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Everything posted by spd7693

  1. spd7693

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    @Altima's other favorite gaming franchise.
  2. spd7693

    Things about Doom you just found out

    Hm... Complevel 2 doesn't have that. I believe it's on complevel 9 when that happens. In map 16 of MM2 there is such a sector. I pressed on its lift side when the door side was open. The lift didn't activate before the door closed. Not sure if it can be done vice versa though. https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/57270-things-about-doom-you-just-found-out/?page=227&tab=comments#comment-1920074 Here it is. The one in MM2 map 4 was a bit of weird though, because it didn't occur when I was shooting, but when I was trying to jump to the secret in the blood river. So it shouldn't be a blockmap bug, may have been an intercept overflow error?
  3. spd7693

    Things about Doom you just found out

    Memento Mori 2, map 14: In the room with the elevators and the teleporter to the red key you need to ride those elevators to shoot at the two switches that open up the stairs to the teleporter. If you take the lift on the right of the stairs you enter the room from, you shoot the switch on the opposite side. It opens a bigger gap than its counterpart. Interesting thing is is that you can glide through this gap. As shown on the screenshot, I'm on the inside already. I like first opening only this gap, punching the demons and then opening the other one. Well... I performed this glide while punching the demons. Also, earlier I spoke about a potential all ghosts bug in the first MM. Actually it's a blockmap noclip bug. It activates if you shoot at the corner next to the teleporter you come from from a very specific spot.
  4. spd7693

    Things about Doom you just found out

    So if you have this thing used - which is a trick that appears a lot of times on custom wads too - you always risk breaking the map or you only risk breaking it on the DOS EXE? I think source ports "fix" this issue.
  5. spd7693

    Things about Doom you just found out

    The Temple Of Darkness - Plutonia map 25 - has no arch-viles. The only three other maps that have none in the wad are Well Of Souls, Caged and Baron's Lair.
  6. spd7693

    Dealing with being rusty

    I was forced into a 6-month break from the game. Both due to college and because doing my Bachelor's work alone ate three hard drives. One of them unfortunately was the one I had Doom installed on. Fortunately, I had kept the iwads in a removable device I knew where it always is. All was easy from there - download the source ports, download pwads etc... However... Seems like either my new copy of Windows behaves differently... Or I'm rusty. Suddenly I started being unable to make moves I never had problems with. I even can't stop falling in the inescapable pit in Doom 2 map 6. The one on the way to the Red Key. I had never fallen in there before. Not to mention dying in maps I used to stomp before like Spawning Vats and Pandemonium. The only thing that gives me hopes I have not lost my skills is that I still can play at high speed on Ultra-Violence. I know with some more practice my skills will return soon, but there are a few other things I feel need to change. I decided to go for GLBoom+ version in difference from my old It feels like a completely different port! For instance, I set GLBoom+ the same way I was used to it being set. But something doesn't work right: I didn't understand mouse buttons were flipped and had to use the keyboard a lot more often. In MB 2 was the right button, MB 3 was the middle. They were flipped. Since I'm used to using the middle button for running, that was a bit confusing. Strafing felt weird. For some reason I can't really strafe using my mouse. The sensitivity settings are like the old, but the mouse feels both too responsive at times and too unresponsive at times. Speaking of the latter, the mouse movement feels a lot faster than in the previous version and if my hand twitches once, I fall in an unescapable pit. Is it all because of the long break or should I tweak my settings a bit? Of course, I also conaider playing at a low difficulty while I can come back, but I'm so used to playing the iwads on UV I even find them harder on HMP. How do you guys deal with beibg rusty and getting back to the game? Should I also change my settings too?
  7. spd7693

    Dealing with being rusty

    I wanna know one thing. Will I ever stop dying at every map in Plutonia? Furthermore, most times I die and get it from pistol start first time. How can I explain this? Except the fact I'm playing it for only 5th time.
  8. spd7693

    Things about Doom you just found out

    A few discoveries on Mount Pain: 1. You actually can save a lot of the health items for when you actually need them. Since the only big health item on the map is one solitary berserk pack, you have to save quite a lot of stimpacks and medikits. You just have to memorize what to take immediately, because you most likely won't come back - too long damaging floor traverse - and which you can save for later when you need a lot of health. The berserk pack also can be saved since the time on the rad suit in the last area is enough not only to take you to it... But also to take you back to that part! 2. You actually don't need the green armor from the arachnotrons that early since you face very few hitscanners between that place and the Disaster Area. And you anyways get a green armor there. Considering the way you can easily dodge imp fireballs, it basically is no problem. 3. The final door actually requires the yellow key! The key policy is the worst thing in this map alongside the health policy. In order to get to the red key you have to open a trap. The red door is unmarked. In order to get to the blue key you have to open a trap. The blue door is unmarked. And the exit is basically a trap that opens when you get the yellow key. And the final door is yellow and unmarked. Well... I'd say the player should be able to see the locked doors before seeing the keys. Maybe even all locked doors before seeing the first key.
  9. Just as I am replaying the wad on my journey to come back on track. I wanted to first complete Final Doom and the Master Levels before going back to the pwads. Definitely I am the weirdest one here. It's Habitat. For some reason I simply can't bring myself to dislike that map at all. It could be said this map is so bad that it's good. Well... I believe it simply was included in the wad unfinished, like a few more levels feel. I just love it. I anyways go everyehere on a map and let's face it - which other map has doors that open this way? No one! Also, at some point when I studied civil engineering my speciality was sewer design, so I actually was feeling at home on this mao. Maybe also the fact most people hate this map also attracted me to it. This level has an identity. It's not a Doom 2 map on steroids. Oh yeah, same is the reason TEETH is my favorite of the Master Levels. Because it has an identity. All the other Master Levels are Doom 2 maps on steroids.
  10. spd7693

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    Yeah. I figured lol.
  11. spd7693

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    Lock'n'load! Rip and tear!
  12. Yes, but if imps fly, mancubi shoot cyberdemon rockets and spectres survive a single rocket, sorry, but this is not Doom anymore. If you race in NASCAR, you don't race with a motorcycle! If you play lacrosse, you don't play with a hockey puck! And you don't play football with 15 people per team. Let alone baseball. If you understand it better that way, that's how I view it all. I like it classic. And I think as classic it still has its place on the shelves. Don't fix what ain't broken.
  13. Well, yeah, flipping a crusher that would end the level or making a sorta shootable "switch" and posing it as a fake wall as there is a Romero's head behind it, that is a cool thing, but for more creative exits. The rest is redundant. Same as any new types of monsters. Making a different type of a monster makes the game not be Doom and feel more like Quake or Star Wars Dark Forces or Duke Nukem. Doom is Doom. What is not created by John Romero and John Carmack, except maps, textures and other things that are just for artistic purposes, doesn't belong in this game to me.
  14. I'd say we don't fill them at all. Don't fix what ain't broken. I actually don't really like other monsters than the ones that appear in the Doom 2 ending cast. I even never use Nazis and Commander Keens. I view them as created for two specific maps only and they should remain there only. That's it. And the only Icon Of Sin/Romero Head must be in map 30. Period. Doom is a game good enough without anything extra. Don't fix what ain't broken.
  15. spd7693

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    I didn't know Doomguy's armor and suit allow him to survive in outer space. Phobos and Deimos have some gravity at least.
  16. spd7693

    Dealing with being rusty

    Not only that, but also in normal circumstances. Still my hand isn't used to navigating those ledges and BTW before I resumed playing again, I hadn't played Doom and Doom 2 for 3 years. Only Pwads.
  17. spd7693

    Dealing with being rusty

    Well... Seems like I was happy until now. Damn those ledges in The Chasm! DAMN! If I use running, I overshoot my run, miss the ledge and fall. If I don't, I don't get far enough and fall... I never liked that level anyways - which turned out to unlock the Map 24 curse over me. If only I could skip this awful level! If only... Well... Seems like I should either directly jump to Bloodfalls or? In the end I decided to just play Doom 2 after a few attempts to beat my longest deathless run on UV - it's been Catacombs so far, but maybe when I try next time I'll actually try and save the megasphere in Nirvana; that move turned out to be a great idea. Pistol starting a few maps, but I didn't care, now I feel like I beat Inmost Dens easier than before. All until The Chasm when I simply never seemed to navigate those ledges correctly.
  18. spd7693

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    What sort of machinery is that? Ha-ha! The quote "What the Hell is that? Looks like the ground there's alive!" is also referenced to in the wad I'm making. It's the words the story between Map 20 and Map 21 begins with. I also use a few tunes from Star Craft, both 1 and 2.
  19. spd7693

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    "This is Jimmy." "Hey, quit it!" "Sounds fun!" "Oh, yeah!" "This should be good." "What the hell is that? Looks like the ground there's alive!" My favorite video game character!
  20. spd7693

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    Lost soul made of metal.
  21. Well, simply beat the map then. The map with worst ammo balance EVER. What was Anthony Czerwonka thinking of when making such a map except the textures he created? Textures don't matter if your map is unplayable.