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Everything posted by Snark

  1. Snark

    Least favourite mechanic?

    I'm just not a fan of random damage. I realise it's a nice thumbs up to the whole pen and paper roleplaying system, but I just hate when it takes two shotgun blasts PLUS 1 PISTOL BULLET to down a pinky, or two super shotgun blasts PLUS ONE PISTOL BULLET to kill a caco, or when a revenant missile takes 80 GODDAM HEALTH OFF because it just decided to. It adds RNG to fights that should be pure strategy.
  2. I'd go as a hanging commander keen, just to show I'm more original than any of you
  3. Dang, thanks for compiling all of this. I used to make comics (well, what the french call "bande dessinée", different format but same principle) with over 250 pages done... You made me want to pick my pens up again and continue the doom legacy, for which I thank you.
  4. Snark

    Monster from doom that terrified us

    If you count all Dooms, the cherub is the real underpant stainer for me. But I still have actual nightmares with archies.
  5. Snark

    How much coke do you drink a day?

    I usually snort it
  6. Snark

    Your opinion on nuclear power?

    The best thing with nuclear power is that it gave us S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
  7. -pitchfork -flare gun -evil dead 2 shotgun -tommy gun -NAPALM LAUNCHER!!! -FRIKKIN DYNAMITE WITH TONS OF ATTACK OPTIONS!!! -spray can (AKA IT BURNS IT BURNS!!!!!) -Tesla cannon -Some weird staff that shoots exploding fireballs that you can shoot with no ammo BUT feeds on your health -VOODOO DOLL Is, to me, the best weapon rollout ever. Blood rules.
  8. Snark

    Kozlik's Canadian Mustard

    Zis iz scandaloose! Le only reel moutarde iz le French moutarde! Dijon, mozerfockeurs! Ze reste iz placebo!
  9. For deus ex, remember it's NOT doom. I personnaly found the stealth weapons choice the best at the beginning, but you do you. Hacking and lockpicking are vital too. Still one of the best games ever made, although occasionnaly frustrating. Most of all, enjoy.
  10. Snark

    What is a game you play a lot except Doom?

    I've just gone above 1000 hours of enter the gungeon. To be honest I only play it to have something to do with my hands while listening to podcasts, otherwise I can't concentrate on the words but I still thought "wow... 1000 hours"...
  11. Snark

    What is your greatest fear?

    Living in a world where peoples basic freedoms are taken away because of a virus that hardly kills anyone, AND losing all of my limbs. At the same time.
  12. If you want, I did a 15 map megawad this year, most of them are pretty short.
  13. Snark

    Favorite Atmospheric Midi?

    That song from Toxic touch in AV. No idea what it's called. Just realised (well, googled) the fact that it's "plasma" from duke 3d.
  14. Lovely so far. Found a softlock in map 03 at the beginning, a hole behind the blue armor you can't get out of.
  15. Noice. Vanilla music though? Seems strange coming from you...
  16. Snark

    Most Satisfying Enemy to Kill.

    Gibbing zombies and imps with the berserk is my numero uno. That "splatter" sound is almost ... sexual.
  17. They're all as weird as each other. But the weirdest thing that happened to me was having this "inception" - like experience (yeah, I know it's a shitty movie) where I kept "waking up" into another dream for AGES, I must have falsely woken up around 70 times. I could actually hear what was happening in the real world, was sleeping in a tent working on a festival. But I just couldn't really wake up. I finally opened my eyes inside my tent, thinking " thank god it's over", opened the tents zipper to see a world with a green and pink sky with rocks floating in the air. I started thinking I was in a coma and would never wake up, till I did. But I half expected for the rest of the day that something impossible would happen and was still in a dream.
  18. Snark

    What Was Your Last Purchase?

    -Tobacco -Papers -Filters -Beer -Gin -Tonic -Steak
  19. Snark

    Doom dreams

    This happens to me all the time, where I am the doom guy. It's always the same level as well, a Hell level of rock, lava and blood that progressively collapses into caves and tunnels filled with cyberdemons and archviles. I might actually try to make that map, only I haven't beaten it yet in the dream. Strangely the only game I ever dreamed of, probably because of how abstract the graphics of the game can be, I think this imprints the game more deeply into your subconscious.