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Everything posted by Mordeth

  1. Addendum: please don't request password resets unless absolutely necessary. The sheer bulk of password reset emails made Microsoft flag my account as 'potential spam'. Twice.
  2. It seems that the last couple of days several new users are not getting their verification emails. Changing email and/or resending the verification does not seem to help; nor does there seem to be a pattern in this. If you're having this issue and it doesn't resolve itself within a day or two, please PM me (Mordeth) to look into this and have you approved manually. Mention your username and registered email. I have the same username on Reddit; dw_mordeth on Discord.
  3. Mordeth

    First map

    I've removed your link: it contains both doom.wad and doom2.wad. Do not distribute commercial iwads here. Please reupload with just your own work.
  4. Try build a regular vanilla 3D bridge first and see if that works. Only then, when you grasp the concept, attempt more advanced tricks using the same principle. If I had to guess, you've connected vertices that should not be connected. For a working example, there's Requiem Map13.
  5. Mordeth

    Doom - Fixed

    Do no distribute modified iwad levels here. I've had to remove your link for this.
  6. Mordeth

    Eternity Engine Minor Feature Wishlist

    Keep in mind that you need to set the flat scaling on each individually placed sector. For HD texture packs it would be much better if that was a general option for specified textures instead of having to do this in the map itself. Even with spawning monsters you can achieve the correct endscreen tally by not using Spawn, but by putting those monsters in a dummy sector and using SetActorPosition to 'spawn' them to their in-game position. Seems a bit silly to ask devs to read the mind of a random mapper whether or not a new spawn should count or not, when you already have the tools as a mapper to achieve this. Ditto for items with the 'countitem' flag. When you want to replace such an item remove its 'countitem' flag first. Introducing a secret sector is done by making a dummy sector secret first, and later transferring this property to the intended sector in-game by the Boom property transfer trigger. This works for all boom compatible ports, except GZDoom.
  7. Pretty sure that only moves the sprite, not the point of origin..?
  8. Mordeth

    grungo Q&A - ask grungo anything

    Going to close this thread, because I don't think this goes anywhere nice nor productive anymore. Strictly speaking, having multiple accounts here is not allowed. Especially when caught trying to sockpuppet or attempting to evade (temp) bans. Otherwise I don't really care if someone wants to make a fresh start here for whatever reason. Unless I start to get more and more reports commenting on the same'ish behaviour that promped making a new account and my patience finally wears out.
  9. Mordeth

    grungo Q&A - ask grungo anything

    IP matches.
  10. Mordeth

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    Going a bit offtopic, but: I used to have a short invisible object in the wall on a (hidden) conveyor, that was prevented by travelling by being stuck on a in-world barrel. Destroying the barrel would release this object to travel over the conveyor and trigger actions (such as moving floors/ceilings) etc. It does require sacrificing a thingtype when aiming for ports with only dehacked support. And for best result the barrel ought to spawn a seperate explosion thing in order to make it look good (because the object becomes unstuck only at the last frame of the barrel's death sequence). And that makes it quite expensive in thingtype real estate.
  11. Mordeth

    2-Way Lifts in UDB

    Open UDB. File > Open Map. Browse to your Doom folder and select doom.wad. You'll then be presented with a popup window asking you to pick a map and game configuration. Pick your desired configuration (eg 'Doom: doom (doom format)') and click your map (in your case E1M2). And voila, you can edit that map. If you want a configuration other than 'doom format', you need to open the map in doom format first and convert it later to your desired format. This doesn't always go fully automatic, especially to UDMF format.
  12. Mordeth

    Does anyone still use dosbox?

    I'm running Dosbox regulary for ancient (doom) tools I'm still using.
  13. Mordeth

    2-Way Lifts in UDB

    To learn this kind of basic stuff, you open a regular vanilla level in UDB and see how it's done. There's also thirty years worth of tutorials available online, easily found with a simple Google search. So what exactly has you stumped here?
  14. Mordeth

    Wall texture used as ceiling texture does sometimes not work.

    Wall textures used as flats in EE still need to have appropriate dimensions. Using a 16x128 wall texture as floor works; a 128x16 one does not. Yes, that kinda sucks.
  15. Sure, there's the ACS function Teleport_NewMap.
  16. Mordeth

    Door Design Discussion

    No, you just did that.
  17. Mordeth

    Door Design Discussion

    The Door Problem
  18. We do know. And if this was easy to fix, it would have been. There is some activity on this front but best not to divulge at this point.
  19. Last thread: To upload without using attachment space you can upload pictures to https://imgur.com or short videos to https://gfycat.com.
  20. Mordeth

    how do i change my password here

    If you don't get the verification email you should contact me.
  21. Mordeth

    2023 Cacowards

    This is me, every year :)
  22. Mordeth

    2023 Cacowards

    Removed a post complaining about banned peeps not being allowed to participate anymore. No more derailing of this thread.
  23. Mordeth

    Share Your Sprites!

    The beta lost souls are also present in WAD form for those source ports that have beta emulation, eg Eternity Engine. You can find the sprites in the base\doom\eternity.pke file, which I guess is a bit more convenient that doing the work yourself.
  24. Mordeth

    2023 Cacowards

    Happy 30th anniversary everyone! Congratulations to all the winners and runner-ups of this year's Cacowards, and a massive thanks to the team that made it all happen!
  25. Mordeth

    Why was I banned

    You used an IP range banned due to mass spam waves. Your account is not banned.