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About Jaska

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  1. Some do, some doesn't, but yes. That's ok. I had a faint idea of the city being "normal" at first with cozy streets etc, but it would have took just so much effort and couldn't figure out good gameplay around it. Some random quests? More story? After all it propably would have been only just more confusing. Yeah, boneymans reactions are inhuman and it's inconsistent. I think I changed the dialog but maybe I just forgot the whole thing. I had in mind to remove the coughing but whose coughing is healed that fast anyway,heh. It just means helping warms your heart, nothing more there to it. Like taking his coins gives black hearts. Yes, will be changing that on future.
  2. Thanks! No, haven't played it, should check it. Glad to hear! I'll keep that in mind. I really should have done some sort of limited playtesting to this. It was supposed to be a little confusing.. not too much. Black hearts represent negative things, sadness, loss etc. So you suddenly are left alone, something has happened and it's up to your imagination what exactly happened. Some amount of suffering can't be avoided. If you absorb all of the suffering it can even kill you. There is supposed to be many metaphorical meanings for things. Have you lost your mind with the loss? Is it just a dream? Also burnt out of work? Feeling unfair? Feeling the world outside is cold, gray, uninspiring, dystopic.. Sidequests are just optional and kinda reward attention and exploration. It all could have been expressed better to the player, yeah. So you are planning to go a vacation with your loved one.. Something bad happens you are hurt.. You still go to a vacation now alone, the world feels desolated, there is no one there you could enjoy with it. Another layer is the corporate dystopian world where workforce is paid ridiculously low, there are monsters who just want to drag you down. Political propaganda on TV, brutalist dull architecture, violence. There is or isn't even references to the "They live"-movie. Yeah, that is kinda bad design. It's difficult to do, maybe you just couldn't use items which are for trade/sidequests. Bottle is a bit of a tricky find. But it's optional. You can think many things of the mirror scene. Is is you which has turned into "monster". Why is there monster in the mirror anyway? It was hilarious to me the monster could punch you! The friendly monster could even fight with it (not reach however). As noted maybe this could have been on different title. But maybe now I can continue the theme of "doing anything". And if "lost civ 1" would had been on GZDoom it would have been different. No, it was kinda test which ended to dead end. It's in the chest in the apartment.. Yeah, you cant go back to it. It was meant to be "in to your face" type thing. Harsh transition. "What is going on". Maybe items should just have one purpose. But it's kinda fun you don't know on what to use items for. You could miss opportunities for misusage. But yeah it is just frustrating and you begin not to use any items because you fear of misusing them. Yes, there are references to our reality how we are losing.
  3. At the moment no, but have to check out if there was some scenes which could be used.
  4. I'm glad to hear :) Why I didn't continue it? Well I was kind a stuck with the overall vision and then got some mixed / even negative feedback and just went with something completely different. And some themes /ideas just need very different approach. "Had to get them out" For the new one, whatever it will be... I have so many elements on the table so there is a little struggle again how to put everything together. It would be kind a easy way to cut everything down what contradicts to the whole. But do I care if it is cohesive and fully polished, propably not.
  5. Jaska

    I Can't Get Excited About (AAA) Games Anymore

    Funnily enough there may be a mod that references some kind of corporation related thigyie's.
  6. Jaska

    Doom Pictures Thread 2024

    Thanks, nice to hear! Yes, I'm working on something but it's sloow. I'll keep that in mind!
  7. Jaska

    Doom Pictures Thread 2024

    More nature.
  8. Jaska

    RK Photo Tex

    Yeah, I'm still using the older one! It's great! Have to check out this too.
  9. Jaska

    Need your thoughts on System Shock 1994

    It was mind blowing. Atmosphere was incredible. I was young back then so it was hard, confusing at times, didn't know what to do, controls were difficult.. But I loved it. I think I somehow even finished it. It felt you could do "anything". You always could find new cool stuff. It was very fun to explore. Those are my memories. Maybe I should really check the remakes. it kinda irritates me when someone says it's "doom-clone".. Wasn't it in development way before doom came. And it's a whole different thing anyway. GZDoom system shock? Wouldn't that be great?
  10. Thanks for the kind words :-) Actually I did continue the series: It's a bit different experience as I went experimenting even more. And I'm back to building something even more! Office: Watts this Back to forest?
  11. Jaska

    Doom Pictures Thread 2024

    Back to work? Or ...
  12. Jaska

    Share Your Sprites!

    This has many cool rocks: "HeXen / Heretic - Ultimate decoration pack" https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=66784
  13. Thanks for the feedback! Nice you liked it :-) I've already worked a little on "something". Progress is very slow and I have no idea what it will become.
  14. If it's AI, yeah, propably good to mention it. But so what? Who cares how textures are made? What if those were made using other procedural tools?
  15. I like to have lots of resources to play with.. but this much just seems too much? If I used 1 second per texture scrolling through it would take 10 hours! Loading up the pack took editors mem. usage somewhere around 5 gigs. I'm already cutting down textures on my project because it has way too much of em (13k).. But I looked this pack and there are many cool textures what I could use! Congrats for massive release. I can't even comprehend how you have managed and created this amount of textures.