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Everything posted by DoomPlayer00

  1. I can't fathom how it took them nearly a decade to make Concord.
  2. DoomPlayer00

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    It's supposed to be 100 chainsaw kills as a whole no matter the wad though for some reason only kills performed in Doom 2 wads seem to count towards the achievement.
  3. DoomPlayer00

    Doom lost

    Doom is doomed.
  4. DoomPlayer00

    Doom Pictures Thread 2024

    This crafty imp has come up with a new plan to halt Doomguy's progress! Instead of running at him and getting a face full of shotgun pellets, it has decided to snatch items from the battlefield and sell them back to Doomguy at egregious prices, namely skull keys!
  5. Christ, Doom + Doom 2 is really splitting this community, huh.

  6. DoomPlayer00

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    I'm playing on Steam. I managed to log in on 4th attempt. Between 3rd and 4th attempts had switched Window Mode from borderless to windowed (dunno if it matters but it was the only change I did in the settings).
  7. DoomPlayer00

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    Regarding Bethesda.net, I'm trying to log in to it in-game but the game crashes every time I login.
  8. DoomPlayer00

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    Well this was a pleasant surprise. Steam achievements give me an excuse to replay Final Doom again.
  9. DoomPlayer00

    Do you "always run"?

    Yeah. I rarely need precise movement so I'm always sprinting. Makes dodging projectiles easier too.
  10. DoomPlayer00

    Things about Doom you just found out

    Just found out that you can softlock yourself in Plutonia map 22 with an accidental linedef skip. In the chaingunner maze section there's a linedef that's supposed to make 2 platforms (one with a hell knight, other with chaingunners) raise when crossed: If you enter the platforms (or pits before they raise) you cannot get up anymore.
  11. Escalation titan - 6 maps, relatively easy wad but good introduction to community stuff IMO. The Doomer Boards Projects catalogue - Various wads each with a separate theme. https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Doomer_Boards_Projects Compendium - Mega-compilation of classic wads from years ago. https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=61211
  12. Doom Wads - More of a showcase of new stuff the community puts out rather than full playthroughs but still worth a shoutout. No commentary: https://www.youtube.com/@doomwads DOOM WAD World - A collaborative project to play through entirety of /idgames archive. 2 new videos daily. No commentary: https://www.youtube.com/@DOOMWADWorld/featured Bacon Elemental - Posts playthroughs weekly of stuff he plays on his streams: https://www.youtube.com/@BaconElementalVT/featured EduardoAndFriends - Posts a lot Doom content from casual playthroughs to more informative videos on Doom mechanics: https://www.youtube.com/@EduardoAndFriends/featured BigMacDavis - Been around a long time. Besides vanilla he also makes videos on TCs, gameplay mods and other games: https://www.youtube.com/@BigMacDavis Decino - Currently on a break / posting less videos due to becoming a father but has played through a lot of stuff over the years: https://www.youtube.com/@decino/featured LadyMistDragon - Plays through a mix of old and new wads and occasionally other games. Commentary usually reserved for longer videos: https://www.youtube.com/@ladymistdragon7287/featured Ashes TC as covered by Davis Back to Saturn X episodes 1 & 2 as probably covered by many of the channels I just mentioned.
  13. DoomPlayer00

    Random Image Thread

  14. DoomPlayer00


    What in the goddamn?
  15. Since this thread got bumped I guess I can share another bug: In map 10 one of the chaingunners who are supposed to teleport to the yellow key room instead teleports to the starting area and is therefore impossible to kill (teleport linedef untagged)
  16. DoomPlayer00

    The TF2 Community needs YOU!

    As much as I hate to say this but I highly doubt FixTF2 will accomplish much due to multiple factors: TF2 is old. Valve doesn't have the interest to start meddling with it anymore in larger scale as they'd much rather focus on more important things such as Steam, Counter Strike and such. Valve has supposedly released "security improvements" over the past couple years in a slight attempt to combat the bots/cheaters but the improvements have been cracked usually within hours. Valve does things very slowly which is very bad for a multiplayer game's health. Valve's negligence already cost TF2 its TV show back in 2014, the comic storyline was never finished & entire parts of the game (competitive mode, replays, coaching and more) remain either broken or half-baked and very likely will never be fixed. Small security improvements won't fix the issues TF2 is having. At this point VAC would need to be totally reworked and any anti-cheating software would need to be made kernel-level (which would open its own can of worms) and as stated by my first point, Valve is not willing to put that much work into TF2 at this point. Way I see it, TF2's future lies in its community's willingness to keep the game alive more so than Valve's. Most older players (myself included) have already shifted purely to community servers but even then they cannot really provide the "true" TF2 experience. No one's willing to host actual vanilla servers (Except for Casual.TF couple years back but that was a short-lived spectacle) which is exactly what we need. Not this fucking "insta-respawn, 100 players, rtd, randomizer & comp settings" bullshit.
  17. DoomPlayer00

    Ashes 2063 - GZDOOM Total Conversion

    Currently playing through Hard Reset. Been enjoying the mod so far (And Ashes as a whole). I'll report any bugs I encounter in this comment as I progress:
  18. DoomPlayer00

    World War III?

    ehkä :)
  19. DoomPlayer00

    World War III?

    I could but it's not that big of a deal for me. I might get called to refresher training every few years but at least they provide monetary compensation for that.
  20. DoomPlayer00

    World War III?

    I want to chalk it up to fear mongering but anything could happen these days. I feel like Ukraine's conflict has a legitimate possibility of expanding (maybe not to the extend of nuclear armaments being used but NATO might get more directly involved). I didn't have the liberty to choose, hah (conscript moment)
  21. DoomPlayer00

    PyddTex! (PYDT Compilation and Restoration / Retrieval)

    Oh wow, this is really cool! No need to scour through a dozen pages looking for specific texture anymore. Love this community.
  22. DoomPlayer00

    DOOM 6: Trailer 1 Analysis & Discussion

    Hard to say much by the initial trailer but my personal thoughts so far: Seems slower paced (though that might change) than Eternal which I don't personally mind. The mixture of medieval and sci-fi stuff is interesting. It's a theme mix-up that the community's done a bazillion times in their wads so seeing a large studio's take on it interests me. Guess there's going to be some sort of flying sections in the game..? Reminds me of Turok: Evolution. Again, not a fan of the pseudo-warhammer lore they're going for. The beginning text kinda killed the vibe of rest of the trailer at first view. That said, since they're filling in the gaps between originals & nu-dooms, I do hope to see Doomguy in his original armor at some point. It'd honestly be cool if he was running around with the weapons from either Doom 2 or 64 at the start.
  23. DoomPlayer00

    Games You Have The Most Hours In?

    My three most played games according to Steam are: 1. Team Fortress 2 at 2337.4 hours. Still my all-time favorite game. 2. Counter Strike: Source at 407 hours. Played CSS a lot when I was a kid. Funnily enough it has remained as my 2nd most played game on Steam all this time despite not touching it since early 2015 lol. 3. Terraria at 404.4 hours. These are only the hours on Steam. I also own Terraria on the Playstation 3 & mobile so total hours on Terraria from all versions would be somewhere around 800-900 hours. There might be games outside of Steam that I have more hours in (such as Doom or Skyrim).
  24. DoomPlayer00

    Have you done any challenge runs of the IWADs?

    Last year I beat Doom 1 & 2 + Sigil & AQ2 without manually switching weapons at all (idea came from this thread). I had to rely on the game automatically switching weapons for me whenever I picked up a new gun/berserk or ran out of ammo. It was a pretty interesting playthrough as your success heavily relies on both map knowledge as well as knowledge of gameplay mechanics you normally wouldn't care about (what weapons game prioritizes when switching between them, when does the game automatically switch away from fist, pistol or chainsaw, etc.) I recorded the Ultimate Doom playthrough if you're curious to see how gameplay differs from normal. Link to playlist:
  25. Will questions 31 & 32 be secret questions that you can only enter from Q15? ;)