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Everything posted by ShiroiAkuma51

  1. ShiroiAkuma51

    Irregular Entropy. UPDATE! MAP02 and 03 out now!

    Made some fixes on MAP02, updated link in the first post.
  2. Thanks for making walkthrough! I'm really glad, that you enjoyed our work :3
  3. ShiroiAkuma51

    Irregular Entropy. UPDATE! MAP02 and 03 out now!

    I'm really don't know how exactly Cacowards work, but i don't think i'll finish this wad in this year - it's to many work in here and i still not even started because of another projects, like Gift for Dron and another one, that you all will see soon, i hope ;) Talking about Entropy: i'm planning to make MAP04, MAP05, what will be final, with bossbattle and story ending and maybe MAP06 as Epilogue with just beautiful location and no exit. But i think, it'll be in 2024, not earlier.
  4. ShiroiAkuma51

    Irregular Entropy. UPDATE! MAP02 and 03 out now!

    I did map01 in 2022 and map02 and 03 in 2023, so you can nominate it on both years :D I glad you enjoyed my work ^^
  5. That was really fun to take a part in creating this wad and watching how @DRON12261 playing it :D Hope that everyone else will enjoy wad too, we did really good and unique job, i think :D
  6. ShiroiAkuma51

    Irregular Entropy. UPDATE! MAP02 and 03 out now!

    Found and fixed bug that can softlock you on map01. Updated link in the first post
  7. ShiroiAkuma51

    Irregular Entropy. UPDATE! MAP02 and 03 out now!

    Make some fixes on MAP01, updated link in the first post.
  8. ShiroiAkuma51

    Irregular Entropy. UPDATE! MAP02 and 03 out now!

    LadyMistDragon, thank you very much for playing! I glad that you enjoyed my work. It'll be huge inspire for me to do more maps ^^
  9. ShiroiAkuma51

    Irregular Entropy. UPDATE! MAP02 and 03 out now!

    Well, it hard to say. My maps are difficult, but it's fair difficulty. It's not like when you got attacked by 20 revenants at the time with only 8 shells and no health, it's more like, umh... Resident Evil, where ammo highly valuable or something like this, at least i'm keep this concept in my head: you can kill everyone on the map, but you shouldn't rush. I think you should try HMP, it will be fair. On easy my maps too... you know - easy. Like "tourist difficulty" in Serious Sam. ^^ Made some little fixes and updated link in the first post
  10. ShiroiAkuma51

    T.N.Terminus [3 map miniwad for TNT]

    Beatiful maps with awesome design, that combines hell and base together and create with this some really amazing visuals. Strongly recommend this wad ;)
  11. Hello, thelamp! I know, that you said you're not playing long map, but i'll try my luck and submit my wad to you. There is three big and tough maps, that awaits someone to play them. Hope you're find time to play my work ^^
  12. ShiroiAkuma51

    Irregular Entropy. UPDATE! MAP02 and 03 out now!

    Made some fixes and updated link in the first post
  13. ShiroiAkuma51

    Irregular Entropy. UPDATE! MAP02 and 03 out now!

    Made some fixes and updated link in the first post ;)
  14. ShiroiAkuma51

    Irregular Entropy. UPDATE! MAP02 and 03 out now!

    Well, it happened! After one and half year of development i'm finally can release continuation of this wad! I hope it will work properly, please read first post. Hope you'll enjoy it! Waiting for your reviews, demos and videos. Download it from here or first post. entropy16.rar
  15. ShiroiAkuma51

    Irregular Entropy. UPDATE! MAP02 and 03 out now!

    Reduced damage from acid on some places. Updated archive in first post.
  16. ShiroiAkuma51

    Irregular Entropy. UPDATE! MAP02 and 03 out now!

    Made some fixes and updated archive in first post. Also removed version with "Zombie" music.
  17. ShiroiAkuma51

    Irregular Entropy. UPDATE! MAP02 and 03 out now!

    To be honest, i literally forgot that berserk power up is even exist in Doom, then i was building this map. I think you're talking about long hallway with specters, after three revenants fight? I'll put berserk pack but i'll do it in secret place, just because ammo placement was calculated without it. Thanks for playing! You don't have to kill all enemies right after you see it. Try to save ammo and back to them later if you want to kill them all. Hope you'll enjoy my map ;) Updated archive in first post.
  18. ShiroiAkuma51

    Irregular Entropy. UPDATE! MAP02 and 03 out now!

    This is feature of this map. There is no pinkies on HMP and UV. They appears only on 1st and 2nd difficulty. This one pinkie on HMP is just lost little demon and i already fixed this. Part that not show on automap is secret and it doesn't need to be shown. Other issues, that you show me, i fixed and updated link in first post and added music on stat screen (dunno why i didn't do this earlier). Thanks for playing my map ;)
  19. ShiroiAkuma51

    Irregular Entropy. UPDATE! MAP02 and 03 out now!

    I thought about that too. It got one hour to 100% complete map by myself ahah Yes. This is on of secrets on map ;)
  20. ShiroiAkuma51

    Irregular Entropy. UPDATE! MAP02 and 03 out now!

    Thanks for feedback. I'm really didn't able to find more fitting music by myself, that's why i put this track. Replaced music with another track and add alternate link in topic's head.
  21. Chikai Jigoku is my first serious and standalone map (free from some contests or community wads i mean), that i made and released in 2015 on Russian Doom Community forum. This one level map created in Boom (Doom 2) format and working as it means in Prboom+ without some complevels (just pick up wad file and drag it on prboom+ exe file). Iwad is doom2.wad. Some background: You and your squad recieved a signal from long time ago abandoned UAC base and went for survey. On a place you're lost consciousness and when woke up, you found your squad destroyed. Now your task is escape from this base. I decided to release this map here because i'm doing something new now and wanted to some fresh opinion about my mapping. I'm not going to fix anything, just because i really don't remember how thing works on this map and afraid to broke something :D Before this post i tested this map and it's 100% completable with all secrets and monsters. Archive contains two wad files. Jigoku.wad as regular version and jigokul.wad with removed tons of grass for weak PC's, like mine six years ago. Sorry for my english. Hope you'll enjoy this map. Download here: jigoku.rar
  22. ShiroiAkuma51

    Chikai Jigoku - my six years old aged map

    Shame for me. I just checked this and map is really won't launch in prboom+. I think that was problem because of Doom Builder i use right now. After i saved map in older DB, map is started to launch. I updated archive in first post. Now it will work in prboom. But i don't know why this happening. I cheked this moment and both switches works fine. =\ Anyway, thanks for your feedback. It's really nice to read something good about my work ^^