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Grassy chunks

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Everything posted by Grassy chunks

  1. https://www.doomworld.com/tutorials/fx9.php This page here mentions that a triple 3d bridge is possible to build in doom but that the author hadn't tried to build it himself. Nor that I could find any tutorials regarding the same. I tried to build a triple 3d bridge myself but all the overlapping linedefs in doom builder started to mess up my map badly.
  2. I myself am very well familiar with the workings of a regular vanilla 3d bridge and have used it in many of my (not so released) maps. And have no problem in doing so... The overlapping linedef problem I encounter might have to do with the way linedef are overlapped in doombuilder 2 using control key. If you know any maps that have a triple 3d bridge, please let me know how...
  3. For clarification, the viddump command was working fine for me other than the fact that for a demo length of ~15 minutes. It took a full 1.5 hr to render (is there any way to make it faster??) But.The problem arose for me when the video (mkv format), when played back (i was using vlc for this) , was looking like a 240p yt video. I even looked in the usage.txt to see if there were any shortcomings form my side but i found none. I also can't use the opengl renderer for making a viddump as it immediately crashes when I just open it (I'm stuck with software renderer for now). So, is there any way to make a viddump look like a nice 1080p video using software mode only (asking this for doing it in dsda-doom's latest version again)...
  4. Will try this... Thanks!
  5. Grassy chunks

    What are you listening to?

    BIG L's one of my fav...
  6. mannn... It's been some time since I've last played doom (almost 6 months to be sorta sure). So, sometimes i remembered this site by my side and tried to access it.

    Alas.. I was mostly greeted by this message.20231007_143427.jpg.a5e008171738c99cd7c52f94cb82c67f.jpg

    Idk if this was happening sometimes by the issue in my network connection or the server had temporary banned my IP or location.

    But anyways, I can now access doomworld lol.

  7. Grassy chunks

    What are you listening to?

    Another banger by dj screw.
  8. Grassy chunks

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    Squirrel in a mug (extra protein)
  9. Grassy chunks

    How Long do Mappers Last?

    I last about 10 minutes on a good day.....Oh.... Th- That wasn't what you were asking?.... Oops!! My bad. Lol. Anyways.. as i recently started mapping around oct of '22, i still have to pump out some more maps before i retire or take a hiatus from doom (or gaming in general), like i took one from around dec of 20 to sept of 21 during which i didn't played a single mobile or computer game at all...
  10. Grassy chunks

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    Ai generated image
  11. Grassy chunks

    How does this work?

    So, recently, i checked out the old and famous Trinity College wad (the one from 1994) and was startled by seeing the short movie that played in its "theatre" of a cyberdemon killing the marine. But, when i saw how all of this worked in slade3 i found nothing sort of hackery-ish... All the animation frame were named as MOVIE with the first frame being named as SLADRIP1. So... do y'all know how this works?? As i couldin't find any info on how to make a longer animation with more frames than originally supported by vanilla doom. (Also seen in tnt evolution's map 30s animated skull switch) https://doomwiki.org/wiki/The_Unholy_Trinity
  12. Grassy chunks

    What are you listening to?

  13. Grassy chunks

    What are you listening to?

  14. Using DOSBOX (or any other emulators if possible...)
  15. Grassy chunks

    What are you listening to?

    Straight fire!
  16. Grassy chunks

    I ban you because...

    I ban the person below me for not selling their doom wads for commercial purposes. (HACX comes to my mind....)