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Everything posted by watto3699

  1. watto3699

    Blood Deathmatch Maps VOLUME 1

    Don't think I've done Doom deathmatch in over a decade, is there a dedicated discord for setting up matches?
  2. watto3699

    Ossuary - 1 Level WAD

    Good fun, a bit rough design wise after the blue door, but not too bad. Main feedback would be to test the maps as if you were playing it for the first time. It can be hard to empathize with a first time player when you know every intricate detail of the map you're making, but it's important to not expect the poor fella playing your map to know every move necessary to escape a trap. Big fan of directional lighting, there were a few spots you did it to a good effect. Bloody door was cute. Good stuff, keep it up!
  3. Good map! I've played a few of your previous maps you're progressing quite well. You're best room was the red key room, something about corner walls that open into the larger room has always appealed to me. The other screenshot shows the teleported door with no door track texture and unpegged sides. I know you're already aware, but the map doesn't have enough ammo to kill everything. I'd make that a priority when testing your maps as people (me) like to be able to 100% levels. Other than nit-picky texture work, very well done.
  4. watto3699

    Share Your Sprites!

    Construction Worker - Pistol Zombieman
  5. It's inspired and well made. The starting room fight can feel very frustrating as a result of the limited space to manoeuvre. I liked the idea of multitasking the door switches to prevent yourself from being overwhelmed, but it was poorly implemented. The custom textures and sounds are well done. Funnily enough, the wall textures fit very well into Doom's style Keep it up, I really enjoy these style of maps.
  6. watto3699

    Share Your Sprites!

    [Edit] Added attack frames
  7. watto3699

    Share Your Sprites!

    Pistol zombieman edits
  8. watto3699

    My First Map

    Post some screenshots, my friend
  9. watto3699

    Share Your Sprites!

    Another zombieman edit, construction worker
  10. watto3699

    Share Your Sprites!

    Two Zombieman edits
  11. Looks fantastic! I've added it to my wads to play this weekend
  12. watto3699

    My first wad ever! (single map wad for Doom 2)

    For a first map, it's very good. Basic, but you've got a solid grasp on the important aspects like scale and map flow. I have some feedback; the Cyberdemon arena felt under developed, for a lot of the level you have zero interaction with that room while the Cyberdemons beat the shit out of some poor Barons. The idea of using infighting as a necessity to progress is a good one, it's just not touched upon very well here. Aside from that, very well made keep it up!
  13. watto3699

    My first wad ever! (single map wad for Doom 2)

    Looks fun and pretty inspired for a first map, I'll give it a go.
  14. Hi Gentlemen, Just finished my latest map, the culmination of a week long effort. Really proud of this one so let me know what you think. Made in the Boom format. Tested on PRBoom+ and GZDoom and runs flawlessly. This will take 5-10 minutes to beat and has all difficulties implemented. I'm pretty certain I got them all, but let me know of any bugs you lads find and I'll stamp them out. Hope you enjoy! :) MIDI: Raining Blood - Slayer Added a few custom textures as well. ;) Screenshots Preview #1 Preview #2 Preview #3 Preview #4 [DOWNLOAD]
  15. Seems like a fun idea. I'll throw my hat into the ring and take on Map04, The Focus. I'll start on a mock up when I'm home next and try figure out the recommended level of detail. Also, is there a map format restriction? I know it was mentioned earlier that 3D floors may be ok, but want to double check before starting.
  16. Happy Friday Lads, I have a new a wad to kick off the weekend. Inmost Post.wad is a single map in the BOOM format. Short and fast paced is the design tenant this map follows. It is not overwhelmingly difficult, but if you find it that way, this map has difficulty level scaling implemented. However, it has been designed for UV. This map will take you roughly 10-15 minutes to beat. Tested on PRboom+, GZDoom and Zandronum, without issue. [DOWNLOAD] MUSIC: Fear Factory - DKC OST by David Wise Screen Shots: Preview #1 Preview #2 Preview #3 Preview #4 If you find or encounter any bugs or issues (especially texture misalignments), let me know and I'll make an amendment immediately. Update changes: - More ammo - Texture fixes - BMG volume increased
  17. watto3699

    [Release] Inmost Post

    You really are a go getter of a Doom player, I watched your FDA, and it'd be an easier task to count the time where your W key wasn't pressed. I recall a death you had, where you were you were desperately searching for a spectre, on 1hp, in the dark. Never before have I been filled with so much anxiety, and I am really glad you persevered and beat the map. Thank you for the feedback, I will make an effort in future maps to ensure enemy ambushes are better telegraphed with proper lighting, as it seems a few people who played had a similar issue. Hope you enjoyed it.
  18. watto3699

    [Release] Inmost Post

    I feel violated https://imgur.com/Asz56Px
  19. watto3699

    [Release] Inmost Post

    No way this is your first play through, very expertly dealt with.
  20. watto3699

    [Release] Inmost Post

    Thanks! I've updated the download with "Version 2", Added some more ammo, and fixed a misaligned texture (very important). New version alos has the Db increased :)
  21. watto3699

    [Release] Inmost Post

    Thanks, always fun to try make something appealing to look at using just the vanilla textures. Agreed, when testing, I found I had too much ammo with a berserk pack and I didn't want to balance the ammo around taking most fights with it. A better mapper would have found somewhere to place it. That's my favourite trap through out the level. Even as an "adult", Pain Elementals in the dark still scare me :D Appreciate the demos, man! After watching them I have no idea where they were hiding. I have gotten 100%'s on this map while testing, so it is possible. Ghosts maybe??
  22. watto3699

    [Release] Inmost Post

    I've been on a DKC OST kick recently and this one felt like it fit quite nicely. I appreciate that, I've always struggled with difficultly progression through out a level, especially entire map packs. Glad it clicked here :) And thanks for the play through, always appreciated.
  23. watto3699

    [Release] Somnambulism

    I spent maybe a day or two trying to draw, but I just can't. So I ended up on that.
  24. Hey lads, Happy to finally release my newest mod, Somnambulism. Somnambulism is a short survival horror map, set in a home nestled deep within the woods. You're awoken at an un-Godly hourly in the midst of a storm by the prospect of an intruder having broken in. This mod was made under the UDMF format for DOOM II and requires GZDoom to run. It features new textures, sprites, sounds and gameplay elements. This map was designed to run in the Doom Software Rendering mode. This option is found here: Options > Display Options > Rendering Mode (set to): "Doom Software Rendering". This mod makes use of AutoSaves. [DOWNLOAD] Known Bugs: The only known issue is some flickering under specific 3D-Floors. If you are to find any other bugs or scripting errors, please let me know. I've QA'd as much as I possibly can, but something may have slipped passed me during the monotony. Screenshots (Spoilers): Preview #1 Preview #2 Preview #3 Preview #4