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Everything posted by hybridial

  1. hybridial

    What Video Game Are You Currently Playing?

    @ReaperAA I really tried everything with Shadow Warrior Redux but nothing really made it better. I played through it but at this point would rather wait for a new port. Nblood works fine. BloodGDX works great. Fresh Supply is fine. Somehow we went from having no decent source ports of Blood to having three in the space of 6 months. I will try those settings with Ion Fury to see if they help, thanks.
  2. hybridial

    What Video Game Are You Currently Playing?

    I guess that makes sense, its just that if I turn off Vsync on Megaton and Redux, I get really, really bad screen tearing that makes it just as unplayable as having the input lag does, and whilst running it windowed can fix the screen tearing I find the input problems and frame stutters never really go away. I'm hoping we get a Shadow Warrior port sometime without these issues. Also WT ran fine when the frame limit was set at 60, its just later I found I could raise it to max and it still ran just as well. Ion Fury can't do that.
  3. hybridial

    What Video Game Are You Currently Playing?

    Its really weird because thats exactly what I find Duke Nukem Megaton and Shadow Warrior Classic Redux to be. Duke Nukem WT works flawlessly for me. Absolutely flawless, 144fps never dips ever. And I'm not saying you're lying, but it really seems like there's some deep technical issue going on with it. Also earlier versions of eduke32 also gave me such issues but they were fixed in one of the recent updates at some point.
  4. Oh yeah, got another one, more specific to me especially in the early days but essentially; So you love Dragonforce? I don't even really hate them, but there was a period of time that if you brought up power metal in any fashion online, that was the only band people knew. Was more into Rhapsody, Stratovarius and Blind Guardian.
  5. hybridial

    What are you listening to?

    An album that is a masterpiece of symphonic metal.
  6. hybridial

    Doom II Community Lifespan

    I guess I can chime in as someone pretty new to really liking Doom. Whilst I have a fairly long history of playing FPSes, I've only really engaged with the Doom games in the past couple of years. I basically started with Goldeneye, Turok, Quake and Duke Nukem 64. And for most years following I generally played whatever FPSes came that seemed interesting to me, which 90% of the time was as long as it wasn't a military game. And I have to say, this might come across as jaded but I think I see it differently. I kinda hate modern AAA games. Not all of them or everything, but, they're all mostly the same, and I'm bored of them. I also kind of feel a lot of the time that these games have had millions put into them to make them seem big and great and epic and yet as experiences they're inferior to games made in the late 90s. I'm also bored of attempts to tell stories in them because most of them do a really poor job and tend to be bad games to boot. If you want to call me a mainstream hating hipster, go ahead, I get that a lot :P But along with all this is the realisation of how engaging something like Doom 1 and 2 are, artistically, technically, and to appreciate the combination of simplicity in concept yet intricate in gameplay, only really limited by the level designer's imagination. In fact its drawn me to contemplate getting into making content for them, and I have basically very little artistic talent or technical talent outside of writing. But I see people say with Doom they can make things by learning and that (at least compared to most things with making games) its pretty accessible, and I'm just really impressed by stuff I see in wads like TNT Revilution. Truly jumping in and starting something is difficult for me sometimes but I have played with GZDoom builder a bit and tested some concepts. The main reason I'm here is to join this community and engage with it creatively, so hopefully sooner than later I'll be bugging people to play my maps. I also dig Heretic a lot especially with Notjabba's work on The Wayfarer's Tome mod and I definitely want to work with that game as well.
  7. hybridial

    What's the most memorable game you've ever played?

    I'd be inclined to say either Resident Evil or Silent Hill 2. With those games the horror tropes and the unique storytelling in the latter case were extremely on point and really made those such a great experience. Bioshock Infinite is memorable for all the wrong reasons in that I don't think I'll ever play anything as memorably bad, soulless and just made me want to go full AVGN on the disc (unfortunately I didn't have one, bought it on Steam), and feel that its an injustice that there's been websites dedicated to destroying Shaq Fu, but not Bioshock Infinite. But I know, I should try to be more positive and try not to remember things out of hatred. Its just hard sometimes. :p
  8. This is really the only one I've come across in that list, but yeah all of those are kinda BS. Especially given that I started out being into extremely upbeat power metal, so you know, "happy" metal exists, even if it can get unwarranted criticism for people who like other subgenres because it isn't the one they like. Honestly the most stupid things ever said to me in relation to metal have mostly been by other metal fans being judgemental asses. Probably doesn't help that I'm not that into the name bands (Iron Maiden I guess for a while) and probably the most popular band I like is Dream Theatre and most people around where I live still probably don't even know who they are. I have changed in taste a fair amount and I did go through long term issues which I think lead me to explore different bands and led to my tastes changing somewhat. But I still like spacey sounding prog metal thats definitely not super depressive, but it has led to me really getting into I guess slower, more atmospheric stuff, which generally takes influence from prog, Doom, Gothic, Death, folk and in the rare case black metal, I hesitate in ever applying one of those labels because most bands I listen to don't fit just into one.
  9. hybridial

    Knowledge vs Reflexes/Skill in conquering games

    I think what it comes down to for me is, I want both. To me, both together works much better than one or the other. Its very easy for people to get into childish arguments over what makes challenge fun in a game, so I want to illustrate something here. Dark Souls 1 and 2. I finished them. I didn't really like them, and I think they're not challenging in any healthy sense. I don't really think they were challenging at all. And I don't think they were fun. Why I'd say that comes down to the general expectation of the player in certain situations and probably more how combat in the game was designed. Those games can be conquered fairly easily through repetition, patience and observation. I hate that. I don't play games to be patient, well, not combat games for sure. Strategy, maybe a different matter. But putting a sword in my hand and then expecting me to not play aggressively is to me, game design that just isn't fun. I'd define the game as placing less emphasis on skill or reflexes and more on gaming the system by doing what the developer intended for you to do. I tended to have fun with games in the past for different reasons but when it comes to action, I want the game designed more around aggressive, skilful play. And the reason knowledge comes into it is the assumption that when you die, you'll try again and are still dealing with the same situation. This is because the situation was designed by a person to be a particular way. And this might be controversial but I consider that to be a necessity to a game. Hence both elements working together. Roguelikes for the most part, I just have no use for them, at all. I consider them hollow shells of games lacking the most important component by far.
  10. Easiest question ever for me, it was the first game I played for the system, Streets of Rage 2.
  11. hybridial

    PS2 Discussion thread

    I had Urban Chaos, good game but I preferred Timesplitters 3 to be honest. The PS2-GC-Xbox was my favourite console generation by far because I had all three (perk of the timing I guess, I had some part time work at the time) and all three were awesome. My games library for all three approached 200 games at one point but in the end I sold them all a few years ago. Sort of regret it but eh, I'm not as enthusiastic a gamer as I used to be. I grew up as a big nintendo fan but I really have no use for them now, and thats still more than I can say of Sony and Microsoft.
  12. hybridial

    What Video Game Are You Currently Playing?

    I'm currently running playthroughs on Heretic (with the Wayfarer's Tome), Doom 64: Retribution and TNT Revilution. Quake: Arcane Dimensions technically too I guess. And other than those, a tower defence game called Rats, Bats & Bones.
  13. hybridial

    What is the first fps game you have played?

    I think it was a game called Corporation on the Sega Mega Drive. I never got very far in it, I was like 8 or 9, and look at that interface. I think I learned to reload, maybe.
  14. hybridial

    What's the best Playstation 1 games you've ever played?

    I actually owned an N64 and never properly owned a PSX, I think. Yeah I think I played a lot of the PSX games I did when I got a PS2 thanks to the backwards compatibility. So for what I really liked, Metal Gear Solid Final Fantasy VII (don't really like it now but eh, did at the time) Suikoden II Bloody Roar 2 Darkstalkers 3 Legacy of Kain Blood Omen & Soul Reaver Resident Evil 1-3 Dino Crisis 2 Clock Tower There was probably more but its going back for me now and honestly I kinda remember what I loved on the N64 much more vividly.
  15. hybridial

    The story behind your custom avatar

    I am just a really huge fanboy for the very obscure Devilman Lady anime made in 1998 that adapted from the manga of the same name. Devilman is maybe slightly more known thanks to the recent netflix adaptation, and Lady is pretty much the common trope of "what if the main character was a woman", although the anime series benefited a lot from adopting a different, much more gothic style, (which seems like a funny thing to say when the source is called Devilman) and remains to this day my favourite thing ever really.
  16. hybridial

    What are you reading now?

    The Traitor God - Cameron Johnston Got it recently along with another fantasy novel called The Gutter Prayer. Seems interesting, kind of like a noir piece involving wizards, demons and whatnot.
  17. hybridial

    Excited For Eternal?

    I think thats because if nothing else, Doom Eternal looks like a proper game. I got a new processor that I still need to get installed, and Doom Eternal is really the only big reason for me to do so. I think based on what I've seen I'm best not touching Doom 2016 anymore, and instead just look forward to what hopefully will be a great experience with many improvements. I like the idea of the multiplayer battle mode, I never play things online but actually focusing on making a cool experience for 2-3 players seems like it would be way more engaging than the typical death match.
  18. Hi, I'm very, very new to making things in Doom and I've been learning by rote and watching tutorials. Essentially what I want to do in this room, is the exit portal is in the centre. I want that to raise up when the player walks over the appropriate linedef. This works. Before then, I had the platform raised already and wanted it to lower when all the enemies in the room were killed. This script for doing that was working before adding the previous function. #include "zcommon.acs" script 1 (void) { if(ThingCount(T_NONE,2)==0) { Plat_DownByValue (3,32,0,14); } } I'm not sure what the issue is, unless its a limitation where I can't do both of those things with the same sector. Be grateful for any help.
  19. hybridial

    Issue with linedef action breaking script

    Thanks Boris, when I put in that script, and then also corrected the linedef to raise it as a floor instead of a platform, it all works as intended.
  20. hybridial

    Issue with linedef action breaking script

    I tried making that script change but it didn't do anything either. I can attach the map, it should be fairly clear what I'm trying to do. Test02.zip
  21. Hi, I signed up mainly just to say, nice work, you're doing a lot to make Hexen more fun to play, same with The Wayfarer's Tome, its kind of amazing how much better these games are just with some small gameplay tweaks.