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Everything posted by hybridial

  1. I would probably say TNT Revilution, Deathless, Doom Zero and Anomaly Report for 30-ish level megawads. I'd actually say No Rest for the Living for the commercial wads. Doom 2 and also Doom 2 the Way Id Did would actually both be close but there's a handful I don't like.
  2. hybridial

    List of easy Doom 2 WADs?

    I would agree but I've had some slightly negative experiences with it. Mainly Plutonia 2 and Plutonia Community Revisited 2. I played them on Not too Rough, but the difficulty of some of the later levels in both WADs are still very nasty, still far above what Doom 2 on Ultraviolence is. I mean granted, Plutonia is in the title so I guess it's to be expected. TNT Revilution is great though, I think the difficulty in that is very nice for a bit of a step up above the norm.
  3. hybridial

    List of easy Doom 2 WADs?

    That's still not gonna stop say a Plutonia based megawad from obliterating you if Doom 2 on Ultraviolence is about your level.
  4. hybridial

    List of easy Doom 2 WADs?

    I would suggest Doom Zero and Anomaly Report which are pretty manageable. Jenesis is slightly more advanced but I was also able to finish that one, and I'm mostly in the same boat of vanilla-ish being my skill level, but also just what I prefer to play anyway.
  5. hybridial

    Doom Eternal II (aka Shadow Warrior 3) Rules!

    The game gets a lot of hate and I don't honestly get why, it's fine. It is a fun game, I liked it at least as much as the first one. The second one however I had no interest in because loot and randomly generated maps are about as far away as my thing in an FPS as you can get.
  6. hybridial

    What Video Game Are You Currently Playing?

    It just comes from having a frustrating time with the game, I was annoyed. System Shock 2 just clicked with me far more and I really think it's the better game.
  7. hybridial

    What are you listening to?

    Most recent band I've found and taken an interest in.
  8. hybridial

    What Video Game Are You Currently Playing?

    You don't make as remotely a convincing argument as you probably think you do. I mean for one, whilst SS2 shows that it was quite rushed towards the end, I still liked those segments of that game more than a lot of SS1. SS1's level design is obtuse and designed to feel tedious to traverse. Now, they explain it in the lore, but that's not making me enjoy my time playing the game more. SS2 simplified the level design a bit but not to the extent it was a detriment, in fact I'd call is quite a major improvement; progression was satisfying in that game and in SS it feels so piecemeal and directionless. Also no, the SS remake's enemy respawning is atrociously constant, it's just frustrating and tedious and SS2 was nowhere near that bad. Yeah, you can totally stop it which is good, but until then you have to deal with it and it sucks; like it's really bad, multiple times has the game spawned like 4 or 5 enemies behind a door on a level after I respawned, so when I go up the lift to return back to where I died and open whatever door in the vicinity, the enemies have all grouped up and I'm left with the choice of using all my resources to plough through or try and go elsewhere (though that isn't always an option). It seems to be a consequence of how they handled both the enemy respawning mechanic and the AI, but all I can say is SS2 didn't do things like that, that make me legitimately hate it. Not even at the end. It also had the character building mechanic which, whilst unbalanced, was still pretty deep and satisfying to explore and SS feels kind of simplistic and empty without it. I'm not gonna say Nightdive didn't do a commendable job updating this game, but like Powerslave I find that I just don't like it very much, and System Shock 2 is way better, so I'm just gonna wait and see how the Enhanced Edition turns out. If they do a really good job with it that'll at least be something for me.
  9. hybridial

    What Video Game Are You Currently Playing?

    Nah, I don't agree, I had a much better time with SS2 than I've even had trying to enjoy the SS1 remake, which well, I think loses quite a lot of charm after the first couple levels when it starts to run out of different enemy types, relies on enemy spawns more and more and honestly, the whole thing gets a bit obnoxious for me.
  10. Yeah I'm kinda glad they released a demo, so I could try the game properly with a controller. I don't really care for it and I think it's a pass for me.
  11. hybridial

    Most Recent Series You've Streamed/Watched/Binged

    Most of the negative stuff I've heard is for season 3, but I've been told season 4 manages to bring things back up and end the story well, from someone I trust the opinion of so I'm willing to watch all of it knowing that.
  12. hybridial

    Most Recent Series You've Streamed/Watched/Binged

    I finally decided to get Netflix, I kinda wanted to watch all of Castlevania, I saw Season 1 at a friends back when it first came out. I've heard varying things about the other seasons but overall, I have decide I will watch them and I've lined up other things once I have so I'll at least get some value for my money. Yeah I took a look at Demon Slayer and that quickly made me lose interest when that became apparent about it. I am a bit of a stick in the mud being the Devilman fanboy that I am and I very much have a preconcieved notion of what the tone ought to be in any story with demons in it.
  13. hybridial

    Most recent movie you saw

    Worst I think is kind of always subjective. Like I know Big Rigs Over the Road racing is a worse game technically than Bioshock Infinite, but Big Rigs doesn't have a story that is competently executed yet repungnant, stupid and the thing that makes that game the worst game I have ever played, because the gameplay is basically neutral, I found it to be of very little worth good or bad. Big Rigs isn't going to stir those kind of emotions in me. This is why Man of Steel is the worst movie I've ever seen because it would take something special to piss me off more than that did.
  14. hybridial

    What Was Your Last Purchase?

    Scar Symmetry's new album, which has been a long time coming.
  15. hybridial

    Most recent movie you saw

    Alice, Sweet Alice (1976) also known as Communion. I have to say this is a great horror movie, the kind that has a real nasty streak to it; but made at a time when slashers were not formulaic gorefests. If you like Black Christmas, definitely give this movie a shot, it's kind of got a similar bleakness, and groundedness to it.
  16. Ego, I like the beat it has Swallow the Sun - Rooms and Shadows Ghost Brigade - Chamber
  17. hybridial

    Most recent movie you saw

    Batman Returns, on a whim. I really don't think I'd seen it since the 90s. It comes across really weird now but eh, Christopher Walken, Michelle Pfieffer in S&M leather got me through.
  18. hybridial

    System Shock Remake - Official Teaser

    I at a couple of points really tried to play the original game, despite the fact the interface was just... difficult for me, even more the second time when I developed my chronic pain issues. I really love the whole idea of the game. I'm glad we got this remake that feels like the original in every way it should and changed what it needed to to hold up now. I hope it sells well and Nightdive feel it's worth committing to more similarly ambitious projects.
  19. hybridial

    Favorite piece of horror media?

    The Devilman Lady anime. It's always had a special place in my heart and is honestly A. not what you'd expect it to be especially based on the source material and B. Not what you'd expect an anime to be. In fact especially compared to now it's basically the anti-anime and I kind of love it for that especially.
  20. hybridial

    What Video Game Are You Currently Playing?

    I'm kinda swapping between Resident Evil 4 Remake, Solasta's Palace of Ice DLC and Hedon just now.
  21. hybridial

    Which games are you waiting for ?

    Eiyuden Chronicles, the only RPG that I'm interested in but I am very interested in it. Blasphemous II I'm mildly hyped for after finally playing the first one and being pleasantly surprised by how good it was. Warhammer 40k Boltgun which is out in a few days. After playing the demo, Selaco, I really want to play more of that. The Ion Fury and Amid Evil expansions because more of good games Phantom Fury The DLC for Symphony of War Silent Hill 2 remake, albeit cautiously, it'd be very easy for them to fuck it up but if they pull it off, will be a great use for my PS5 and new TV set up.
  22. hybridial

    Looking for lesser-known horror media

    I could offer a lot of suggestions so what I'll do is try and categorise them a bit, but I'll start with the really big thing for me. Devilman. Now, Netflix funded an anniversary series that got some attention in 2018, and it's not bad but I'm not gonna recommend that, I don't think it was as good as the 1973 manga it adapts, nor as good as my personal favourite thing of all time, the 1998 spin off Devilman Lady; hell I'm writing my own adaptation of that series because I love it so much, my general goal is to be a horror writer of original work but when I decided I needed a project to kind of boost my motivation a bit it's really worked out. Also there are the 1987 and 1990 Devilman movies which were my first exposure to Devilman like 23 years ago. If you're in North America, Discotek released those movies and the DML anime on blu ray, and the latter is available digitally on Amazon but it's also on TMS' youtube channel in it's entirety. If the fanfic I'm writing's of any interest to you, I'm uploading on deviantart at the moment, under the same user name. And I'm recommending this on the basis I don't care it's anime, it's just my favourite story period. With that out of the way, uh, lets see. I'm not sure how obscure is obscure to you, I imagine some of these should qualify at least. Movies: Split Second, The Psychic\7 Notes in Black, The Cemetary Man, The Exorcist: Legion (the only good but honestly awesome sequel), Ginger Snaps, ReAnimator, The People Under the Stairs, The Serpent and the Rainbow, Deep Red, Phenomena, Tenebrae, Suspiria, Inferno, Opera, Don't Torture a Duckling, Society, Scanners, Videodrome, In the Mouth of Madness, Prince of Darkness For videogames I'll just say Clock Tower, I don't think there's too many excellent horror games that aren't quite well known. *edit*, Oh, I did forget one indie freeware adventure horror game that I thought was kind of impressive, The White Chamber. It was apparently being remastered but that started almost a decade ago, not sure if it's still coming or not.
  23. For me it can be a bit complicated but the one thing that I can say for sure comes down to performance, and the fact GZdoom is the only sourceport that offers everything I feel I need. So I guess I can add compatibility with that port as well. If a mapset can't run at a stable FPS at all times on my computer, then I pass. I think a good example of a quality mapset I had to stop playing owing to this is a couple of later maps in Valiant. Eviternity just becomes a slide show.
  24. hybridial

    What are you listening to?

    Just getting into this album really, the last one I need to properly get to grips with.
  25. hybridial

    New Zelda Game looks pretty awesome

    For a long time I considered Ocarina of Time the greatest game ever made. I still consider it to be an amazing game. To be honest after that Zelda... was bordering on letdown after letdown for me. The shift to open world about 7 years too late with BotW kinda ended my interest altogether, as really the thing I liked most in Zelda is intricate dungeon exploration and that is one thing they entirely stripped out of the design for the sake of the open world approach. I own a Switch but I got it for Shin Megami Tensei V initially, and I get some fun out of it with the Mario games but I don't see me even bothering with the new Zelda.