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Mad Dal 85

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Everything posted by Mad Dal 85

  1. Mad Dal 85

    Salvation Sphere, again

    And I don't want no stupid answers or anyone putting me down. We're supposed to help each other, not take the p***! I just want help getting the salvation sphere to work in my mod.
  2. Mad Dal 85

    Salvation Sphere, again

    Hi everyone I know I asked about the salvation sphere once already, but I managed to get it to work on it own (eventually) without any mods or anything. But, when I add it to my mod, I get this. Any ideas?
  3. Mad Dal 85

    Salvation Sphere, again

    Here's the decorate for the Salvation Sphere that I want to use And here's the decorate for my doomguy
  4. Mad Dal 85

    Map Size

    Hi. Just out of curiosity, is there a limit on how big a map can be on the map editor or is it restricted to a certain size? I've seen some maps on YT that are literally HUGE!
  5. Mad Dal 85

    Map Size

    I've seen some maps on YT that are extremely big. Slaughter map opukol (or however it's spelt) for one, is massive! I've also seen YouTuber Ultra-Violence do a few big single maps on his channel too (LSD mod has a HUGE map as well) and UV had to do that map in several parts. I was curious if there was a size limit. I zoomed out on the builder I can see that build area is like, 65535 x 65535. I guess it can't go any higher that than? Just wondering that's all as I want to create a massive map (for personal use unless someone wants to play it too in which case I can always DM them the map) so I can show off everything that is in my RM (Randomiser Mod) in one map rather than having to playthrough a whole wad and only a percentage of the monsters appear in the whole playthrough.
  6. Mad Dal 85

    Map Size

    Ok. Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.
  7. Mad Dal 85

    Share Your Sprites!

    Thanks, mate. Really appreciate it. I will give the author the proper credit.
  8. Mad Dal 85

    Share Your Sprites!

    Quick question. Does anyone know where I can find the mechanical/cybernetic version of a Cacodemon? I've seen them on Doom vids on YouTube but I can't find the monster itself anywhere. The standard Caco shooting laser beams and railguns just doesn't work. It looks awful. Thanks.
  9. Mad Dal 85

    Other Resources?

    Hi. Just a general question. Is there any other sites other than Realm667 that have resources available for Doom mods? Thanks
  10. Mad Dal 85

    Other Resources?

    Found some new monster sprites after looking much deeper online, but no DECORATE files for them (which I can easily write them myself) and the authors did say that anyone can use them providing proper credit is given (which is fair enough) Still can't find a mechanical/cybernetic version of the Cacodemon though. I've seen them on videos on YT but nowhere to download it. 😔
  11. Mad Dal 85

    Other Resources?

    Some cool textures pack there that I don't have for my maps so I'll put them to good use. Thanks.
  12. Mad Dal 85

    Other Resources?

    Thanks everyone. The idgames graphics didn't have everything I was looking for but I found some cool things to put in my randomiser mod. I was looking for a mechanical/cybernetic version of the cacodemon because a modded Caco that I made (Beam Caco) looks weird when shooting it's laser beams at you from it fleshy mouth, but it would look much better if the laser beams came from a mechanical/cybernetic version of the Caco.
  13. Mad Dal 85

    DamageType for Hitscanners

    I know that "DamageType" works for projectiles like Rockets (DamageType "Explosive") but is it possible to do this or something similar for hitscan enemies then use "DamageFactor" on Custom Armor to decrease the damage you receive from Hitscanners? The Shotgun Guy for example; DamageType "Shotgun" On the Shotgun Guy's Actor then on the Custom Armor Actor; DamageFactor "Shotgun", 0.3 So whilst wearing wearing the Custom Armor, you only receive one third of the damage from Shotgun attacks?
  14. Mad Dal 85

    DamageType for Hitscanners

    I see what you mean now. Jetpack Zombie on R667 has it's own puff actor which has a DamageType of it's own. Actor JPuff : BulletPuff { DamageType "JPuff" } So I played around with it and now I know how to add DamageType to Hitscanners. Is it possible to add a puff actor or something for default weapons like the Pistol and Shotguns?
  15. Mad Dal 85

    How can I put custom textures into Slade?

    Reminds me of something from the old 2D games on Sega Mega Drive and SNES lol. Looks good.
  16. Mad Dal 85

    Share Your Sprites!

    Thanks, mate. This will make a great addition to my mod. 👍
  17. Mad Dal 85

    Share Your Sprites!

    I've been looking for a Mancubus with chainguns attached instead of his flamethrowers, and I'm still a novice when it comes editing sprites so that will take me a while to do. A Mancubus without the flamethrowers and that sounds cool, but what attacks will it have?
  18. Mad Dal 85

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    Some of the outdoor parts remind me of Eviternity, especially some of the colours.
  19. Mad Dal 85

    Share Your Sprites!

    These ain't my monsters, just edits that I have done for my Randomiser Mod, credit for the sprites used go to their creators. Here are 3 different classes/types of monsters that will give you a challenge in my mod. First up, the 'Crazy' monsters (Baron pictured for their colour) These ones are like their name suggest, crazy! They move so fast that they leave projections of themselves behind, they have double the health of their original counterpart and they also have multiple attacks that deals damage! Not difficult to beat but their movement speed is what will be more annoying about them. Also immuned/protected against some types of attack. Heavy weapons like BFGs and other heavy duty weapons works best against these. Second up, the 'Doomsday' monsters (Caco pictured for their colour) these monsters have 5 times the health and twice the speed of their original counterpart and all have green projectiles. They are also bigger too (scale 1.3) Not the toughest but they are immuned/protected against certain types of attacks. Machine guns and shotguns work best against these ones. Third up, the 'dark realm' monsters. F*ck these guys are (at the moment) the toughest yet! (Archvile pictured for their colour) These ones have 10 times the amount of health and are nearly 3 times faster than their original counterpart, plus they have a 50% chance of teleporting when injured and have a high defense against a huge variety of attacks and can rip you apart in an instant with their melee attacks. They do drop some very good inventory items and powerups but the drop rate is under 50%. Heavy weapons like BFGs and also shotguns works best against the dark realm monsters. Melee attacks works well too but I wouldn't advise it though. I have increased the damage that some weapons do in my mod to help balance out the gameplay when you're up against these tough monsters.
  20. Mad Dal 85

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    New death animation for the Archvile and a few Archvile variants in my randomiser mod (WIP)
  21. Mad Dal 85

    Share Your Sprites!

    Using the ElecPod (found on Realm667) I modded it to create two Inventory Items to help the player deal with groups of enemies. Ice Bomb (blue one) and Poison Bomb (green one.) Throw it and take it cover as it spews out multiple ice/poison clouds (whichever you use) to freeze your enemies or make them choke to death on poison. Does not work on any enemies that are immuned to ice or poison attacks. I am willing to share them if anyone wants to have them in their mod.
  22. Mad Dal 85

    Share Your Sprites!

    I never knew it did exist. I did the work myself with this one because of the lack of Spider Mastermind variants available. I found the Demolisher and Arachnophyte on Realm667 and mixed them together. I've noticed there are quite a few monsters that don't have many variants available, hence why I've been making some of my own using what resources are publicly available online but the credit goes to those who made the original sprites I used to create new variants and monsters. Barons, Imps, Cacos, Zombies, Demons and Arachnotrons seem to have the most variants from what I can find available. Also been making new Archvile variants for my mod as R667 only have 3 available.
  23. Mad Dal 85

    Share Your Sprites!

    Finished my flying Demolisher, which I am calling it 'Commander' in my mod. Now for another one. An Annihilator with it's legs removed and it's torso placed on the Arachnophyte's mechanical flying machine. Here's the first sprite. Wish me luck with rest lol. Again, credit to those made the sprites for the Annihilator and the Arachnophyte.
  24. Mad Dal 85

    Share Your Sprites!

    I've finally learnt how to edit actual sprites using Paint. Here is the first edit I'm doing. I've removed the legs from the Demolisher (found on R667) and added the jet engines from the Arachnophyte (also found on R667) and come up with a flying Demolisher. Gonna take a while but worth it once I've finished and got a new monster variant to use in my mod. Obviously, the credit goes to those who originally created the sprites. All I've done is basically put two monsters together to get a new one.
  25. Mad Dal 85

    DamageType for Hitscanners

    Would 'A_CustomBullet' work? Or 'A_CustomMissile'?