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About Beed28

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  1. Beed28

    Drake O'Brien passed away.

    It's the final area of MAP21
  2. Beed28

    Drake O'Brien passed away.

    Oh geez... TNT Evilution was probably the first time I've ever seen Doom (having previously played around with Duke 3D, and possibly with that Doom95 port that I somehow remember), and I definitely have some fond memories of his maps more than most others, especially MAP20's huge spiraling outdoor cliffs and MAP27's titular mountain and "Disaster Area". Rest in peace, Drake.
  3. Beed28

    dsda-doom v0.28.0 [2024-08-10]

    I have some bug reports. First a pretty big bug with multiple skies; when freelook is turned on and when using the OpenGL renderer only. Only one sky seems to be shown at time, and seems to switch depending on where you look and where you're positioned. It's best seen in Eviternity II's credits map, in the central room: My other bug report is the FULLCLIP cheat doesn't seem to work in Heretic. (Speaking of which? Should it be allowed to be typed in the traditional way instead of just only being through the console? (FLY and NOTARGET can be typed in the traditional way))
  4. Beed28

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    On a somewhat related note; more cheats being added would be awesome. I would absolutely love an infinite ammo cheat at some point!
  5. Beed28

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    I have been wondering that. The Unity port had access to a few of them through the options menu, but that no longer seems to be the case.
  6. Beed28

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    Just wondering, @Edward850; how feasible would it be to get a rewind feature (like the one in DSDA-Doom) working? I would love to have something like that in an official port (though I'm not sure if it would be feasible on say the Switch).
  7. Beed28

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    This was an unexpected surprise. After a quick run of E1M1 on the Switch, two things I would love to see in the future: * A rewind feature or keybind, similar to the one from DSDA-Doom? Not sure how well it'll cope on the Switch though. * An infinite ammo cheat or difficulty modifier? I often like to play around with infinite ammo settings.
  8. Should probably be it. I assume we had to also add deathmatch starts too so... HereticRememberedE3M8.zip
  9. Gonna take E3M8! Been a long while since I last played Heretic, and I believe the final boss level should be easy enough level for me to remake.
  10. A small silly vanilla DeHackEd gameplay mod where almost all weapons and ammo are removed and your default weapon (slot 2) is replaced with a unique BFG with unlimited ammo. This BFG instantly shoots instead of winding-up first and has a slightly higher firing rate, but the main shot will *only* release BFG rays once it travels a certain distance and not when it hits something. Small energy cells remain (which actually replaces large energy cell spawns), as rumours state that a certain upgrade (which goes in slot 6, except in GZDoom where it's slot 7 instead) requires cells to fire... You'll still have a pistol (in slot 1) though, so you can still shoot shootable switches. Romero's Head has also had its height drastically raised (albeit also with buffed health) so you should be able to beat most Icon of Sin maps too. Should work with most map packs, for most part, but there's no guarantee that it'll work with total conversions or even certain maps. For example, Speed of Doom's MAP16 can't be completed without cheats due to relying on splash damage to detonate barrels at the end. It'll work on Eviternity II, but at the time of writing, *only* on DSDA-Doom. For GZDoom, it won't work if the player's arsenal gets replaced through Decorate or ZScript (like in MyHouse.pk3 or Eviternity II), and you'll need to use a dev build at the time of writing or else the slot 1 pistol will break. Last but not least, you *may* adapt this for your own maps or weapon packs; just be sure to give me credit! Otherwise, have fun! :D Screenshots (not that it'll show much but): Download: bfgminus_v1.0.zip
  11. Beed28

    [RC4.1] Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition

    Another thing I found! The Nightmare!/Super Slimy skill confirmation isn't changed; I'm pretty sure Chex Quest changed it to something like "Careful, this will be tough". I'm pretty sure DeHackEd can edit this string anyway. The quit messages are also unchanged, but I don't think DeHackEd can edit those (other than taking out the randomized string I think)
  12. Beed28

    [RC4.1] Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition

    Giving it a quick test run; it's amazing that this was ported to vanilla, though so far I've found that enemy "corpses" become these test beakers (the gib pool replacement if I'm not mistaken) if crushed beneath a door.
  13. Beed28

    Reflections and Aspirations: MBF21 in 2024

    This would be neat too. I tried making a railgun weapon for a weapons mod of mine a while back, and the end result was a bit "eeehh". With a proper railgun attack I'll be able to revamp it to be a true railgun weapon. ---- On another note, another weapon in my pack was originally going to have a secondary projectile that would only fire off as long as the player had 200 health (yay Master Sword references), but then found out A_JumpIfHealthBelow doesn't work with weapons so it had to become a charge-up attack instead.
  14. Beed28

    dsda-doom v0.27.5 [2023-12-03]

    That worked! But for most part, I had to edit DSDAHUD itself however; for some reason "-hud hud.cfg" just wasn't working (even tested this hud to see if I was doing something wrong and it didn't work either, and on the latest version of v0.27.5). It's great that there is some way to zoom out, at least!
  15. Beed28

    dsda-doom v0.27.5 [2023-12-03]

    Heya! Just asking; is it possible to zoom in/out the minimap display (the small map display, not the fullscreen automap)? On a few cases I would like to be able to zoom it out a little bit.