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Everything posted by nolongeramnion

  1. nolongeramnion

    Marathon's legacy for sale, cheap

    Back to hldm's grenade slinging mp5 shooting fun (it's closer to marathon than what new bungie can do)
  2. nolongeramnion


    CHANGELOG Added: crowbar in place of fist and dual uzis in place of tommy gun
  3. nolongeramnion

    Post your Doom textures!

    I think if you were to make a 128x128 you'd need to be a much image editor than me xd the original sketch seems to be at a whole diffrent size
  4. nolongeramnion

    Post your Doom textures!

    based of this thread Adrian https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/136029-adrian-carmack-texture-sketches/ it's doom palleted
  5. nolongeramnion

    Music that puts you into a good feeling you can't describe?

    If I had to describe it, it would be the feeling I get from taking a shower
  6. if a moderator is looking at this post is it possible to remove a follower? I'd like to get him off, I don't like seeing his account it reminds me of him

    1. Biz!


      red pilled thunderchad channer pepe reference pfp

  7. nolongeramnion


    how could I forget? I think I should change some other things to be less blood themed lol you just earned yourself a Contributor spot!
  8. nolongeramnion

    What do you do for your birthday?

    Scroll to the birthday section of the dream theater forums, duh
  9. nolongeramnion

    Dreamed features in editors

    CBT is another one I've been dreaming about, though this was is even more far fetched than channels if you can believe it! but what is CBT? Configurable Baked Tracing ----------- I got this idea while testing out some stuff in doom rtx, what if it was more like the sorse engine where lighting gets baked while the map is compiling? that explains the B and T in CBT but the real exciting part is the C itself, The brightness levels for sectors would be the cap for the darkness of the sector. It would be really cool for mappers but insanely difficult for port devs and builder devs, this one should also stay in my dreams >.> I'll let everyone know I'm dreaming about 4 channel support and cbt though.
  10. nolongeramnion

    How much of a DOOM purist are you?

    I'm kind of a big deal around these parts for being the No1 doom purist you see I only use gzdoom it's my're port of choice and the first doom port and the only one YOU should care about, all these newfangled ports like linux doom and the "original" exes have way to many features for me and + it's very boring. That being said if I see any one of you dorks using anything but gzdoom I'll kick your ass, so you better turn on that hardware accelerated rendering.
  11. nolongeramnion

    Dreamed features in editors

    Channels! Basically it's a way to layer things ontop of each other it would be like dummy sectors where it's apart of the map ontop of another, but the thing is it's a little complex because doom's maps are like inside out they aren't objects they're carvings so this can't just be a map on a map it would be like super complicated to make. you'd need a port along with the editor feature so it's probably better I keep this one in my dreams >.>
  12. nice pfp!

    1. SysopTeto


      thank you! Shibs is my spirit animal lol, i love yours too!

  13. nolongeramnion

    A lot of Jack

    kind of a goofy question with answers that can vary but I guess I can try First Second Your final result should look like this if you don't really understand something or if it's not working watch this video
  14. nolongeramnion

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    Gman on a graphing calculator ------------------------------------- heh if you think about it yots is just green chiyo
  15. It's finally warmed up here, I can't say I'm used to winter extending into spring but it's over for now

  16. nolongeramnion

    How to get good in Doom

    play dwango on a low ping server, do it enough and you'll get the hang of things
  17. nolongeramnion

    Links to good wads?

    they should send them to hell!
  18. Doom utilz is back up and working again :DDD

  19. nolongeramnion

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    The end result of flanderization of Ned Flanders
  20. nolongeramnion

    Doom Pictures Thread 2023

    l4d2 inspired map, ended up canning it though
  21. doom utilz is down ;_; and on the day I was going to download doom explorer 

  22. nolongeramnion

    What are you listening to?

    A very still life
  23. nolongeramnion

    I just learned about something stupid
