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Everything posted by tony

  1. tony

    This project is dead

    Nightmare, could you post a pic, would the creator of this model let it be use for freedoom domain ?
  2. tony


    Here you go Linquica ;)
  3. tony

    This project is dead

    You know I got that error once, I wonder what that was ??? The map doesn't have to be big or fancy just something that will test out all the textures, sound, sprites, flats and anything else that goes with it. We could just modify the existing ones first since we wouldn't have to worry about the visplane issue. Unless this has something to do with the doom2.exe, which is what you might be saying. Even if there is a issue, there's still other engine besides Boom and Zoom. I'm having some success with "EDGE" which also has a gl version and boom compatible. But I want to attract the ones who are also tired of the low texture graphics and have there sight on others such as jDoom. I would said 3Drising, but there's no linux version, people would also like to port Doom64 to jDoom and a Iwad such as Freedoom just might do the trick. There's also map generator out there that might speed up the process, such as http://interreality.org/~tetron/technology/angdoom/ There's even a program out there that takes a drawing in bmp and convert it to Doom map for you. However most of these are for windows and C++ language so I wasn't able to take a look at these. I'll be glad with help testing and keeping a site updated, which is more then I could say for this freedoom website.
  4. tony

    This project is dead

    I guess the ones that do want to see this project done, we just going have to take matters into our own hands. Don't know much about hosting sites on sorceforge, so anyone here know how to set one up ? Also we need to keep the duetextree updated, there's no motivation when there's no progress is site. I think the main focus should be on the graphics and sound and the map need to be more basic. We should get rid of the boom features for compatibility and speed. And keep the map short and simple. I believe once people get there hands on a free Iwad they will be motivated to add something to as the time pass. I think that programs such as Blender can greatly increase the progress of sprites. There should be a human model that others can build from. Blender also has pose mode and armature so animating them wouldn't be too difficult. Tutorials should be included to increase the speed with new comers.
  5. tony


    I would like to see a gauntlet mod, I'm already modeling in Blender and working on improving my modeling skills by modeling a nude women, I would post a picture of it but stupid forum rules says I can't. Oh, and anyone ever play actraiser ? I think those bosses would make a great mod.. On the X rated side, I would like to see those demon chicks from the beginning of the Anime Urotsukidouji.
  6. tony

    checking back in

    Yea, when would it replace the old one ?
  7. tony

    Freedoom in Debian

    I see.
  8. tony

    Freedoom in Debian

    Great news, glad to see things getting back on track, jDoom illegal ?
  9. tony

    checking back in

    Great, I already have two new hi res image of waterfall and water.
  10. tony

    checking back in

    I think too few are doing too many of the work themself. I hope the release in Debian will bring more help to the project.
  11. tony

    Freedoom in Debian

    The chances are, the screenshots and textures I upload to ftp won't be on the website anyways. Even if the new website is nice, there's still jdoom screenshots that won't work with the boom levels. As for Debian package of freedoom, I don't want to see it limited to prBoom as I would like to see some candy eyes with it, such as 3drisen. The website needs to stay updated and we need to ask the help of others to finish the project. Even thoe some of the charaters sucks, it would still be a building block for further work and development.
  12. tony


    Forget about the encryption, besides HIP "Hide in picture" already does it.
  13. tony

    Did freedoom stoped ?

    Did this project stop ? How come the new webpage isn't up ?
  14. tony

    Did freedoom stoped ?

    Gaydoom ? Nazidoom ?
  15. tony

    Did freedoom stoped ?

  16. tony

    Did freedoom stoped ?

    It looks like it's on there way out, by the look of it, don't think Risen3D is going to stay up much longer.
  17. tony

    Did freedoom stoped ?

    The Freedoom map wouldn't work with jDoom or the original Doom.exe, the map ends up missing. The problem isn't that big, it justs needs different maps.
  18. tony

    Did freedoom stoped ?

    It work if you use doom maps, but the Freedoom will only work with boom compatable engine, you may see a few things with jDoom, but you won't be able to open doors, I know that Risen3D will work with the FreeDoom map and features, it's very much like jDoom.
  19. tony

    Did freedoom stoped ?

    http://www.dedalo-3d.com/ Try it out ;)
  20. tony

    Did freedoom stoped ?

    the Make Human script has a kick ass demon target and it works as it should, anyone ever check into it ?
  21. tony

    Website ?

    Um, so when is the Freedoom site going to be redone ?
  22. tony

    Want to submit something?

    Well, mostly it's Boom maps but it can use the default maps as well. You can find info on it here http://freedoom.sourceforge.net/
  23. tony

    Want to submit something?

    Chances are no.
  24. tony


    Oh brother, look here http://jon.dowland.name/uni/project/