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Adam Duży

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About Adam Duży

  • Rank
    Thinking too much

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  1. Hello there, i just want to show that I have created something as it's my reminder date today; it's not much but actually I didn't touch that for over two weeks now as I had vacation trip etc. but in following three weeks I expect more progress :).
  2. Just 100%-finished the map on HMP (with saves), quite fun to play :), not really difficult after I figured the strategy (TLDR: do it like E2M9), I did it in an awkward way, more or less as follows: (Everywhere below by waking up a monster I mean waking it up by getting close to it or letting it see me, not waking up with a sound.) FIRST ROOM Collect goodies and enter second room. SECOND ROOM Wake up zombies and make them infight with pinkies, after zombies die wake up knights and make them infight with pinkies, up to a moment all pinkies are killed (2-3 monsers should be fighting at once, the number gets bigger it's harder), if zombies/knights weak up a cyberdemon it's sad. Press button (linedef 459), don't enter area with water, make knights infight with spooky skeletons, overgrown goats may be woken earlier or later, run in circles and focus mainly on dodging fireballs and rockets, you can wake up westmost/eastmost skeletons if enough of key-guarding barons infighted, if it's not the case and all skeletons in this area except elevated ones are ded you can use fact that Sierpińskis's traingles in middle of the room are elevated, so if you stand on it and baron throws fireball, it can hit elevated skeletons (westmost/eastmost ones) so they can infight too but it's far from being necessary. Now enter area with water, let skeletons, imps, mancubi and barons from previous area infight, after most of enemies are ded (or situation is getting too tense) finish rest of them with your big gun - yup, it's first moment you use the weapon. Trigger linedef (1246) near the southern switch, kill monsters that appeared like it's regular slaughter map, press southern switch, kill imps and you're done with this part. THIRD ROOM Tip: if you're low with hp/armor after first room, you can grab megasphere guarded by one of big goats without waking it. Strange aliens on the pillars are first monsters that need to be ded in this room, move between one of pillars and western/southern wall, so all/most of skeletons and aliens are woken, dance near the pillar so aliens infight with skeletons, when aliens are ded do the same with other pillar. Make some monsters on the triangle infight with skeletons on pillars (and with some of eastmost/westmost; try not to wake up meatballs), although I think it's not really necessary. Wake up rest of the stuff (first you can make southern goats infight sekeletons), finishing them with your big gun is quite straight forward. Kill strange aliens that await you in the northen part of the room and you're done. #### My suggestions: Flip linedef 44 (first one you cross in third room) beacuse now it causes projectiles-going-poof bug what is very visible. In third room fix position of western pillar, I believe you moved it accidentally and flat textures are misaligned. And I think that's it ;).
  3. I just want to mention that I'll try this in few days ;).
  4. Nah, it's 100% fine imo :P, and... I'm talking about berserk, not soulsphere, if it's what you mean... oh, I just noticed that soulsphere switch can be triggered from below, so that's what you meant :D. Most straight forward way to fix it is making switch hole deeper (36 instead of 4 seems to work, but idk if looks good), anyway idk if it actually needs a fix, it doesn't make obtaining a secret much simpler or causes other issues. (BTW noticed that switch texture inside mini room where berserk is has y offset 64 what makes switch not actually visible - just noting it in case it's unintended.)
  5. @ViolentBeetle, I just UV-maxed your map, really fun to play and aesthetics of both maps are merged very cleverly (it's a thing I'm currently struggling a bit in my map), map wasn't challenging but not too easy as well, imo making it harder and leaving like this are good options both... did you think about some multiplayer-only enemies? :P BTW no. 1, maybe it would be a cool gimmick to set back side of exit door to action 1 like it is in Monster Condo, what enables speedrunners to make famous skip in this map :D. BTW no. 2, it was funny to trigger berserk secret accidentaly (with my settings, holding right mouse button triggers running and releasing this button triggers "use"... and in this case I stopped running near the right wall :D). PS, imo it's always better to have some deathmatch starts in the map than none :P.
  6. Anyway I think I already know what maps I want to pick ;). @Cutman First map choice: Plutonia MAP23: Tombstone Second map choice: Evilution MAP23: Lunar Mining Project Desired map slot: MAP12
  7. Hello, I'm interested in claiming a slot but I have question. "Maps that are already being blended may be rejected (we don't want 5 copies of Plutonia's "Hunted"). I will allow exceptions if problems arise." - does this mean that if someone blended maps A and B, I cannot blend maps A and C? (C being not arleady blended)
  8. Hello there, just 100% finished first level and it's great fun! For sure going to play following levels soon. My thoughts, feel free to ignore my suggestions as I'm easily going super-meticulous (and sorry for poor english) (contains spoilers): Fun fact: I'm creating deathmatch wad and recently I thought about remapping that sky to green too, although eventually I didn't do it. Again - sorry for being meticulous, map is really cool! ;), and I'll mention when I play more levels.
  9. Adam Duży

    Broken kill (and item?) count in Heretic?

    Thanks for so expanded response! And sorry for replying that late (full time job takes much time huh). Yes, I'm playing version 1.0, and monsters spawned by firemace spots seems to be legitible explanation, that's weird mechanics xd. I'm playing default difficulty = 3, and yeah, that's too easy (most likely due to my Doom experience), so I hardly have to use any items or stronger weapons (and – surprisingly – crossbow seems to be most satysfying and fun to use, though it's one of weaker weapons; feels kinda like shotgun from Doom), and since hoarding things is strong instinct inside me when I don't know what I'll meet in following levels I finish most of levels fully stacked :D. After finishing episode 3 (I just finished E3M9) I'll probably play whole game on difficulty = 4. Hm, I checked on Doomwiki, and it says that in e2m9 there are 98 monsters on difficulty = 3 (that's so much less than 121), and 117 on difficulty = 4... it seems that amount of monsters was reduced in Heretic: SotSR in comparison to v1.0. Maybe I'll do some investigation in some time :D (e.g. comparising both WADs in UDB).
  10. Hello there, I'm doomer for few months but it's Heretic that brings me here. Recently I'm playing Heretic for the first time, blind-running everything trying to get 100% kills, items and secrets; intermission screen after E2M9 (in attachment) surprised me - how could I get kills and items counts above upper limits? I didn't find any info about it in the internet. I have suspicion that maybe items dropped from enemies (e.g. Tome of Power from Disciple of D'Sparil in this case) are taken into account, so I got 35/34, but I have no idea about kills count. In attachments there is also save of this game, just step to exit gate. EDIT: additional info - I'm playing heretic.exe in DOSBox. Any guesses? HTICSAV4.rar