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Daniel, the NCR Veteran

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Everything posted by Daniel, the NCR Veteran

  1. Daniel, the NCR Veteran

    Frog / Toad / Frog and Toad demos [-complevel 9]

    Hi! The demo desyncs on newer versions of the Mac version of DSDA-Doom, desyncs also reported on PrBoom+. Could it be possible for you to update to the latest version? While I did check and it does not desync on Mac 0.24.3, this kind of leaves things in a weird spot, as this isn't GZDoom speedrunning and most people don't really stick to older versions anymore. Thanks!
  2. Daniel, the NCR Veteran

    Eternal demos [-complevel 2]

    MAP01 NoMo in 0:34.40 et01o03440.zip
  3. Daniel, the NCR Veteran

    Doom 3's 20th anniversary.

    I think I'm one of the few people that don't attach "survival horror" to Doom 3, because it isn't a Survival Horror game... there's no inventory management or ammo scarcity like the kind you'd come across in Resident Evil or Silent Hill, for instance (looking through an old PDA for a newly found locker doesn't count as inventory management), it's very much a shooter once you get out of Mars City 2. Even on Nightmare with how you're dragged down to 25 HP but have the soul cube and medstations to heal, at that point you'll have completed the game once to know what's up so the jumpscares and encounters are familiar. I'd say it's more of an atmospheric horror type of deal: the environments, the way Hell and demonic entities/demonic forces/demons are portrayed are sublime imo. I disagree here. I've been playing Doom 3 on Veteran and Nightmare exclusively for years. I know that the game never explains it on its own, but actually landing headshots for that x2 multiplier AND utilizing your weapons correctly matters. Zombies, Imps, Maggots, and the Zombie Marines respectively (ehhh on the Wraiths) are very much "run up to and blast the face with a shotgun", Cacodemons and Lost Souls are introduced in the same level as the Plasma Gun so there's the counter. I do agree that the gunplay when it comes to things like the machine gun and chaingun against enemies like the Zombie Marines doesn't really do well (the stunning is inconsistent), but there's not often situations like this [I find these 2 weapons more useful for ambush attacks or enemies like the Trites). The flashlight mechanic that was in the OG was never meant to be there in the first place, Carmack himself has stated that it was done for performance reasons (keep in mind, Doom 3 was already a demanding game for many PCs at the time, unless you were an enthusiast), because the game being built around the flashlight constantly being on [and players actively keeping it on for convienence sake while holding a weapon even if not all areas are that dark] would drag on performance. So instead they've added the separate flashlight and built the game around it so that you know when you've gotta use it. BFG Edition finally adding the shoulder-mounted flashlight is an issue because there is no Carmack this time to re-build the game to facilitate this, so you're running around with a shoulder-mounted flashlight (with a very generous battery life) in a game meant for switchy/situational usage. So in reality, flashlights were gonna fit in-line with the in-game world, had it not been for performance issues. In a Doom game?! How preposterous! But in all seriousness, the main story with its cutscenes is obviously an afterthought, it's as simple as you can possibly get. Super smart scientist works his way up the ladder (through achievements and hard work) to the point he gets to make many important decisions at UAC Mars, but oop, he's also a Satanist and wants Hell to come to Earth! Just as a pesky UAC Counselor, his bodyguard and an unnamed Marine board the City, he finally begins his plan, and it's up to you (and the Counselor + his bodyguard) to stop him! Then you go through the entire game with just one goal: stopping Bertruger from bringing Hell on Earth. This can hardly be seen as a criticism, especially in this franchise, all you have to know is "THIS IS AN EXCUSE. TO KILL DEMONS!". But in all seriousness, twice, the worldbuilding of how life goes (demonic influences aside) at UAC in 2145 is the real story in Doom 3. The majority of the time you spend in gameplay, you pick up video disks, PDAs with audio logs and emails, download various newsletters and reports to your PDA... They give you a glimpse of how life would work at this point in the future: the video disks often displaying how the UAC have managed to build and refine their current technologies... like the Elemental Phase Deconstructor or the Hydrocon (which is how they're gonna plan bringing in breathable oxygen onto Mars), or how they've managed to use the space in-between Molecules in order to compact fuel that can suppliment entire spaceships for easy storage... It's nothing revolutionary but it does help immerse you into what ID so far have called "an alternate timeline". The Steam release of Doom 64 as of right now is the equivalent of running Doom 1 or Doom 2 on the BFG Edition, it's bastardized at best. If you mean legacy as in its impact on the overall story (how Doom 1, 2, 64 and 2016 + Eternal are tied together), well, there's nothing you can do there. Doom 3 is a very clear indicator of an alternate timeline where the Marine and the Doomguy we know are two different entities from two different timelines, it wouldn't fit anywhere. Anyway, I do have to agree with others in this thread that you pretty much live to put this game on a burning pike for complaints that have been regurgitated by everyone who holds the same opinion that you do, man. The combat is repetitive, the ammo is too plentiful, the flashlight or inclusion of shoulder-mounted bothers you in some way, the game is ignored by the devs, yadda-yadda-yadda-yadda, bla-bla-bla. Your two cents have been the same cents you've thrown since the beginning of those 10 posts these past 5 years... and here they are thrown again, at the game's birthday no less. Are we trying to cosplay Butch DeLoria from Fallout 3 here, bullying the birthday kid at his own birthday party? So instead, I'll end my side of the argument with this: happy birthay Doom 3. Whether you're a game enjoyed by people, or hated by many... or simply a stepping stone in the IdTech development to pave ways for future games like Quake 4, Prey, Wolfenstein 2009 and subsequent IdTech iterations, you're a part of history.
  4. Daniel, the NCR Veteran

    ID24 - a new feature set standard

    That post... is anything but blackmail. I think you're majorly misreading it and making that small reply bigger than it actually is. TL;DR before I get into specifics, it's not blackmail. It's an observation and justification as to why he immediately accused Esselfortium of ringleading a narrative against him back in the DSDA-Doom ENDOOM thread. You obviously can't extract things like tone of voice or intent from text, but it takes little to no effort to see, through context especially, that his reply is anything but blackmail. Here, I will go back into this thread and start with 'the beginning' of their interaction relating to calling back stuff from the ENDOOM thread, and explain it step by step, and in the end, I hope you will get this blackmail nonsense out of everyone's head. 1: Esselfortium comes into the thread with her 2nd reply to it overall, pointing out Kraflab being hypocritical in his stance at the time on this thread. Due to issues I'm having with the editor, I will be using links and literal quotes for every other quoted reply incorporated here: 2. Deathz0r argues against Essel's previous claims in this post: 3. Essel replies to Deathz0r later, firstly arguing against the straight-forwardness of DSDHacked and the like; secondly arguing against Deathz0r's claim of her reply above being disingenuous and THIRDLY, very importantly, as this adds to the context of Kraflab's post which you consider to be blackmail, giving a history to Kraflab's "disingenuous replies to criticism" by pointing out, in a thread that happened two years ago, the DSDA-Doom ENDOOM Support thread, that he accused her of ringleading a narrative against him: 4. Okay. So with step 3's third point that as part of context, here's the final step, the post from Kraflab you deem to be "blackmail": Notice how in this reply, never does he mention a slither of "- I could leak those to everyone else if you'd like, possibly ruin you or show how wrong you are". This reply is merely a justification as to why, back in the ENDOOM Thread, he immediately accused Essel of ringleading a narrative against him, because he was shown leaked discord conversations in which, according to him, Essel was indeed ringleading a narrative and with his question at the end of his reply, he implies that the best course of action for her and for the sake of this whole thread, would be to stop using this ID24 thread to continue pushing that narrative which has nothing to do with the thread at hand. Notice: no threat was made, no handwaving or anything of the leaked convos. I can also confidently say that even after this reply, before his ban, after his ban... he does not want them to leak to any other people. So please, I would ask you to read through and analyse the context and his post again + this reply of mine and reconsider accusing Kraflab of blackmail, it's a serious offense and these kinds are not to be attached to people lightly.
  5. Okay yeah, I've just got confirmation from him that the difficulties coincide in the monster count. Mega-Violence with -coop_spawns enabled yields no extra monsters, same goes for Ultra-Nightmare. This means that what we're dealing in this case is a "full solo-net" WAD, so that's good to know.
  6. Hello! I am making this thread as a way to begin the discussion regarding WADs that add difficulties, currently the most notable and only example I know is Judgment Retrial, Rayziik's update to Judgment. Currently and quite evidently, there's ambiguity regarding how the new difficulties are to be treated on the DSDA Archive. JudgmentRT has 7 Skill Levels in total instead of the usual 5: Skill 5, which was reserved for Nightmare, is now Mega-Violence, which according to Rayziik, is technically equivalent to playing Ultra-Violence with -coop_spawns Skill 6, which is now where Nightmare sits. Skill 7, Ultra-Nightmare, which according to Rayziik once more, is technically equivalent to playing Nightmare with -coop_spawns The question is as follows: what should be done about this for the archive? I will be using Judgment Retrial for the following list of options: Would Skill 5 (MV) and 7 (UNM) be ignored, perhaps Other-ing them (same way difficulties below UV are Other'd) and just focus on Skill 4 (UV) and Skill 6 (NM)? Would there be an update to the archive site to accommodate these difficulty-adding WADs on a case-by-case analysis? Give the new difficulties their own categories? A third option would be that Skill 5 and 7 replace Skill 4 and 6 (because in my simple brain, they're the more impressive difficulties to do runs of and are the hardest within their respective leagues. Not to mention that they basically fulfill the role that UV and NM do for literally everything else... I guess a simple way to put it is imagine if Doom came out with 7 Skill Levels that worked like this, so in this alternate universe, runs that aren't Othered are ran on skills 5 and 7.) Obviously the final decision, which might result in a result that I haven't even listed here, is down to those in charge of the archive [after discussion with the community members, I'd imagine]. Due to recent events as of time of writing, not everyone "in charge" will be available to comment on the thread here, but I'm sure we'll be able to come with a resolution. P.S; Included as one of the reasons why I'm making the move on discussing this is because I am bouncing around in my chair, excited and waiting for clarification so I can do NoMo ILs, Episodes and D2All of Judgment Retrial without unknowingly submitting something that would turn my runs into Other.
  7. The one thing though is that Rayziik mentioned the new difficulties are only "technically equivalent" with running UV and NM -coop_spawns enabled, so I'm not sure if that means, for example, that UV with -coop_spawns and MV without -coop_spawns coincide in terms of monster count, or if MV with -coop_spawns has more monsters overall. I've contacted him as of the time of writing regarding clarification on that and I'm waiting on a response. If monster counts do coincide in the case of Judgment Retrial, then yeah, pretty much this exact type of work will be required going forward.
  8. Daniel, the NCR Veteran

    ID24 - a new feature set standard

    Id Software's Id Software, they can make mistakes and aren't above all criticism, like all gaming companies. They can be on a streak of goodness until they suddenly go 'rogue', it's been proven time and time again in the gaming industry. Yet they still happen. And they destabilise their respective communities massively, from modpacks/mods becoming unplayable to ongoing projects having to suddenly go "HOLY SH**!!!!!" and adapt by either telling users to downgrade or spending MORE DEVELOPMENT TIME to get their projects out. Fallout: London basically tells you "if you own the game on Steam, downgrade Fallout 4 or you won't be able to play! Good luck following the downgrade guide! If it breaks, it's not our fault!". One thing we like in Doom, especially speedrunning, are final versions. We want things at one point to have the ultimate 1.0 and stop being updated, for the sake of order and keeping ourselves sane.
  9. Daniel, the NCR Veteran

    ID24 - a new feature set standard

    Why are you using the thread that is talking about "ID24 - a new feature set standard" to point out "hypocrisies" and past actions that ultimately have nothing to do with the thread at hand? Your reply and contribution to the thread regarding midtextures was appropriate... then the next reply is a personal attack on someone because they are apparently spouting hypocrisies about a stance they're taking related to ID24. Then you bring up old issues like the DSDA-Doom ENDOOM Support conflict that happened 2 years ago. Can we not with the personal attacks? Please? This isn't a thread about debunking the minds and statuses of members participating in this thread, this is a thread talking about ID24. If you can't keep your personal vendettas to yourself, I'd like for the moderators to intervene.
  10. Daniel, the NCR Veteran

    Autophagy demos [-complevel 2}

    MAP01 Pacifist in 10.71 seconds ap01p1071.zip The NoMo times (going into .50s and lower. it kinda shocked me seeing 4shock coming in with that sub 10s NoMo) should be definitely possible with enough attempts.
  11. Daniel, the NCR Veteran

    Literalism demos [-complevel 9]

    DSDA page aka literalism.wad Literalism (complevel 9) MAP01 NoMo in 0:23.60 lit01o02360.zip
  12. Daniel, the NCR Veteran

    Miscellaneous demos (part 4)

    TEMPLE OF SPIDER NoMo (MAP01) in 4:15.51 - tesp01o415.zip Great map casually and probably to UV-Max but heavily linedef-dependent + buggy at times + has softlock areas + is very bumpy for a NoMo run, not to mention the length.
  13. Daniel, the NCR Veteran

    Miscellaneous demos (part 4)

    The Thing You Can't Defeat Episode 1 UV-Max in 8:15 TTYCDep1-815.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8x15S0OVTs Episode 1 UV-Fast in 8:26 TTYCDep1f826.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5_B8I75Dis
  14. I don't see how that's a bad thing. Autophagy by the lovely Andrea Rovenski has plenty of maps where glides aren't ccompletely intentional and they basically skip the maps but there's a lot more things that make it harder for a speedrunner: Objects placed perfectly after a turn so that you have to time your SR50 so you don't bump into it or the wall Keys placed in locations that need more careful movement like Autophagy's MAP01 where you can't just go full speed or you'll jump off the "cliff" and miss the yellow key Tight areas that if you make a mistake you can get stuck in the walls and lose time Fixing map bugs and getting overtly bothered by them like pcorf isn't exactly the way to go imo. Just look at other games that have speedrun-paranoid devs and ask the speedrunners what they think of said devs. I have someone so traumatized by this experience that they say the only relationship a dev and a spedrunner should have is not knowing each other and ignoring each other and what they do.
  15. Daniel, the NCR Veteran

    Miscellaneous demos (part 4)

    The Thing You Can't Defeat Episode 1 UV-Max in 9:04 TTYCDep1-904.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Vq3yyLz10c Episode 1 NoMo in 3:41 TTYCDep1o341.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSD0fRHcdC0 Episode 1 NoMo 100S in 4:49 TTYCDep1os449.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Egf5z3qsyx4 E1M1 in 0:09 TTYCD11o009.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ddyu9ohbXk0
  16. Daniel, the NCR Veteran

    The Thing you can’t Defeat - Ultimate Doom WAD for GZDOOM - [8 maps]

    @YourOpinionsAreWRONG Hello! As someone who really enjoys this type of horror put into games, especially Doom, I really enjoyed this wad. It's hard to choose between this and Lilith, but I have to say that I have been impressed. So much so, that I've done, to my knowledge, the first ever speedrun of this wad! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEbf3NuB1iQ Episode 1 (whole wad) UV-Speed in 5:46. Now, I'm curious. Are you planning on uploading this to idgames? Considering episode 1 is shareware, I'd assume that they won't mind giving this wad a shot. The reason why I'm asking is that usually, for a wad to be also uploaded to DSDA (Doom Speed Demo Archive), it's recommended for the wad to make it through the idgames verification process and be on there (to avoid legal trouble). I would appreciate an answer regarding this: whether you've tried before with no success, or haven't bothered trying yet... I'd still like to know.
  17. Daniel, the NCR Veteran

    Miscellaneous demos (part 4)

    The Thing You Can't Defeat Episode 1 UV-Speed in 5:46 TTYCDe1-546.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEbf3NuB1iQ
  18. Daniel, the NCR Veteran

    Judgment Demos [-complevel 21]

    MAP27 NoMo in 2:25 judg27o225.zip MAP34 NoMo in 0:23.89 judg34o02389.zip
  19. Daniel, the NCR Veteran

    Lilith.pk3 Demos [ZDoom 2.8.1]

    MAP04 UV-Speed in 0:19 lil04-019.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kdTOBCgv2s
  20. Daniel, the NCR Veteran

    Lilith.pk3 Demos [ZDoom 2.8.1]

    ZDOOM stuff time. Invasion UAC RC5 MAP01 UV-Max in 32:43 iu01-3243.zip Lilith MAP03 UV-Speed in 1:16 lil03-116.zip MAP03 UV-Max in 2:22 lil03-222.zip MAP04 UV-Speed in 0:24.112 lil04-024112.zip
  21. Daniel, the NCR Veteran

    Doom 2 in Name Only demos [complevel -2]

    The desire to break the second barrier got to me... MAP01 Pacifist in 0:13.91 d2ino01p01391.zip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=px0b9bmVUAk
  22. Daniel, the NCR Veteran

    Doom 2 in Name Only demos [complevel -2]

    MAP01 Pacifist in 0:14.09 d2ino01p1409.zip
  23. Daniel, the NCR Veteran

    [FINAL] Literalism (Release Thread)

    Hi! This is a known issue with the version released on idgames at the moment. MFG38 sent over a new version to be verified by the idgames uploaders. This version's errors are entirely my fault due to removing too many duplicate IWAD textures, however MFG38 has fixed this and now it's just a waiting game. Currently, the wad is in the incoming directory but it should be checked soon by the uploaders.
  24. Daniel, the NCR Veteran

    Miscellaneous demos (part 4)

    January Ninth NoMo in 1:07.63 jan01o10763.zip
  25. Daniel, the NCR Veteran

    Autophagy demos [-complevel 2}
