talking about:
  9. Bit of an off-topic point but I feel like if we ever got Doom 4 instead of 2016 we'd have something like the 2009 Wolfenstein. Good game in a bad era. Back to the original topic at hand, wouldn't this require voice acting?
  10. The Doommer

    The Doom Game We Never Got (Sort Of)

    Aren't those some of the most favorite punching bags for the community?
  11. The Doommer

    how to stop decalcification as a femcel?

    Which one is more worth it? Your hygiene or some random dude's conspiracy theory? This doesn't even need to be said. Brush your teeth, have proper hygiene, and go to a dentist unless you want to be a people deflector.
  12. The Doommer

    What WAD are you playing now?

    Brutal Wolf 3D Pretty underrated game tbh, it fixes a lot of Wolf 3D's aged map design,
  13. The Doommer

    The Doom Game We Never Got (Sort Of)

    I disagree with Carmack's "Story in a video game is like the story in porn" quote but I feel like in this case, the story would need a change to be good. Multiple characters would be an elegant concept tho imo and would make Doom even a bigger hit.
  14. The Doommer

    Worst official level?

    Gate to Limbo, I was super confused when I first played it and it suffers from a BS level design. For Doom 2 probably Suburbs because it looks much worse than downtown and that final elevating blocks segment. Final Doom TNT: Most of the maps except Wormhole because that one rocks Plutonia: Didn't like Aztec too much
  15. The Doommer

    Why doomwik.org than fandom doom?

    Back when it was Wikia, it was a much better platform Now it's a website you can't visit without an adblocker because ads will make you go nuts. It also has questionable decisions made
  16. The Doommer

    What do you want id to do next after Eternal?

    Get back the Wolfenstein rights and make a proper sequel to RTCW Admittedly TNO/TOB were great games and the 2009 one was decent but with the TNC starting to introduce political themes (and terrible writing aside from that) and YB being, well yk... I think it's time for id to make another Wolf game that's not taking itself as seriously as some of the later installments are. Aside from that, Keen getting proper attention would also be nice I mean 64, 2016 and Eternal are sequels Doom 3 tho could probably be argued as a D1 remake yeah
  17. I've always liked the concept of a mod bringing back the Alpha/Press Release rifle. Tho I'm not sure if the BFG is going to act like the OG one (which was frankly terrible) or stay true to the final design
  18. LucasFilms had its issues but not even close to the shitshow it's now. Also, George at least had a passion for what he was doing albeit with frequent hit-or-miss results.
  19. The Doommer

    Have you lost interest on DOOM?

    I don't do Vanilla playthroughs anymore (BD or CODB or RO is nice) but no I still have interest
  20. Honestly some of the textures and designs could change For example, Downtown has some integrity but the whole arrow in the middle is still a bit of an issue IMO. Or Industrial Zone could use some explosion for that Duke Nukem-esque explosion they were going for.
  21. The Doommer

    Best weapon for a swarm of Cacodemons?

    I would argue that since it's a caco it's not gonna be an ammo waste. They never go down in one shot
  22. The Doommer

    Unpopular Doom Opinions

    I mean not really in the classics, it's never mentioned that the UAC knew the invasion would happen And by the classics I'm excluding Final Doom because the story wasn't from id
  23. Unless you like the level design of SOD Mission Packs and Wolf 3D E4M5, then yes. I'm more in the "you should have some small visual clues for secrets" group I mean tbf there could be multiple WADs that peak your interest I'm not saying every map must be 100%-able on the first try but it shouldn't go insane either
  24. The Doommer

    chainsaw appreciation thread

    Yes indeed, we're just helping him lose weight!
  25. The Doommer

    Do not install Windows 10 KB5034441 Update!

    Oh shit I encrypted my External Hard Drive with that