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Mad Dal 85

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Everything posted by Mad Dal 85

  1. Mad Dal 85

    Changing Difficulty Names For PK3 Mod

    sorry, my bad man. I created a MAPINFO file in my pk3 file and wrote in it; include "mapinfo/skills.txt" and in the "Skills.txt" file in the mapinfo folder, i wrote; CLEARSKILLS Skill 1 { AmmoFactor = 2 DamageFactor = 0.5 MonsterHealth = 0.5 SpawnFilter = Baby Name = "Wimp" TextColor = Red }
  2. Mad Dal 85

    Plants/Nature for Doom Mods

    Where can I find plants and other nature stuff for mods? I need more than what's available on R667. i need plants, trees and other things like what is seen in Lost Civilization Thanks
  3. Mad Dal 85

    Plants/Nature for Doom Mods

    how can i get the images into my doom mod? Import on Slade 3 not working
  4. I noticed that the "Ritual Knife" from R667 stays in the inventory even after you use it. How is that done? I wish to use that method for other items in my mod such as the Summon Sphere but that keeps disappearing after use. So i just want to know how to keep them in the inventory when you use it? (ie, unlimited use of it) Thanks
  5. Mad Dal 85

    Keeping Inventory Items After Using Them

    sorted it. thanks again. one last question: is there any way to put a cooldown effect on it so it can not be used again for a period of time?
  6. Mad Dal 85

    Keeping Inventory Items After Using Them

    yeah, i still don't understand zscript, not without any kind of tutorial anyway which what i am looking for, in case you misunderstood that little part.
  7. Mad Dal 85

    Keeping Inventory Items After Using Them

    it's not working. it keeps disappearing from the inventory
  8. Mad Dal 85

    Keeping Inventory Items After Using Them

    ok thanks. i don't understand zscript to be honest. i tried looking for tutorial videos about zscripting on doom and found nothing.
  9. Mad Dal 85

    Money Not Working Properly

    Money is not working properly in my Doom Mod. Instead of it all adding up together, it keeps appearing in another inventory slot instead. Anyone know what I am doing wrong? Here is the script (DECORATE) Actor GoldCoin : CustomInventory { Game Doom +FloorClip +Inventory.InvBar Inventory.Amount 1 Inventory.MaxAmount 5000000 Inventory.InterHubAmount 5000000 Inventory.PickupMessage "Picked up a gold coin." Inventory.Icon "COINA0" Tag "Coins for shopping" States { Spawn: COIN A -1 Stop } } Actor GoldCoin2 : GoldCoin { Inventory.PickupMessage "Picked up 10 gold coins." States { Spawn: COIN B -1 Stop Pickup: TNT1 A 1 A_GiveInventory("GoldCoin", 10) Stop } } I have also tried this method too but it's the same result, just appears in another inventory slot instead of adding on to the current slot. Actor GoldCoin2 : GoldCoin { Game Doom +FloorClip +Inventory.InvBar Inventory.Amount 10 Inventory.MaxAmount 5000000 Inventory.InterHubAmount 5000000 Inventory.PickupMessage "Picked up 10 gold coin." States { Spawn: COIN B -1 Stop } } Also tried this too but it's still the same result. Actor GoldCoin : Inventory { Game Doom +FloorClip +Inventory.InvBar Inventory.Amount 1 Inventory.MaxAmount 5000000 Inventory.InterHubAmount 5000000 Inventory.PickupMessage "Picked up a gold coin." Inventory.Icon "COINA0" Tag "Coins for shopping" States { Spawn: COIN A -1 Stop } } Actor GoldCoin2 : GoldCoin { Inventory.PickupMessage "Picked up 10 gold coins." States { Spawn: COIN B -1 Stop Pickup: TNT1 A 1 A_GiveInventory("GoldCoin", 10) Stop } }
  10. Mad Dal 85

    Money Not Working Properly

    thank you so much @jaeden that one actually works. thank you so much. i really appreciate this.
  11. Mad Dal 85

    Money Not Working Properly

    i'll give this a try. i'll let you know how it goes.
  12. Mad Dal 85

    Money Not Working Properly

    sorry but i don't understand what you mean by any of that (short and simple please) my brain is just exhausted from all this stress of trying to get these coins to work over the last 24hours
  13. Mad Dal 85

    Money Not Working Properly

    i have tried everything in every way i can think of. nothing seems to work. Parent item, each one as an inventory/custominventory and more nothing seems to work. i'll gladly send it to someone via DM/PM to fix it or at least properly show me the how it should be done, because i do not know what to do anymore. this is my first time i have been modding doom in two years as i have been without a computer since early 2021 so i do not remember much.
  14. Mad Dal 85

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    These all look amazing. I got back into Doom modding after two years of being without a computer, but i cannot remember most of it. at the moment, i am having serious trouble with something in my mod so i cannot continue with it until i can get the help i need to resolve the issue.
  15. Mad Dal 85

    Money Not Working Properly

    Please! Surely someone must know what is wrong here? I've been stuck on this for hours now and it's really stressing me out BIG TIME!!!
  16. Mad Dal 85

    Money Not Working Properly

    i'm seriously at my wits end now! i've tried everything i can think of to solve this but nothing. no currency in the mod means the rest of the mod is pointless and no one gets to see it. Look at the inventory bar (bottom) and you'll see my problem. i cannot work out where i am going wrong. even copying Strife's coding doesn't work. please help.
  17. Mad Dal 85

    ZScripted monsters not showing in the map editor.

    thank you for the help :) ZScript is a real complicated pain in the a**e in my opinion, but i managed to get the things to appear on the map editor.
  18. Why are the ZScripted monsters not showing up in the map editor?
  19. Mad Dal 85

    ZScripted monsters not showing in the map editor.

    I don't think any of the ZScripted monsters i want to use in my mod have EdNumbers. Yes, gzdoom.pk3 is in the resource list of the map editor. And I am using Ultimate DOOM Builder v3.0.0.4034
  20. Mad Dal 85

    Plants/Nature for Doom Mods

    one other thing (i know this is random and off topic but) if both DECORATE and ZScript files are in the same mod, will they both work together? (ie. some things in DECORATE and others in ZScript)
  21. Mad Dal 85

    Plants/Nature for Doom Mods

    thanks. i always give credit to the people who create resources for people to use in mods. i put their names down in the credits.txt of my mod, what the item/weapon/monster is, then the name/s of the people who did the sprites and coding for it.
  22. I downloaded the Disciple Statues from R667 to put in my DOOM mod, but for some reason, they are replacing the Player1 Start in the maps yet there is nothing in the scripting prompting this action/behaviour. What is going on here? Thanks
  23. Mad Dal 85

    Music for mods

    What music is allowed to be used in Doom mods? I found a great piece of music for the final boss in my Doom mod but not sure if it can be used. Hence why I am asking.
  24. Mad Dal 85

    Music for mods

    I wonder how the creator/s of Clusterfuck got permission for the music used in it.
  25. Mad Dal 85

    Music for mods

    i tried to convert it and it didn't sound to nice in MIDI. Are MP3 formats allowed to be used in Doom mods or it is just MIDI, OGG and FLAC formats only?