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Everything posted by 0-Mephisto-0

  1. 0-Mephisto-0

    I sort of need help with my first map.

  2. 0-Mephisto-0

    Is your name in /idgames?

    Four times, and i worked on all of them. Soon to be five because of that last speedmapping.
  3. 0-Mephisto-0

    Drink Driving

    Oh man, yeah drunk driving is like awful dangerous (In our country, you get news of a drunk policeman killing someone every week, we have a ridiculously high number of deaths by car accidents), someone doing it should have a 10-year to a lifetime ban IMO. what happened to your friend is bad, but i guess he should have thought twice before going driving while being drunk.
  4. 0-Mephisto-0

    The first time you met the Spider Mastermind...

    The spider-demon doesn't always lose on MAP20, it all depends if the Cybie gets pain frames all the time. I even once had it (without any interfering) that the Spider-demon killed the Cybie, and still had HALF of his hitpoints left. But usually, yeah, the Cybie wins.
  5. 0-Mephisto-0

    The One Room Contest

    OMG an update to this thread. Anyway, I would like to make a few changes to my map, but i don't have it on my hard-drive, so could you please E-MAIL it to me, I lost it when i lost all my Doom stuff a few months ago.
  6. 0-Mephisto-0

    Contact Info

  7. 0-Mephisto-0

    Super Sonic DooMer

    FP! Nice! I'll check it out
  8. 0-Mephisto-0

    Which doom 2 monster?

    Heh, I'm a Lost Soul
  9. 0-Mephisto-0

    The /newstuff Chronicles #163

    WAY too late. Besides, it's eleventh
  10. 0-Mephisto-0

    Super Mancubus

    Indeed, Skulltag does have a "super-mancubus", Hectebus which is two time stronger and faster, but there are no sprite yet.
  11. 0-Mephisto-0

    Most Hellish Looking WAD

    Of course, Attrition has a very good hell.
  12. 0-Mephisto-0

    Excessively detailed maps..

    Vrack 3 is definately one of the most detailed maps ever, but you will need a source port like Boom or Zdoom to run it. The visplane overflow isn't a problem for a long time anymore.
  13. 0-Mephisto-0

    Converted Doomer's First Map

    Whoa that Citadel is very, VERY cool. The hell is very well done, put some cyberdemons on that gate or something.
  14. 0-Mephisto-0

    Converted Doomer's First Map

    I get the same thing
  15. 0-Mephisto-0

    Converted Doomer's First Map

    Converted Doomer, your latest update seems to have a corrupted ZIP file.
  16. 0-Mephisto-0

    Tolwyn's DoomBuilder Wish List

    6, 7, 9 and 11 can already be done with Wadauthor.
  17. 0-Mephisto-0

    Bugs in Hell Revealed II?

    Well, yeah, getting the blue key is very tricky here: *Go to the rooms with all those crates and the blue key *Walk on the smallest crate near the blue key. *There is a medium-sized crate behind you. Run for it. *Now run on the crate that is on top of the small crates *And from there, run for the blue key crate. This requires a lot of skill, it will take some tries.
  18. 0-Mephisto-0

    Bugs in Hell Revealed II?

    *sigh*, hold on, I don't even remember what MAP18 looks like. I'll run through it and tell you.
  19. 0-Mephisto-0

    Bugs in Hell Revealed II?

    Well, the blue key in MAP18 must be accesible, because I'm in MAP22. Don't know about the other, though.
  20. 0-Mephisto-0

    NewDoom Hacked

    IT BURNS! flamewar...
  21. 0-Mephisto-0

    NewDoom Hacked

    *looks at Lightning Hunter's signature. Whoa, you're from Estonia, too? I thought I was the only Estonian in DoomWorld. :)
  22. 0-Mephisto-0

    NewDoom Hacked

    TAKE A LOOK AT THE FORUMS NOW! Everything is in the style of DoomWorld, the colors, the settings and even the logo. Heh, we now have TWO Doomworld forums.
  23. 0-Mephisto-0

    The /newstuff Chronicles #162

    The link still doesn't work, even if you Copy-Paste
  24. 0-Mephisto-0

    The /newstuff Chronicles #162

    Half of the screenshots don't work
  25. 0-Mephisto-0

    Converted Doomer's First Map

    Is that sarcasm?