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Cardboard Marty

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Everything posted by Cardboard Marty

  1. Cardboard Marty

    [RELEASE] Entry-Level CTF v1.1

    These maps look fantastic! I love seeing CTF maps and hope to play these online soon!
  2. What is your preferred rendering API and render mode in Options -> Set Video Mode set to, and what graphics card do you have? The settings look like this if you're not sure what to look for.
  3. As echoed here and everywhere, congratulations! I am super happy to have contributed to this and to see it on its maiden voyage!
  4. Cardboard Marty

    [ZDoom/MBF21] Monster Sounds EX

    Monster Sounds EX is a mod that replaces all duplicate monster sounds in Doom II's bestiary with brand-new ones! This includes... New sound sets for the shotgunner and chaingunner! New pain sounds for the Imp, Spectre, Cacodemon, Baron of Hell, Hell Knight, Lost Soul, Revenant, Arachnotron, Spider Mastermind, Cyberdemon, and Wolfenstein SS! New projectile sounds for all monsters! OPTIONAL: Edited Demon, Spectre, Hell Knight, Baron of Hell, and Cacodemon monsters to utilize the new sounds. Includes code for a Cacodemon melee attack and a Baron of Hell that throws red projectiles. The Demon and Spectre only play a thumping sound once they hit the floor, and the Spectre only goes invisible once it is active. These do not affect gameplay. VERSIONS BV - Monster Sounds EX.pk3 - Base .pk3 that plays in GZDoom and Zandronum. It does not contain any modified actors and is compatible with sprite replacements. BV - Monster Sounds EX.pk3 (Edited Monsters).pk3 - This version contains edited Demon, Spectre, Hell Knight, Baron of Hell, and Cacodemon actors to take advantage of the new sounds provided. Load after the above. BV - Monster Sounds EX (MBF21).wad - A version of Monster Sounds EX that plays in MBF21-supported ports. Tested in DSDA Doom, Nugget Doom, Woof, Odamex, and DOOM + DOOM II. DOWNLOADS GOOGLE DRIVE ITCH.IO MODS.BETHESDA.NET (for DOOM + DOOM II) This was initially intended to be a resource, but I figured it would be pretty easy peasy to set it up as a mod. Let me know what you think! FAQ Q: Am I allowed to use these for my projects? A: Absolutely! Be sure to credit me (Cardboard Marty) and the authors listed in the credits. Q: Help! These don't work when I load them with [insert mod here]. A: This probably won't work with anything that replaces monsters or (in the case of the Edited Monsters version) is looking specifically for the Hell Knight/Baron of Hell/Cacodemon original actors. You are welcome and encouraged to edit these to your heart's content! CHECK OUT THE CARDBOARD BOX FOR MORE RESOURCES AND COOL STUFF!
  5. Cardboard Marty

    Invasion/Horde/Wave mode suggestions

    Hordes of Odamex is extremely fun, and I would recommend it (and the port! ODAMEX ROCKS) for anybody looking for a stellar Horde mode experience.
  6. Cardboard Marty

    [ZDoom/MBF21] Monster Sounds EX

    That's correct, mostly because I didn't want to do four different versions of the mod πŸ˜… This was initially made as a resource rather than a gameplay mod, but GZDoom/Zandronum defines monster sounds separately, so it was easy to add an SNDINFO file to point to the new sounds while packaging it all together. I wasn't sure if there was a demand/want for an MBF21 version without the other additions to be honest! It'd be a pretty easy edit to make if so.
  7. Cardboard Marty

    [ZDoom/MBF21] Monster Sounds EX

    Thanks to the latest update (or just luck?!), you can now play Monster Sounds EX in DOOM + DOOM II! I've uploaded the latest MBF21 version of the mod, so this has the new Spectre sprites and all that fun stuff! Check it out in the first post or using the in-game mod browser!
  8. Cardboard Marty

    thelamp's Bestiary | MBF21 Decohack

    These are fantastic! I wanted to do something similar to your flying imp, so cool to see that here! These are all really creative and fun, great stuff!
  9. Cardboard Marty

    Share Your Sprites!

    I wanted to do my own take on the "Chaingun Arachnotron" concept! Not final, still trying to find a face I like. πŸ€”
  10. Cardboard Marty

    [09/29 - Red Baron and Spectre EX] The Cardboard Box πŸ“¦

    Feel free to make those changes yourself if you'd like! I didn't change the Baron's color since I didn't picture it throwing its own blood, and as I said in the post above, the Spectre would only appear with those colors while idle.
  11. (character art by @floressas_) Hey everybody, I'm Cardboard Marty! If you haven't seen me around before or are unfamiliar with my stuff, I am an artist, voice actor, and musician who has been around the community since 2003. You've probably seen my work in a variety of projects. In this thread, I'm providing sprites for weapons, enemies, sounds, and other resources for you to use! Neat! (Click the image above or this link to access the MASTER LIST) The MASTER LIST is a spreadsheet containing all the links below, with different columns denoting the type of release, the release date, whether or not it is Creative Commons licensed, etc. It also contains direct download links! ⚠️NOTE: You can click on the category headers (WEAPONS, MISC., ETC.) to view entire folders! 3D to 2D: Making Weapons the Fun and Easy Way! (2018) An overview of my spriting process when working with model rips! Learn about lighting, repainting, and final composition! Suggestions and comments are strongly encouraged and appreciated! ENJOY! πŸ“¦
  12. Cardboard Marty

    [09/29 - Red Baron and Spectre EX] The Cardboard Box πŸ“¦

    This looks super cool, great work! Any monster edits I make use the Minor Sprite Fixing Project sprites as a base.
  13. Cardboard Marty

    [09/29 - Red Baron and Spectre EX] The Cardboard Box πŸ“¦

    Initially, I didn't feel like these guys were worth their own download, but eh, here they are! The Red Baron (with corresponding red fireballs) and Spectre EX join the fray! The Spectre EX was designed with a Doom 64-like behavior in mind, where it would fade slightly after seeing the player. They're not super crazy, but I did recolor them manually and paid close attention to detail! Anyway, grab them in the first post under ENEMIES + FRIENDS!
  14. Cardboard Marty

    [ZDoom/MBF21] Monster Sounds EX

    UPDATE [NEW] New Spectre pain sound! I'm still not 100% sure about it, however... [NEW - Edited Monsters/MBF21] Brand new Spectre sprites and edited behavior! The Spectre now spawns with standard rendering and only goes fuzzy once it sees you! Wow! Once you kill it, it goes back to its normal rendering. Wowee! [NEW - Edited Monsters] The Demon and Spectre only play their landing sound once they hit the ground. [NEW - Edited Monsters] I included the Hell Knight EX sprites in the Edited Monsters version to match the MBF21 version. [UPDATE - Edited Monsters] Baron of Hell, Hell Knight, and Cacodemon now use their correct blood colors. Grab it in the first post from your preferred location! I'm still working on getting this uploaded to DOOM + DOOM II, but have been running into some roadblocks. Let me know if you run into any issues!
  15. Cardboard Marty

    Doom Comic 96 v2.667

    This is WONDERFUL! I love the new artwork; the sprite edits are top-notch, and I love the palettes you chose for the enemies. Fantastic stuff!
  16. Cardboard Marty

    [ZDoom/MBF21] Monster Sounds EX

    I could do that! ZDoom defines the chaingun sound separately, so I could do the same thing I've done with the extra monster sounds. Updating the MBF21 version wouldn't be too difficult either. I'll put this firmly in the "maybe in the future" plan list! It should work right out of the box! I did think about doing a more intensive recolor, but I didn't want to spend too much time on it. Ultimately, I wanted the fireball to look different to justify the different sounds and that was about it. I might do something bigger later, but I figured for the scope of this mod, the simple recolor would be fine. I only included the more intensive edit of the Hell Knight because I had already done it before making the mod.
  17. Cardboard Marty

    [ZDoom/MBF21] Monster Sounds EX

    I had this vaguely in mind, although I'm not a fan of how the higher-quality sound packs are currently EQ'd. They all seem like the high end of the sounds are bumped up to the max, making it very harsh on the ears. I was thinking of something more of a 22 kHz version with a noticeably higher-quality sound but nothing that is too out of place in the context of Doom. I updated the original post with an FAQ on reuse and including these in your own projects. Short answer: go for it! These were intended to be a resource first and a mod second, so I'd love to see these out in the wild. I'm still waiting on the mods.bethesda.net version to go through whatever validation process it needs to, so hopefully that'll be available soon!
  18. Cardboard Marty

    [09/29 - Red Baron and Spectre EX] The Cardboard Box πŸ“¦

    Following up on that DeHackEd version, I've created a new version for MBF21-supported ports! There's a new thread for it over in the Gameplay Mods, but you can still download it here in the first post of the thread!
  19. Cardboard Marty

    [09/29 - Red Baron and Spectre EX] The Cardboard Box πŸ“¦

    I did a little housecleaning and converted some sounds to 8-bit that I accidentally left at 32-bit, so I figured I'd put out an update! UPDATE - Monster Sounds EX [NEW] "BV - Monster Sounds EX (Edited Monsters).pk3" has been added! This makes use of the unique Hell Knight sounds as well as the Cacodemon melee sounds. I've included a Baron of Hell recolor that also throws red fireballs! I didn't feel like this deserved its own separate release since it's pretty simple, but hey! There he is! Also there are no gameplay changes with these, so they should be pretty close to vanilla. [NEW] Wolfenstein SS sounds! I added a fire, active, and pain sound into the mix. Honestly, I was pretty stumped on what to do for the active sound; many of the voice lines I tried sounded a bit too cult-y, and the alternatives I tried didn't make sense. I used a heartbeat sound from the original Wolf3D, but maybe I'll return to it. Who knows! [UPDATE] Converted some lingering sound files from 32-bit to 8-bit. Whoops! [UPDATE] I added an archival folder (found in sounds -> zzz - archival) with an older version of the cacodemon active sound. I've been asked about doing a DeHackEd version, so that might be the next update if I pursue that!
  20. Cardboard Marty

    [09/29 - Red Baron and Spectre EX] The Cardboard Box πŸ“¦

    Monster Sounds EX! This is a pet project of mine over the last week or so, inspired by something I've been working on with @DrPyspy. This replaces all duplicated monster sound effects with their own unique sound effects created by me! The included .PK3 loads in ZDoom, GZDoom, and Zandronum. All sounds are at a 11025 Hz sample rate and can easily be converted to Doom Sound format for non-ZDoom ports. Note that the included unique Hell Knight sounds for their projectile/melee and the sound effect for the Cacodemon's melee attack require new actors to utilize those sounds. Grab it under the SOUNDS section in the first post and let me know what you think!
  21. Cardboard Marty

    [09/29 - Red Baron and Spectre EX] The Cardboard Box πŸ“¦

    It's time to finally open the vault! The Space Pirate: Legacy Treasure Vault is a massive collection of assets from the legacy versions of TSP. This encompasses all of the weapons from the last legacy release and multiple in-development versions of TSP that never saw the light of day. I've also included a ton of new animations and sprites that my pal Sgt. Shivers created that (to my knowledge) were never posted anywhere! NOTE: Melody Crosswell's voice lines from the last legacy version of The Space Pirate are NOT included in this download, and I would prefer that you don't use them. Ask me if you have any questions or concerns! Thanks! Check out the list below for the complete catalog and grab the vault in the first post under the COLLECTIONS header!
  22. Cardboard Marty

    Share Your Sprites!

    This thread functions as a works-in-progress/showcase thread AND a place to post resources. Not too sure! Gravity-affected fireballs would be kinda neat, but I haven't worked it out yet.
  23. Cardboard Marty

    [09/29 - Red Baron and Spectre EX] The Cardboard Box πŸ“¦

    BIG UPDATE TO THE ORIGINAL POST: I've completely revamped it and added thumbnails for all of my releases so far. I've also included a new MASTER LIST SPREADSHEET that catalogs all of these with links and fancy columns! Check it out; it took me a looong time to put it all together! UPDATES [UPDATE] All files have been moved to a different Google Drive. I checked to ensure the access links worked for everything, but please let me know if you can't access something! [UPDATE] I've reorganized all the hand sheets I've released! Nothing new, but they should be slightly easier to use now! [NEW] A blast from the past, the Obliterator, Erasus, and Leviathan (Angled) join the arsenal. These were initially teased in the original "The Works" thread on the ZDoom forum, but I never finished them and lost the source files quite a bit ago. @TiberiumSoul (RIP) had re-handed the existing frames I made and released them around 2012. I don't have any current intentions of returning to these older weapons (for the most part), so I packaged them together here! [NEW] EXTRA HANDS 03! These are brand new hands I created from scratch that were initially included in the download for the Model DHDB2 I recently released. However, I added a couple of new hands that weren't on the sheet originally and split them into their own download. Let me know what you guys think!
  24. Cardboard Marty

    zrrion's Bunch O' Stuff

    So happy to see so many people posting their resource threads here! Your artwork has always been top-notch, fantastic stuff!