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Everything posted by SilverMiner

  1. Playing Doom 2 I were 4, and shot everywhere at all the time. Maybe I didn't see that lion switch at all ))
  2. SilverMiner

    Build Boom on DOS

    If Doom isn't dead, and significant number of doomers uses DOS or its emus, there should be somebody who knows and could help me w. The theme of topic is suggesting some help to me to do that. Not to say it's too hard so we won't.
  3. SilverMiner

    Build Boom on DOS

    That's why nobody does source port build tutorials on DOS.
  4. SilverMiner

    Build Boom on DOS

    DJGPP and Allegro, it's clear, I already had 'em and tried to do smth year ago and gave up misinformated. Now what I have to do, in detail? I need a DOS Box tutorial, I think I had set up DJGPP and included Allegro. Generally, my problem is setting up a swap file for DJGPP, but I still need full tutor. Rather written.
  5. SilverMiner

    Plutonia 4 - Back to your hole

    Wow, I didn't know this exists at all!
  6. SilverMiner

    Looking for feedback on my first maps.

    I see your maps... rich in lighting, design, secrets, gameplay reminds me first doom. Enjoyed.
  7. SilverMiner

    Sky dehack

    There is no dehacked functions for skies in Prboom. Try using Sky Transfer in maps or compiling Prboom source code.