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Everything posted by watto3699

  1. watto3699

    Running The Gauntlet

    Grammatically, "Gauntlet" and "Gantlet" have the same meaning but the former can also refer to gloves. Think of it as an upgraded version over the original. :)
  2. watto3699

    Running The Gauntlet

    Cheers brother, The progression is something that really stumps me. Being my first multi-map wad, I struggled to ramp up the enemies, weapons and health without it feeling jarring. I think I've gotten it to a spot where I happy. There are numerous little bugs throughout the map set, which I'm sure you'll notice (Texture alignment, Non damaging toxic floors, ect), but I've got to let it go at some point. Appreciate you giving it a go, I hope you enjoy the rest of it.
  3. watto3699

    Running The Gauntlet

    Appreciate you taking the time to play and I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it. Just wondering if you noticed the supply platforms on the final level? I've seen other play through that level and either haven't noticed the platforms or didn't think they needed the ammo/health/weapons.
  4. watto3699

    Running The Gauntlet

    Thanks for the quality video man! Shame my monitor is only 1440p. Do you plan to upload others? Would love to give them a watch. Edit: Never mind, found the playlist on your YouTube, watching it all now :)
  5. Hey lads, First half of my wad is in a place that I'm relatively happy with. Now, I'm no artist but I am rather proud of the gameplay that I created, The idea was to create linear and fast paced maps that are conservative with ammo and health. Not the most difficult set of maps you'll ever play, I'd say, a step up from the original Doom 2 UV. As these were made over a 6 month period, you'll probably (hopefully) notice an improvement in the maps, MAP01 I have plans to remake entirely, but MAP02 - MAP08 is a better reflection of my current skill level. I don't want to let slip anymore than that, except, put your hard hats on and zip up your high vis because there's a lot of hazard textures in this. No jumping/crouching, these are disabled via SLADE, play it through GZDOOM as it's UDMF. As for difficulty adjustment, HMP and below have reduced monsters and more health. Have fun and thanks in advance :} omgittookme6monthstomakehalfa.rar
  6. watto3699

    First Half of New WAD

    Just as an aside, It's good to see someone record video with a level of quality that surpasses hand held cameras from the mid 90's A breath of fresh air
  7. watto3699

    First Half of New WAD

    Cheers man, It's been a long time coming. I've messed around with the editor for years now but only recently decided to try have some cohesion between my maps. Been a lot of fun, I'll be honest, and it has kept me busy during my time off work. Can't wait to watch it, one of my favourite parts of making maps so far has been watching peoples demos and videos of their initial playthroughs. There's a great deal of entertainment to be had there. Keep me posted :D
  8. watto3699

    First Half of New WAD

    Haha, sorry about that, got way ahead of myself there. As for custom midis, it's certainly on the to do list. I've worked out how to all that magic through SLADE and even have a few song picked out that I think will suit quite nicely. For now, I've just decided to throw in my favourites for the existing line-up of tracks. Sorry about the screenshots, I quickly scrambled them together :)
  9. watto3699

    Testing Maps 1-4

    Sorry, Realised I hadn't finished the end of Map 4 yet. I really like the faster style of map, hated all the back tracking in the OGs. Don't know how I'm going to scale up the difficulty and length of the levels as I go deeper into the map pack. Maybe adding more powerful weapons to keep things quick, I don't want resort to making enemies feel redundant. That's the hardest part so far. I want to keep things open, but it almost nullifies some enemies like the pinkies. I tried keeping the pinkies in the way of the switches using monster blockers, as to make them essential to kill to pass. Keys feel very limiting in this style of mapping. I like the expanding arena feel to them, and feel as if keys are for dividing maps or maps that involve back tracking. As for the more dangerous monsters, it was hard to find a place for them without it making the flow of the map come screeching to a stop. Thanks for the feedback :)
  10. watto3699

    Testing Maps 1-4

    Hey Lads, Been working on a few maps lately and would like some feedback on the first 4. Maps are designed to be quick, linear and with interesting areas to move and shoot in. I'm trying to design them in a way that, at a glace, can be understood where to go and what you're up against. An issue I'm grappling with at the moment is how easy it is to avoid everything in a room and run right through, I'm not sure that's because of how many times I've played these maps myself, or that there isn't enough reason to stay in certain rooms and gear up. I'm trying to avoid turning every room into a slaughter map, as a reason to actually explore the map for weapons, etc. I've added in switches to doors and used hit scanners that have to be dealt with but still feel as if I can zoom through care free. As always, critique on enemy placement, room layouts and ammo scarcity are also helpful. Any help is appreciated, but if you'd like to go a step further, demos of your first play throughs are very much welcome. John. MAP01.rar
  11. watto3699

    Change Intermission Map Names

    I really struggle with this stuff, I need help changing maps names in the intermission screen. It's for a very simple 3 level .WAD I'm making. I literally just need the map names changed.
  12. watto3699

    Change Intermission Map Names

    Thanks Fellas.
  13. Hey everyone, Iv'e been running into the same errors with almost 50% of all wads I try to play :c. I'm not sure what the cause is, it's been really annoying and it makes downloading wads on my 128kbs wfif download speed a crap shoot. they're always script errors about the length of sprite names (Figure 1 & 2). Is there anyway to prevent this and or fix it? Iv'e tried running the wads on both Gzdoom and Zandronum and both have the same error. Every time I try to 'fix' the wads I get the same error but with another part of the wad and have never been able to get any wad to work D: Any help is appreciated and sorry if it's an obvious fix.
  14. watto3699

    Constant Script Errors (I Need Help) :c

    Iv'e tried with both Zandronum and Gzdoom so I don't think it has anything to do with the compatibility of the wad with the source port. That being said I haven't tried with Qzdoom yet so I hope it works. Thanks for the suggestion
  15. Hey everyone, I while ago I tried to make a map but because i'm bad at mapping it too was also, bad. I've tried again and even though it's quite short, I attempted to create a map with larger areas more suitable to the game play of Doom. I made it a little over a day so please excuse any broken textures as I don't possess any sort of aesthetic skill c: Any feedback will be happily accepted so please do be harsh as i'm trying to learn. Thanks. [DOWNLOAD]
  16. watto3699

    Mapping Tips, Please Critique. V2

    Thanks for the video reply! It's nice to see how people play through the level the first time and how they treat certain areas differently to how I'd imagine they'd be played. I've got a new level iv'e just finished which in my opinion is much better than this one. It's much shorter but I feel as if it's a better first map than this one. Sorry for the late reply and thanks again for the video. MAP01.7z
  17. watto3699

    Mapping Tips, Please Critique. V2

    Thanks for the reply, i'll be sure to join that discord.
  18. watto3699

    Mapping Tips, Please Critique. V2

    Hey guys, I've decided to make levels that focus around individual gameplay ideas in earlier missions. This one is a entryway mission so it's nothing difficult, It has a few secrets and is easily my most aesthetically pleasing map I've made myself. Like I said, it wasn't design to be difficult so i'm hoping if any of you can give me some advice on the pacing of the level and if the gameplay element (in this case deep water) was presented to the player in a way that slowly gets more "complex" for lack of a better word. I started using UDFM to make maps and has helped a great deal in the making of this map. I've also got a couple of problems that I need help with in regards to the level itself, the first being an inability to make an edge, that is under water, trigger a secret. I tried playing around with it in doom builder but to no avail. The secret i'm referring to is behind a a mossy brick texture in the last room to the right of the bridge. Any suggestions to fix that would be much appreciated. The second and last problem that I had whilst play testing was the fact that I couldn't get 100% kills even after I had made sure everything was dead. If any of you know how to fix this bug, advice would be much appreciated. Thanks a-lot -Watto
  19. watto3699

    Mapping Tips, Please Critique. V2

    Thanks again for the quick reply, I'll try to find/create some varying suitable room designs for different monsters as well as taking advice on what to do with them to create an enjoyable experience for everyone who plays my maps and so that they also don't grow stale. Thanks again for the advice and i'll keep on trying to improve.
  20. watto3699

    Mapping Tips, Please Critique. V2

    Thanks for the quick reply and the depth of the feedback, it is much appreciated. I'd like to design rooms around monsters but because of my limited knowledge and experience the most I can do is design the layout of the room and add monsters in an attempt to find a way to make it enjoyable. I can now see that the level was quite stale after you mentioned it as it did only feature 2 easily accessible weapons and a repetitive line up of enemies. I should have mentioned that this was designed to play like a fist mission with a mix of features that come with later levels such as large open spaces filled with enemies. I do wish to refine the textures but because of my lack of experience and non-existent art ability I tend to stick with solid colours and repeating walls. (Eg. the whole level) I'm going to work on expanding this level and try to make it enjoyable as it is the best I have produced in the few months that I've used Doom Builder. I will continue to reply to this post if you'd like to assist in the creation of my first hopefully decent map. If not please do unsub from this post as it'll seem like spam c: Thanks,
  21. Hey Everyone, In response to the over whelming amount of helpful and useful information in relation to mapping that I received in my last post, I finally was able to create a map that I'm not particularly proud of but is an accurate representation of my current mapping skill level. Please analyse my map in reference to actually good maps and respond to me depicting the worst parts of my design and what I can do to improve on my flaws. There is only one map in this WAD as I did not wish to continue further without proper understanding of what a good map is. There are a couple of secrets in there which will hopefully make this process a little easier for you all to endure. I put a lot, if not too much, time into the Aesthetics of the level and if the detail is poor or is out of line for a doom map lease feel free to critique that as well. Thank you for your time. -Watto Aesthetics.zip
  22. watto3699

    RE: Mapping Tips, Please Critique.

    Yes, this was my first attempt at a fully flushed out map. All of my previous maps were basically tests to figure out how to properly use the map builder. I'll take your advice and play through other harder maps and implement some of their ideas into my own. Thanks for the feed back anyway c: -Watto
  23. watto3699

    RE: Mapping Tips, Please Critique.

    In the process of re-doing the map I also removed the inability to %100 the map and inserted more monster closets in places where I felt relevant. However, I could not figure out for the life of me how to repopulate an area, I was planning to do so with the main hub area but couldn't :c Please if you could play through the map again to assess the new changes and decide if it's any good. AestheticsV2.zip
  24. watto3699

    Mapping Tips

    Hey everyone, I'm new to Doom world and equally Doom Mapping. I just looking for tips to make my maps look more aesthetically pleasing and some game play ideas to base my maps around. Also if someone can help me with stopping Monsters from other sectors from responding to gun fire because once I start shooting they all pour from around the map. Any help would be appreciated. -Watto