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Captain red pants

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Everything posted by Captain red pants

  1. Captain red pants

    I think there should be a Dune mod for Doom

    Where would doom's run and gun gameplay fit into dune as a franchise? I mean, I know one can do a lot with gzdoom these days but it's kind of established trope of the setting that you don't do a lot of shooting.
  2. Captain red pants

    What is the worst season?

    Depends on your distance from the equator I'd imagine
  3. Captain red pants

    Mystery sector in E1M2

    So this is something I've wondered about for years: E1M2 Nuclear Plant, in the tech maze with the strobe lights, opposite the secrete wall that leads to the chainsaw, there is a completely inaccessible 128 X 64 sector with 0 lighting. Here's it is in ultimate doom builder: Other then a light glow effect, it's not tagged with anything :/ It shows up if you have the computer map powerup as well. Now I doubt I'm the first person to notice this, anyone ask John Romero about it? Was there an earlier build where it served a purpose?
  4. Captain red pants

    Mystery sector in E1M2

    It's been a long time since I've played that map in vanilla, but I vaguely remember becoming aware of it for the first time by seeing little unconnected lines in the automap before anything else (I mean sure I went on to conform it with 'idbehold a'). Like you said, the size of it was what confounded me.
  5. Captain red pants

    Mystery sector in E1M2

    I guess that makes sense. I wonder why it was never hidden from the automap?
  6. Captain red pants


  7. Captain red pants

    Favorite Male Video Game Character

    I don't know who that guy is but there's only one Max Payne around here buddy
  8. Captain red pants

    Favorite Male Video Game Character

    Dude deserved a better game imo
  9. Captain red pants

    Favorite Male Video Game Character

    Sarcastic klepto goth boii <3 <3 <3 I should really play The Black Parade already
  10. Captain red pants

    Who's your favourite female character in video games?

    or at least the ingenuity of Deus Ex modders restoring a previously scrapped idea for the original game
  11. Captain red pants

    Post Your (Other) Video Game Screenshots Here

    Not sure the week or so it took me to get OpenMW and mod organizer to play nice with my preferred mod list is going to pay off in the long run, but at least it's going to look nice
  12. Captain red pants

    What to do if a mod disables jump and/or crouch?

    Yes, I worked that much out from reading your original post, but what I asked for was a mod that did that because it would save me the effort of fiddling with console commands or the options menu every time I wanted to swap over from maps I wanted to jump in over ones I didn't. Again, I use Doom mod launcher for most of my wad playing and just having a mod that disables jumping and crouching would be the most convenient for my setup.
  13. Captain red pants

    What to do if a mod disables jump and/or crouch?

    While we're on the topic, did anyone ever make a stand alone wad that disables jumping and and crouching (and absolutely nothing else)? I use doom mod launcher and it would help keep me honest with older wads if I added it to my usual collection.
  14. Captain red pants

    What is the coolest scenario in fiction of the 3 listed

    Interesting thing about these settings is that all three had their own hit video game franchises in the 90's (Doom, Resident Evil and X Com) followed by a period of arguably mid releases in the late 90's/00's when their respective devs didn't really know what to do with them (Doom 3, Resident Evil 5/6, almost every post X Com game) then they all got highly successful reboots in the 2010's that have become classics in their own right (Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal, Resident Evil 7 along with the remake of Resident Evil 2, and X-Com 1 and 2)
  15. Captain red pants

    Share Your Sprites!

    The somewhat abusive relationship I have with Daggerfall has driven me to dream how I'd "fix" it with Gzdoom's engine and I eventually started slapping together some fantasy franken-sprites for a dream project I have neater the time, skill nor drive to make :P But I'll do my best. Anyways, Meet the gang: The Bandit Makes no alert sound. Has a throwing knife, but prefers to get in close with his short sword. Has an archer variant that likes to keep his distance... maybe one that throws old time-y grenades to. This guy's was pretty easy to make, so I might make a sprite sheet of him at least Orc LOOKS LIKE MEATS BACK ON THE MENU BOYS! What's a fantasy setting without the Green Gang? Slower then your highwayman, but quite a bit tougher, and tend to be in larger numbers. Variant with a sling-shot and a mount (maybe)! Again, not too hard to finish this guy except the face is a little annoying, and he might be a different shade of green. Knight/Living Armor Did that empty suit of armor just... move? Works as decoration for you extravagant castle, a devious trap or a brave hero! Basically, I'm a big fan of haunted suits of armor so I did my best to make one complete with 'pose' state This guy I actually have a working prototype for! Knight.7z He's pretty much a re skinned demon at this point, but the pose sprites are included. He's a little bit cutesy for what I wanted (I'm always shooting for that Dark fantasy/Hexen vibe, but after trying a few different collages, this one works as a Quake 1 style knight. Demon I wanted to make these bastards look mean again, and I think I did a good job. Tough. Likes fire. As to where you'd meet them: It's a bit early for judgment day, but a few mortals have taken to summoning them. Sometimes it's by all too curious scholars, sometimes by desperate villagers in lieu of a raids by brigands or pillaging armies, but most often as guardians deep within forsaken Dungeons. Ok, I actually have most of the sprite work done for this guy, just need to finish off the death sprites. I'll post it if theirs interest. The idea I had for his behavior was something like heretic's Minotaur: Lots of charging and fire, with some kind of flame aoe attack. Ogre "OI! LET ME SMASH YA ALREADY! I'M STARVING!" Big Gluttonous bastards. If orcs haven't requited them for their war parties, Ogres tend to make their way by either the classic bridge toll, or making 'deals' with farmers: all the live stock they can eat and they don't use their bones to make bread (a hollow threat, as they are too stupid to make bread out of bones or anything else. They usually just roast the farmers on a spit when they've run out of sheep). Unfortunately this one is probably the least likely to get a full sprite sheet let alone become an actual monster. Sure he looks badass imo, but I don't know how I would do more then one pose. If I do finish it, I'm not sure what to do other then make another big guy that wack you, maybe some kind of aoe on the wack? Maybe a fart attack like the Sumo from shadow warrior? Also I wish I could find something better then the Ettin's Mace. The dude clearly needs a big wooden club! Chimera Whether created by a God's curse or the deranged machinations of a mad wizard, this abominable splicing of lion, ram and serpent are valued among both the extremely wealthy and the highly magically gifted as powerful guard dogs as, in addition to being vicious fighters, the presence of three heads allows at least one head to be awake at all times. While it lacks the fire breath of legend, that's still a lions head with a roar that will strike fear into your heart at a distance and will rip your throat out up close. It's powerful hind goat legs can punt you through the air before, in combination with it's wings, leap apon you once more, and if you do manage to keep your distance, the serpent's head will spit venom for almost a mile. Thought I wanted him bigger in the beginning but kind of happy how this one turned out. It'd be a bit of hard work to finish this one but I could probably manage a sprite sheet. Coding his behaviors would be a different matter. I *think* the somewhat ambitious move set would be doable even in DECORATE, but it's beyond my abilities as it stands.
  16. Thanks to Doom's long legacy we've got a decent spread of age groups on these forums, so I'm curious what kind of technological developments from the space year 2024 would impress their younger self (more specifically, your child shelf but that can include your teenage years). For me, as someone who was into flight sims in the early 90's, and thought X-wing and wing commander games where incredible, I would like to put my 10 year old self in a VR helmet and let him loose in Elite Dangerous. While I never got to play the original Elite, I was aware of the game, and seeing all those basic geometric shapes being turned into sophisticated interstellar spacecraft via actual art direction and well thought out sound design rather then my imagination, and to have it in VR! I know modern VR still has it's problems, but if your sitting in chair with a decent flight stick set up, it's pretty close to perfect. I remember reading a book about video games from the 80's, written in the Defender, Break out, Qubert ect era. While some of the predictions of in their 'games of the FUTURE' section where wacky, what they had for 'The ULTIMATE Game' was a fully 3D space game where you could do what ever you want, which, given how much money was thrown into Star Citizen, I think it's safe to say they where on to something, and I think it'd be a laugh to show child me an example of arguably the most successful version of it when people where barely comprehending Frontier: Elite II
  17. I don't know if that would blow my younger self mind, but that is some pretty cool tech! It'd be cool to see something like this where I live
  18. Captain red pants

    is blood actually as good as people think it is?

    Civvie told me it was one of the best shooters of all time, so it was nice to feel validated about a game I'd been playing since the late 90's.
  19. Captain red pants

    What's your favorite gun?

    The Owen gun
  20. Captain red pants

    What is best tool to hunt

    uh... another animal?
  21. Captain red pants

    React To The Custom Title Above You

    Look, I'm just not real comfortable letting you guys play with screwdrivers anymore ok?
  22. Captain red pants

    What Video Game Are You Currently Playing?

    Indie game called Blood West. A Weird West FPS with a focus on stealth with lite RPG mechanics and penalties and debuffs on death that sort of give it a Souls Like feel (though not as brutal).
  23. Captain red pants

    What would be the worse game universe to be stuck in?

    You can do a lot worse then a medieval-ish society with electric lights, plus for some reason getting knocked unconscious doesn't seem to cause anyone lasting problems
  24. Captain red pants

    Game that everybody likes but you dislike

  25. Captain red pants

    GTA VI Trailer

    Niko was so likable that it actually discouraged me from going on rampages in the main game. If I wanted to be an terrorist asshole I'd fire up one of the DLCs. Downwardly mobile Biker is just a better fit if you want to pick fights with people