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About ResidentEvilGod

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  1. So I've been working on my first wad for a bit and everything has been fine up until now that I've started to receive a ton of errors when booting it up in Doom Builder. Most of them are in regard to weapons and enemies I have gotten off of Realm667. The errors are as follows: SNDINFO warning in "US.wad\SNDINFO:8682", line 2. Ambient sound 1 is double-defined as "WIND" and "WIND". Failed to apply MAPINFO DoomEdNum override "5080 = kdizdgrenadelauncher": failed to find corresponding actor class... Failed to apply MAPINFO DoomEdNum override "5073 = rifleammo": failed to find corresponding actor class... Failed to apply MAPINFO DoomEdNum override "5071 = strailgun": failed to find corresponding actor class... Failed to apply MAPINFO DoomEdNum override "5070 = rifle": failed to find corresponding actor class... Failed to apply MAPINFO DoomEdNum override "5010 = machinegun": failed to find corresponding actor class... Failed to apply MAPINFO DoomEdNum override "9101 = knife": failed to find corresponding actor class... Failed to apply MAPINFO DoomEdNum override "2005 = doublebladedchainsaw": failed to find corresponding actor class... Failed to apply MAPINFO DoomEdNum override "2002 = heavychaingun": failed to find corresponding actor class... Failed to apply MAPINFO DoomEdNum override "82 = kdizdsupershotgun": failed to find corresponding actor class... DECORATE error in "US.wad\DECORATE:5", line 1. Actor "Machinegunguy" is double-defined. DECORATE warning in "US.wad\DECORATE:294", line 115. Unable to find "chaingun" class to replace, while parsing "HeavyChaingun". SNDINFO warning in "US.wad\SNDINFO:8682", line 6. Ambient sound 3 is double-defined as "FIRE" and "FIRE". SNDINFO warning in "US.wad\SNDINFO:8682", line 4. Ambient sound 2 is double-defined as "COMPUTER" and "COMPUTER". MODELDEF warning in "3D Helicopter\MODELDEF.txt", line 1. DECORATE class "HHELI" does not exist. GLDEFS warning in "US.wad\GLDEFS:6", line 33. DECORATE class "MachinegunGuy" does not exist. GLDEFS warning in "US.wad\GLDEFS:202", line 31. DECORATE class "KDiZDGrenade" does not exist. GLDEFS warning in "US.wad\GLDEFS:6", line 33. DECORATE class "MachinegunGuy" does not exist. GLDEFS warning in "US.wad\GLDEFS:202", line 31. DECORATE class "KDiZDGrenade" does not exist. Any help fixing this is greatly appreciated!
  2. ResidentEvilGod

    What are you listening to?

    A lot of Grunge
  3. ResidentEvilGod

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    Crazy demon.
  4. ResidentEvilGod

    PSX Doom is actually really good

    First version of Doom I ever played. I still go back to it frequently because even though things are changed it's nice to have the option of a different experience for Doom 1 and 2.
  5. ResidentEvilGod

    PSX Doom style mods

    I love PSX Doom. It's what introduced me to the world of Doom and fps games overall. Obviously I love the PSX Doom TC, but one thing I've always wondered is is there a mod which just brings the enhancements of PSX Doom (New sounds, colored lighting, etc.) without changing anything else. So far, my searches have brought no results but if anyone knows of a mod which does this or something similar, please let me know! EDIT: Also interested in Doom 64 style mods that do what I mentioned above.
  6. I'm looking for gameplay and weapons mods which stay lore friendly for the most part while maybe adding new weapons or monsters here and there. Mainly referring to mods like weapons of saturn and eriguns which take the original doom weapons and updates them a bit. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
  7. ResidentEvilGod


    The doomguy shooting one looks pretty cool
  8. ResidentEvilGod

    My Introduction To Doom

    I first was introduced to Doom through the PSX version back when I was like 11 or 12. Afterwards I got Doom 64 and then the gba version of Doom 1. Then sometime later I got an old shareware disc of Doom for the pc and somehow it ran on an old windows xp laptop I used to have which is how I was introduced to the pc version.
  9. ResidentEvilGod

    Your favorite track throughout classic doom?

    Definitely waiting for Romero to play. By far the most relaxing Doom track imo.
  10. ResidentEvilGod

    Who else isn't an adult here besides me?

    I'm 17 going on 18
  11. ResidentEvilGod

    What WAD are you playing now?

    Doom the way ID did with Complex Doom :)
  12. ResidentEvilGod

    Do You Like Doom 3?

    I've always really liked Doom 3. Sure it isn't nearly as good as the classic games but I still really enjoy it. It sucks it gets so much hate now but hey, opinions are opinions I guess.