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About Doomsday

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    Junior Member

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  1. Doomsday

    How Do You Design Fights?

    I usually place a couple monsters in and they all start killing each other. No player input required!
  2. I keep having issues with my framerate in Prboom where whenever I face a wall standing up close to it my fps goes down to 60 which causes my aim to go weird and it just feels choppy until I move away from the wall. It doesn't do it with Glboom but I prefer the way Prboom looks, also I have a pretty good PC so I don't understand why it does this.
  3. I'm playing Heretic through the Russian Heretic sourceport and I was wondering whether I should use mouselook while playing instead of using keys to look up and down. I want to try to play in the most vanilla way possible.
  4. Doomsday

    Doom Pictures Thread 2021

    A map I'm working on called Teleportation Station, meant to look like Knee Deep in the Dead.
  5. Doomsday

    AI Generated Title Screens

    Why are these so weirdly disturbing? I don't like the shapes and colours its all just wrong. Here's some I did. Winter's Fury That's one furious winter. Heartland I don't really understand this one. TNT: Revilution I can sort of make out a T and an N in the top right but that's about it.
  6. I hate Pain Elementals and their offspring.
  7. I'm not sure if Winter's Fury counts? It's got a pretty neat story, good map design and music.
  8. Doomsday

    Your doom head-canons?

    I like to think that in the demo recordings in the doom games the people playing, who eventually die, are actually the dead marine corpses you find in those levels.
  9. Doomsday

    Earworm Thread - What Song Is Stuck In Your Head?

    I spent far too long in this one location like seriously it took me maybe 2 months just to complete the quests.
  10. I was wondering if anyone had any tips to make animation more punchy? I think is the word, stuff that comes to mind are the animations from Final Doomer or MetaDoom, and I guess I should also ask if vanilla weapon sounds or high quality versions of them should still be used or whether it would improve the feel of using the weapons by having new ones.
  11. Doomsday

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    Gotta chin looking like a pyramid.
  12. I am making a doom mod and I've been wondering whether I should use reloads or not I'm pretty sure most people prefer to not have to reload their weapons. However I feel that it adds more challenge?
  13. Doomsday

    What color is your doomguy?

  14. Doomsday

    React To The Custom Title Above You

    Name your favourite songs.