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Spootu's Shack

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About Spootu's Shack

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  1. Spootu's Shack

    Duke Nukem Forever 2001 without nudes?

    It's fine lol. The only reason I'm asking about this is because when I was watching Civvie's video on it, he pointed out some of them were called "teen nudity". I'm sure you can understand why I don't want that shit on my pc lmao
  2. Spootu's Shack

    Duke Nukem Forever 2001 without nudes?

    Thanks, I'll check that out. :(
  3. Does anyone know where to get a version of Duke Nukem Forever's leaked 2001 build without the porn backgrounds? I'm not comfortable having that shit on my pc.
  4. Spootu's Shack

    Game that everyone hates but you like?

    Sonic R. I don't know why or what's wrong with me. I think I just hate myself.
  5. Spootu's Shack

    is blood actually as good as people think it is?

    Don't play it higher than Lightly broiled, for your own sanity. But yes, it's phenomenal. Brutal as Hell though. Be ready to quicksave and be ready to die frequently. But the level design, weapons, and enemies (for the most part) are top notch. The movement is actually pretty fun too, but nothing special. I prefer it to Duke Nukem 3D and Shadow Warrior, personally. NBlood and Build GDX are recommended when playing. Fresh Supply is fine but kinda finicky. (To be fair, all of them a lil bit finicky, since Blood never had its source code released)
  6. Spootu's Shack

    Does Killing the Icon of Sin in a Map always end the level?

    Nice. Thank you.
  7. I'm making a wad in which I want the player to fight a heart, of which will just be sectors hiding Romero's head. I noticed that when testing things (in GZDoom) that killing the Icon ended the level. I was under the impression that it only worked in MAP30, but I was testing it in a custom MAP01. Is this always the case? Or does GZDoom change scripting that affects what happens when the Icon is killed?