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Sick Bow

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Status Replies posted by Sick Bow

  1. Because I sure as hell do. Everytime I see a new member make an account, I like to stalk what ever I can find about them, but then, I feel like just randomly messaging them, like oh, hey joe, how are you today?

    Do you ever feel like doing that?

    1. Sick Bow

      Sick Bow

      mistercow said:

      PM me all your weird shit

      Me three.

    2. (See 42 other replies to this status update)

  2. so, me and my mom aren't on the best of terms, so...yeah. and she's asked a couple of times if i'm gay, which really worries me because I'M NOT. to make it worse, she's fairly conservative, so that reeeally doesn't help.

    so, here's the reasons she's laid out of why she suspects i'm gay:

    1.) i have long hair

    2.) i'm not interested in getting into a relationship (because i don't wanna go through the same thing my mom and dad went through)

    3.) i have a few gay friends

    4.) she saw me watching brandon rogers, she says that everyone in the video is gay

    i guess my friend jayce has the same problem, his parents thinks he's gay, when he's very obviously not.

    sooo...uhh...wtf do i do?

    1. Sick Bow

      Sick Bow

      Honestly, without having read the other replies; who cares what she thinks? She should love you the same regardless, and if you're not gay then why worry?

    2. (See 42 other replies to this status update)

  3. Because I sure as hell do. Everytime I see a new member make an account, I like to stalk what ever I can find about them, but then, I feel like just randomly messaging them, like oh, hey joe, how are you today?

    Do you ever feel like doing that?

    1. Sick Bow

      Sick Bow

      Just go for it. In the past, I've made some of my best online buddies by just spontaneously striking up a private conversation.

    2. (See 42 other replies to this status update)

  4. Hi, I am putting together a playlist for work. The goal is to add as many songs as possible (I'd like to get to 300 soon). I work with special needs people and I guess I am looking for feel good/pretty songs, folksy songs or songs that aren't too poppy, edgy or loud. For example some songs I've added so far are:

    Over the Rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole
    Perfect Day by Lou Reed
    We Shall Overcome, Little Boxes,If I had a hammer, Turn, Turn, Turn & Where have all the Flowers gone? by Pete Seeger
    Old Dan Tucker by Bruce Springsteen (on Seeger Sessions album)
    Secret Garden & Streets of Philadelphia by Bruce Springsteen
    This Land is your Land cover by Bruce Springsteen
    Hero by Family of the Year
    Fast Car and other favorites by Tracy Chapman
    Hey Jack Kerouac and I hope I don't fall in love with you by 10,000 Maniacs
    Thick as Thieves and other favorites by Natalie Merchant (mostly Ophelia album)
    Cecilia, Bridge over Troubled Water, Sound of Silence by Simon & Garfunkel
    Change of Time by Josh Ritter
    Dreams by the Cranberries
    The Space Between by Dave Matthews Band
    Wish List by Pearl Jam
    Send me on my way by Rusted Root
    Run by Snow Patrol
    Morning has Broken and other favorites by Cat Stephens
    To Ramona by Bob Dylan
    Fix You & The Scientist by Coldplay
    Fighter Girl by Mason Jennings
    Slow and Steady by Of Monsters and Men
    One of these things first and Pink Moon by Nick Drake
    Tis a gift to be simple by Penny Rodriguez
    I found a way by First Aid Kit
    Bad Moon Rising by Clearance Clearwater Revival (any other good songs by them?)
    Hallelujah cover by Tori Kelly

    New songs and oldies are welcome as the age range at my work is 18 to 74. I guess I prefer discovering new music to older music, but you can see some of the older artists I have a soft spot for and the sort of sound I like and theme I'm going for. I guess I'm also trying to avoid megahits such as Piano Man and American Pie (though they have the kind of sound I like).

    I realize this is ...erm.. pretty much the wrong forum to be asking for musical advice of this ilk, but I know not everyone on here listens to doom-esque music, and for some reason I feel most comfortable posting here of any place (prolly something to do with the subject of the site and the fact that I've been posting here since 2000).

    BTW, (unrelated to my list) I haven't really listened to Leonard Cohen's final (timely?) album, but I am listening to it right now. The arc of his voice over his career combined with the quality of his songwriting; how he is not considered one of the greatest artists of the era? I don't disagree with Bob Dylan getting the Nobel Prize for Literature, but surely Leonard Cohen is in the same company as Dylan? Never understood why L. Cohen isn't more popular or celebrated. This album is more haunting than Johnny Cash's "Hurt". I think it is safe to say it is the most haunting album I've heard.

    It's as if all the wisdom of the world was contained in his voice and slowly revealed over the course of his life. Unlike other great artists, his final album was a perfect capstone to the profoundest legacy; as if he knew it was going to be his last album.

    1. Sick Bow

      Sick Bow

      bzzrak said:

      Never thought I'd see this in 2017, dude don't we have torrents, proxies and stuff?

      I meant the YouTube video

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. My brother in USA wants to send us some presents. We can request what we want on Amazon. Is there anything in particular you guys would recommend? Like maybe some unique cookies that aren't sold elsewhere or whatever? Suggestions are very welcome.

    1. Sick Bow

      Sick Bow

      Siracha sauce, BBQ, Whataburger, A1 Sauce, some NTSC games.

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  6. Just post what you're listening to:
    Biosphere - Bose-Einstein condensation

    1. Sick Bow

      Sick Bow

      MrGlide said:

      after seeing bevis and butthead, had to post this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSCEVf9RwIE

      Mike Judge is a God dammed national treasure. As a Texan that grew up around the implied area of KOTH, and with a small town full of people that fit all of MJ's characters, I have a special place in my heart for B&BH and KOTH. I leave you with the third greatest fan music video of all time.

    2. (See 7916 other replies to this status update)

  7. ....hurtling through time and space at 66,000 miles an hour. Tethered to a burning sphere by an invisible force in an unfathomable universe.

    Where does the time go? Well I had a little get together with the family, it was a pleasant time. Got some movies and music for gifts, it was nice. Just felt like sharing this.

    1. Sick Bow

      Sick Bow

      Ah, that's right. My only experience with his movies were Tool fan-made music videos. I never watch much movies as a kid, so I have been doing a ton of catching up. Just watched The Wall and Fight Club myself. Beautiful quote, by the way. Always be learning my friend.

      Pure Hellspawn said:

      i'm surprised nobody mentioned you have played a megawad

      Took me longer than it should've. 32. Get it?

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  8. I started counting calories today because I'm getting a gut. I'm 195lbs at 6' but I feel like I should be at 170 at the most. Two cake donuts 600 calories. One can of mountain dew 170 calories. Chips and cheese sauce 200 calories. I'm up to 2,100 or so today. Fuck!

    Anyway, my mile took 10:22. I used to do it in 6:40. Fuck.

    1. Sick Bow

      Sick Bow

      everennui said:

      I started counting calories today because I'm getting a gut. I'm 195lbs at 6' but I feel like I should be at 170 at the most. Two cake donuts 600 calories. One can of mountain dew 170 calories. Chips and cheese sauce 200 calories. I'm up to 2,100 or so today. Fuck!

      Anyway, my mile took 10:22. I used to do it in 6:40. Fuck.

      As a veteran, I hear you. I've just started running again and I'm so disappointed in my times, but it always gets better. Keep at it. I'm 6'2" and 220lbs, so I am in the same boat. Beer is the biggest fastener in my diet. Wake up, do some PU/SUs, and you will feel like a new man.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. Just post what you're listening to:
    Biosphere - Bose-Einstein condensation

  10. Hi, I am putting together a playlist for work. The goal is to add as many songs as possible (I'd like to get to 300 soon). I work with special needs people and I guess I am looking for feel good/pretty songs, folksy songs or songs that aren't too poppy, edgy or loud. For example some songs I've added so far are:

    Over the Rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole
    Perfect Day by Lou Reed
    We Shall Overcome, Little Boxes,If I had a hammer, Turn, Turn, Turn & Where have all the Flowers gone? by Pete Seeger
    Old Dan Tucker by Bruce Springsteen (on Seeger Sessions album)
    Secret Garden & Streets of Philadelphia by Bruce Springsteen
    This Land is your Land cover by Bruce Springsteen
    Hero by Family of the Year
    Fast Car and other favorites by Tracy Chapman
    Hey Jack Kerouac and I hope I don't fall in love with you by 10,000 Maniacs
    Thick as Thieves and other favorites by Natalie Merchant (mostly Ophelia album)
    Cecilia, Bridge over Troubled Water, Sound of Silence by Simon & Garfunkel
    Change of Time by Josh Ritter
    Dreams by the Cranberries
    The Space Between by Dave Matthews Band
    Wish List by Pearl Jam
    Send me on my way by Rusted Root
    Run by Snow Patrol
    Morning has Broken and other favorites by Cat Stephens
    To Ramona by Bob Dylan
    Fix You & The Scientist by Coldplay
    Fighter Girl by Mason Jennings
    Slow and Steady by Of Monsters and Men
    One of these things first and Pink Moon by Nick Drake
    Tis a gift to be simple by Penny Rodriguez
    I found a way by First Aid Kit
    Bad Moon Rising by Clearance Clearwater Revival (any other good songs by them?)
    Hallelujah cover by Tori Kelly

    New songs and oldies are welcome as the age range at my work is 18 to 74. I guess I prefer discovering new music to older music, but you can see some of the older artists I have a soft spot for and the sort of sound I like and theme I'm going for. I guess I'm also trying to avoid megahits such as Piano Man and American Pie (though they have the kind of sound I like).

    I realize this is ...erm.. pretty much the wrong forum to be asking for musical advice of this ilk, but I know not everyone on here listens to doom-esque music, and for some reason I feel most comfortable posting here of any place (prolly something to do with the subject of the site and the fact that I've been posting here since 2000).

    BTW, (unrelated to my list) I haven't really listened to Leonard Cohen's final (timely?) album, but I am listening to it right now. The arc of his voice over his career combined with the quality of his songwriting; how he is not considered one of the greatest artists of the era? I don't disagree with Bob Dylan getting the Nobel Prize for Literature, but surely Leonard Cohen is in the same company as Dylan? Never understood why L. Cohen isn't more popular or celebrated. This album is more haunting than Johnny Cash's "Hurt". I think it is safe to say it is the most haunting album I've heard.

    It's as if all the wisdom of the world was contained in his voice and slowly revealed over the course of his life. Unlike other great artists, his final album was a perfect capstone to the profoundest legacy; as if he knew it was going to be his last album.

    1. Sick Bow

      Sick Bow

      Soundgarden - Burden in my Hand
      Led Zeppelin - Ramble On
      The Cars - Just What I Needed
      Rush - The Trees

      Just some from what I listen to. I mostly stick with some heavy metal and classic rock. These will work I hope.

      Eris Falling said:

      This maybe?

      Not avaliable in America.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  11. ....hurtling through time and space at 66,000 miles an hour. Tethered to a burning sphere by an invisible force in an unfathomable universe.

    Where does the time go? Well I had a little get together with the family, it was a pleasant time. Got some movies and music for gifts, it was nice. Just felt like sharing this.

    1. Sick Bow

      Sick Bow

      Piper Maru said:

      I'm super old and wise.

      Is your avatar from Pan's Labryinth? Maybe I'm confused. Any who, congrats on being nine years older than me, and also thirty times more mature. I enjoy your posts, more than most people. What knowledge would you give a mere 23 year old? Also I had to think hard to remember my age, does that get any easier later in life?

      NIN had been around since before I was born. I love PHM, and I actually have the cassette right here!

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  12. So get this, on Xbox live there is a "Doom Community" group where Xbox players who are either part of this community or just fans of the game series/classic FPS games can chat, share clips, play games ect...

    Anyway, I'm an admin there out of some miracle and now I get to play god to the antfarm, now I'm not gonna lie I am already having to enforce order there as some people seem to be unable to comprehend the simple rules of no; backseat moderation, being a dick, harassment and my personal favorite, keeping the content fucking relevant. I've been an admin there since the thing was 250ish members (now about 1212 members) and have dealt with many an issue, have yet to ban anyone though (although I came close to it when a guy unironically said he wanted to fuck MLP characters).

    But whatever, if anybody on here that is also on Xbox turns up there who happens to read this, say hi and try not to be a dick as The Evilution is watching you.

    1. Sick Bow

      Sick Bow

      zap610 said:

      It's all fun and games until it takes a chunk of your life. I used to admin Zan (I think? Not sure how that happened) and I had to quit due to the commitment of college. It takes a special personality to do it, I haven't looked back.

      Similar story for me, but with a large DayZ / Arma group. Couldn't even hardly have friends in the group by the end, and it turned into a second, unpaid career. I was in the military at the time, and it took more effort to help run the group than it did to be a real soldier lol.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. Just post what you're listening to:
    Biosphere - Bose-Einstein condensation

    1. Sick Bow

      Sick Bow

      Absolutely love this song. Best buildup in a LZ song, in my opinion:

      rdwpa said:

      I'm also finally appreciating Ticks & Leeches. I never liked it that much back when I listened to this sort of music a lot, but the drums are so cool.

      As a drummer with a couple of Tool tattoos, I'll concede that I know what you mean. I cannot possibly wait any longer for the new album. My favorite song would have to either be 46&2, or Wings for Marie.

    2. (See 7916 other replies to this status update)

  14. Spent whole evening polishing it. Maybe fun to look at.

    1. Sick Bow

      Sick Bow

      RUSH said:

      Needs more poop.

      Bowels are supposed to contain poop.


    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  15. I drink too much. Probably, on average, about 8-16 fluid ounces daily. This isn't just something that comes out of a dripper, either. We're talking about shots from my espresso machine, moka pot or high-test coffee piled high in my pour over set up. You have to love the laxative qualities and the stimulation from the caffeine is great, even if you're a bit resistant to it like me.

    How much coffee do you drink and when did you last have some?

    1. Sick Bow

      Sick Bow

      Caffeine is the only chemical dependence that is publicly and socially okay to brag about.

      Edit: a word

    2. (See 46 other replies to this status update)

  16. Well I just hit two years with the love of my life and I know she wants something special for Valentines Day. I could go with Flowers or box of chocolates or maybe even a Valentines-based Steam Game but I was wondering if there are any ideas that I could pursue that I may have not considered.

    1. Sick Bow

      Sick Bow

      Cook for her, with a unique dessert. Nice shoe laces. External HDD. House shoes. What are her interests?

  17. Spent whole evening polishing it. Maybe fun to look at.

  18. I don't know how to feel about it but 30 is such a long time. I have decided to push for change in my life at this point and try to better myself from any past mistakes, I am also going to try to eat healthier whenever possible and try to reduce stress and depression by doing something more constructive with my life rather than just sit around on the computer all day. I may even try to get my license and a motorbike like I have been thinking of getting for a while now.

    1. Sick Bow

      Sick Bow

      Go for it! Think of yourself as wiser, and more handsome instead of older. Take this time to stop using tobacco or cut back on alcohol if you use as well.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  19. At 1:04pm today, my wife gave birth to our second child, and son, Owen Michael. He weighed in at 8lbs and 3oz and is 22 inches long. It was a long labor but he came out happy and healthy. We're really excited and wanted to share the good news. Seems to be as good a thing to blog about as any. :)

    1. Sick Bow

      Sick Bow

      geo said:

      That's quite an avatar you have for a thread about having a son now.

      Where do you think kids come from?

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  20. I guess that I'm neither mainstream nor hipster, but sorta anti-mainstream, because I have fairly strong preferences (or I want to think so - I'm 16, after all, maybe they will change) which hardly match the common ones, and therefore my own "mainstream" consists mostly of mappers (and, since recently, musicians) which are less than famous. Does that make most of my posts since a few months ago more understandable?

    1. Sick Bow

      Sick Bow

      If porn is boring then the desensitization of our youth is working brilliantly.

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  21. We have this girl in our class. Naturally attractive, everyone agrees. For about a year, that's all I ever think about. Her. Let's call her H.

    The other day, she sat beside me while chatting with one of her friends. I realised my heartbeat spiked, hands sweaty. Given my IRL nature, nobody could tell nor care.

    Looking back into the past, something feels off.
    Sometimes, she would sit beside me, take the notes written on the board and leave (same for me). Interestingly, she said "hi" a number of times in those occasions. There was no reason to greet me. Maybe out of niceness, sure, but in those situations it's basically unnecessary. I probably greeted her back too.

    From a psychological point-of-view, it makes no sense. Everyone knows I'm not the talking kind. Talk to me, I'll probably give a basic response and that's it. For IT stuff, I blabber on forever, but who wants hear that? Anyway, she absolutely, positively had no reason to get my attention. Guess it'll remain a mystery as to why she said it those times.

    Last year, during the exams, I would constantly pretend to look at the other students like if I'm bored (which is true), but in reality, I was just doing it to get glimpses of H. I succeeded, but then the invigilator changed my seat so that the invigilator could watch me throughout the whole week of the exams heh.

    I recently found out she has a FB account too. Hasn't been active for a year now, but nonetheless it exists. Now I find myself going to her profile page again and again. And now. I have 2 FB accouts: the public "friends with everyone i know or barely know" one and the new private one, consisting of "true" friends and interests. H befriended the public one a long time ago, when she was active. Recently i sent a request to my personal one as a friend too. You see what's going on here? I want her be one of my "true" friends. This speaks volumes of my obsession over her.

    About a year ago, me and a group of guys and gals were together chatting (naturally I barely talked). On of the girls mentions to me that H likes me. I responded with a "yeah right" and she said she wasn't kidding. She may or may have been joking, but then again, there was no reason to bring H into the chat. So why did she mention that fact/joke to me?

    2-3 years back, one of my friends mentions to me that H was looking at me one day, and he claims that it was because she liked me. I dismissed it because there clearly wasn't enough info to support his notion. But given I'm personality, I tend to take in every little bit of data around me into account. You can tell, because I remembered that 2-3 year conversation like yesterday.

    What I'm saying, I have been naturally attracted to her mainly because... She's naturally attractive. But in since last year, I fear it has become my obsession.

    I just want her out of my head, and at the same time I want think about her only lol.
    Boy, this sure became a big post. Thank you for reading this pointless rant/blog post.

    1. Sick Bow

      Sick Bow

      To emphasize what Fraggle said, and to mirror my own point, you can have a casual relationship with someone. It isn't going to fall in your lap. Nothing wrong with getting laid if it comes to that, and I think that would clear your head on a lot of these issues.

    2. (See 40 other replies to this status update)

  22. I drink too much. Probably, on average, about 8-16 fluid ounces daily. This isn't just something that comes out of a dripper, either. We're talking about shots from my espresso machine, moka pot or high-test coffee piled high in my pour over set up. You have to love the laxative qualities and the stimulation from the caffeine is great, even if you're a bit resistant to it like me.

    How much coffee do you drink and when did you last have some?

    1. Sick Bow

      Sick Bow

      None. Honestly I eat fruit in the morning, and have more than enough energy all day. I used to drink energy drinks when I was in the military, but in all honesty that was because everyone else was doing it.

    2. (See 46 other replies to this status update)

  23. We have this girl in our class. Naturally attractive, everyone agrees. For about a year, that's all I ever think about. Her. Let's call her H.

    The other day, she sat beside me while chatting with one of her friends. I realised my heartbeat spiked, hands sweaty. Given my IRL nature, nobody could tell nor care.

    Looking back into the past, something feels off.
    Sometimes, she would sit beside me, take the notes written on the board and leave (same for me). Interestingly, she said "hi" a number of times in those occasions. There was no reason to greet me. Maybe out of niceness, sure, but in those situations it's basically unnecessary. I probably greeted her back too.

    From a psychological point-of-view, it makes no sense. Everyone knows I'm not the talking kind. Talk to me, I'll probably give a basic response and that's it. For IT stuff, I blabber on forever, but who wants hear that? Anyway, she absolutely, positively had no reason to get my attention. Guess it'll remain a mystery as to why she said it those times.

    Last year, during the exams, I would constantly pretend to look at the other students like if I'm bored (which is true), but in reality, I was just doing it to get glimpses of H. I succeeded, but then the invigilator changed my seat so that the invigilator could watch me throughout the whole week of the exams heh.

    I recently found out she has a FB account too. Hasn't been active for a year now, but nonetheless it exists. Now I find myself going to her profile page again and again. And now. I have 2 FB accouts: the public "friends with everyone i know or barely know" one and the new private one, consisting of "true" friends and interests. H befriended the public one a long time ago, when she was active. Recently i sent a request to my personal one as a friend too. You see what's going on here? I want her be one of my "true" friends. This speaks volumes of my obsession over her.

    About a year ago, me and a group of guys and gals were together chatting (naturally I barely talked). On of the girls mentions to me that H likes me. I responded with a "yeah right" and she said she wasn't kidding. She may or may have been joking, but then again, there was no reason to bring H into the chat. So why did she mention that fact/joke to me?

    2-3 years back, one of my friends mentions to me that H was looking at me one day, and he claims that it was because she liked me. I dismissed it because there clearly wasn't enough info to support his notion. But given I'm personality, I tend to take in every little bit of data around me into account. You can tell, because I remembered that 2-3 year conversation like yesterday.

    What I'm saying, I have been naturally attracted to her mainly because... She's naturally attractive. But in since last year, I fear it has become my obsession.

    I just want her out of my head, and at the same time I want think about her only lol.
    Boy, this sure became a big post. Thank you for reading this pointless rant/blog post.

    1. Sick Bow

      Sick Bow

      Nobody is ever in the mood for a relationship, really, so I say get over it and ask her out. You can casually have a thing. Worst case you stop thinking about her, best case you get your thingy wet. Sounds like there isn't much there except you find her attractive. No loss no foul. Getting out of your shell will become a lifelong skill that is much easier to do now. Stop creeping her profile, though, that's not healthy for you dude.

    2. (See 40 other replies to this status update)

  24. This is a true fact I am stating right now.

    So apparently some people wear shoes in their house...and even their room? D:
    What kind of thing is that? I guess it's a cultural thing that ranges from country to country but here it's usually take your shoes off when you get in etc.
    It is a little cold though so maybe I will put some socks on...Hmmmmm

    1. Sick Bow

      Sick Bow

      RUSH said:

      Sex is better when you're wearing socks. This is a fact of science, and cannot be debated by any mere mortal.

      Source? Although i do typically wear socks all the time.

    2. (See 35 other replies to this status update)
