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Everything posted by NaliSeed

  1. NaliSeed

    Doom 3 or Doom 3: BFG Edition?

    Well, it was nowhere near as good as RoE, I can tell you that 😌
  2. NaliSeed

    Doom 3 or Doom 3: BFG Edition?

    BFG Edition is awful, its only redeeming feature is the shoulder-mounted flashlight; even the Lost Mission campaign wasn't that great. You're definitely better off with the 2004 game coupled with the DooM 3 Essential HD Pack mod, it looks phenomenal, exactly what the BFG Edition should've been in the first place, but wasn't. 👎
  3. Wow, looks pretty amazing, although I fear it may do a number on my potato system, especially on that forest part. I already had some noticeable slowdowns with CountryCide. ☚ī¸
  4. NaliSeed


    Looks like something straight from the 90s.
  5. NaliSeed

    HeXen Reforged version 2

    The mod is meant for vanilla Hexen and Deathkings, but it'll work with any custom maps that don't come with their own assets. I don't recommend you load it along Carnage Galore, Wrath of Cronos, and least of all Brutal Hexen. Sorry for the late reply.
  6. https://www.moddb.com/members/naliseed/downloads
  7. Are you planning on going beyond Doom, as in doing something similar for either Heretic or Hexen? That'd be awesome, especially for Hexen. 😲
  8. NaliSeed

    Classic Doom Reforged. Would like some feedback.

    New version's up with these changes: * Added Doom 2016's warning sound when near death to Doomguy * Added flying gibs to Hell Knights (works better in conjunction with Nash's Gore Mod) * Added new exploding graphics, sounds and gibs to Lost Souls * Added new random sound to locked doors, from Half Life 2 * Added single point variants to armor and health bonuses, with altered sprites, sounds and pickup messages * Reduced damage output on the ArchvileFire attack * Restored missing explosion sound on the ArchvileFire attack
  9. NaliSeed

    Classic Doom Reforged. Would like some feedback.

    Just uploaded a new version of Heretic Reforged: https://www.moddb.com/games/heretic/downloads/heretic-reforged-v13
  10. NaliSeed

    Classic Doom Reforged. Would like some feedback.

    It's intentional, I'm not sure about HeXen and Heretic, but in Doom I disabled the Decal property from all projectiles. That was quite a while ago, I didn't even remember because I've always played with Decals disabled across all games, not much of a fan.
  11. NaliSeed

    Classic Doom Reforged. Would like some feedback.

    Not Doom related, but just uploaded the latest version: https://www.moddb.com/games/hexen/downloads/hexen-reforged-v18
  12. NaliSeed

    Classic Doom Reforged. Would like some feedback.

    Just added a new update. Turns out I overlooked these, silly me: * Added missing (and crucial) A_BossDeath function to gibbed and plasma-fried Mancubi and Barons of Hell * Added missing A_FadeOut function from actor RevenantPiece * Fixed an issue with gibbed Revenants not spawning blood with Nash's Gore Mod
  13. NaliSeed

    Classic Doom Reforged. Would like some feedback.

    Thanks, man. Let me know if you encounter any issues.
  14. NaliSeed

    Classic Doom Reforged. Would like some feedback.

    Version 1.6 is up: v1.6 (February 15 2022) * Added Damaged Nuke Barrel random spawner * Added animated IoS Cube to Plutonia and TNT menus * Added damaged Techlamp actors as random spawner * Added Elite Chaingunner random spawner * Added gibs to Revenants and Mancubi (works better in conjunction with Nash's Gore Mod) * Added modified "BIGDOOR1" and "COMPSTA2" textures * Added new death animations to Chaingunners and Pinkies * Added new "WISPLAT" image to The Ultimate Doom * Added proper compatibility with TNT: Evilution, with a few modified elements * Added Rocket Launcher fire sounds from Quake 4 * Added smoother alt death animation to Cacodemons * Added smoother death animation to Revenants * Added two random spawners for Burning Barrels * Added widescreen Intermission, Title and Cluster graphics to all games * Arachnotron missiles now properly fry the player * Barons of Hell are now slightly more agressive * Hell Knight missiles now use the vanilla sprites with a trail effect * Reduced direct damage of Mancubus missiles, but added splash damage * Shotgun guys and Zombiemen without helmets now spawn brains when gibbed * Vanilla Cacodemon now spawn its eye when gibbed / Check out my take on Heretic and Hexen if you haven't, I just uploaded version 1.2 to Heretic after quite a while without touching it. I'll upload the next version of Hexen's soon. Hopefully. https://www.moddb.com/members/naliseed/downloads
  15. Maps with names like this always get my interest.
  16. NaliSeed

    Can we get a Doom map from this image?

    That could make an awesome new version of The Archvile's Labyrinth.
  17. I'm always looking for new Hexen maps, which, sadly are not so easy to come by, especially good ones (best two IMO are Cyrgoth's Revenge and Afterlands). I just love this damn game to death, it was, believe it or not, the first N64 game I finished. Oh, how I miss those days.
  18. Just wondering, is this the final release? It's all there, I mean story, intermission texts, etc?
  19. NaliSeed

    The MegaMus Randomizer; random MIDIs for Doom!

    So, I can listen to TNT music on Doom 2 now? Damn Spoiler tag showed up for no reason, sorry.
  20. NaliSeed

    Classic Doom Reforged. Would like some feedback.

    Just uploaded version 1.5 with the following changes: * 1st and foremost, I've packed all content into a single pk3 file using the Lump filtering feature. This means The Ultimate Doom now runs properly from the GZDoom welcome screen, as opposed to having its own separate pk3. I've removed several unimportant brightmap definitions along several unused files, resulting in a cleaner, smaller file, plus updated the README file with more detailed info on the mod * Added Berserk mini-icon to the HUD when picked * Added a modified 'DEM1' flat * Added a second random sound when closing the Super Shotgun * Added a third random spawner to floor pentagrams * Added blinking Cacodemon face to 'MARBFAC4' texture * Added brighter teleport and nuke flat graphics * Added brightmaps to the BFG 9000 * Added footstep sounds to Demons and Spectres * Added Dynamic lights to BulletPuff * Added new Death State effects to Plasma projectiles * Added new Plutonia sky to maps 12-20 * Added new visual effects to torches * Added particles to the Archvile's vanilla attack * Added smooth animations to 'FIREWALL' textures * Added some HD sounds from SeanTheBermanator's Doom Sound Bulb * Added some tweaks to Nuke Barrel explosions * Added trails to the Imp's vanilla fireball * Added new unlit Candelabra as random spawner * Automap pickup now features new visuals * Candelabra actor now has new dynamic lights and brightmaps * Changed 'Armour' to 'Armor' on the HUD * Disabled SS reload animation when not having enough shells * Doors now play existing and classic sounds at random * Imps no longer prioritize fast missiles above regular ones * Increased speed on teleport flat animations * Increased volume of Megasphere ActiveSound * Increased volume of the Archvile's fire attack * Reduced damage of Lost Soul's explosion * Removed conflicting patch 'COMP03_5' * Removed hiss from Revenant missiles * Replaced unlit candles with floating versions of it * Restored Archvile's NOTARGET flag * Shotgun guys can now randomly drop four shells * Spectres now remain in their semi-invisible state after dying (unless fried by plasma) * The Archvile's vanilla attack now deals damage in addition to the original blast * The Spider Mastermind death sequence now has a screen shake effect * Tweaked some minor brightmap and light defs on some weapons
  21. Can anyone help me out here? I've altered the weapon behavior by displaying a "no ammo" message whenever I'm out of bullets, shells, etc. Thing is, the Super Shotgun reload animation still appears right after I spend my last two remaining shells, how can I prevent that from happening? Edit: Nevermind, I got it. 😜
  22. Is there any way to make voxels float and spin as in Quake's weapons? I would love that.
  23. I'm stuck in the freaking Chasm.đŸ˜Ŧ
  24. NaliSeed

    Mario 64 music mod

    Wouldn't surprise me. Nintendo goes batshit crazy when people mess with their stuff like spoiled ten years old brats. Guess it's their right, though.