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Everything posted by Yagacaw

  1. putting the finishing touches on my map submission 'Monolithic' , should have a first release candidate later tonight. here is a screenshot of the Monolith from the deck of a battleship. Happy crunch time mapping for anyone else speedmapping right before the months end! The Ship The Library
  2. what a great Midi collection, thanks for sharing! I love the track 'Turbulence Makes Me Feel Alive' @Cammy could i please use this track for an upcoming submission to the Knee Deep in the Dictionary community project? thank you!
  3. Map Name: [ the headhunters of voodoo island: A Ray Mohawk party submarine clone colony adventure] Author: [ Yagacaw ] Music: [ Deadwing - 'Back to Jupiter' from Exomoon] Sky: animated as per required Format: [ MBF21 ] Difficulty Settings: [ Some extra ammo for lower difficulties, eventually will half the monster count for easy mode] Extra co-op stuff: [co-op starts, will add extra ammo and monsters in next version] Build Time: [ 60-80 hours ] Comments: This is a short island adventure key hunt that is meant to remind the player of playing ''Far Cry : Blood Dragon'' while inside on a summer days from the nostalgic past This version has had some testing, but there might be some softlocks, also the node builder started to melt down towards the end, so let me know if you can walk through walls where you should not be able to Download: PUSSXXXV-Yagacaw-CloneGirlSummer_RC1.wad Screenshots: gun fight at sunset Doom cute sausage party shrine in the dark woods some light slaughter in the cybernetics lab
  4. Have fun speed-mappers ! may the countdown clock be ever in your favor Sadly I will be working a shift at the local Delicatessen an hour before the event starts, mostly cutting meats and cheese, so will only be able to catch 15 minutes of the livestream from the break room. So If you use the Moon Cheese texture in your speed map, It will be a lucky charm for the victory of P.U.S.S. over A.S.S.
  5. Count me in for a level! I'm fixing to do some speedmapping this weekend to flesh out an idea.
  6. Yagacaw

    [Now on idgames!] - Die Rowdy - 44 Maps, Boom Format

    It's been such a joy seeing this project come together, Congratulations on the official release! And loved the thoughtful write ups on each level, I promise to submit at least one Nightmare-fuel and/or silly level To "Die Rowdey with a Vengeance" where we all get the same city prefab or whatever you had in mind for the next one.
  7. I played the first five levels so far and I'm really digging the aesthetics and style! Especially love the custom robot monsters. Congratulations on the release!
  8. Small update to my level, I uploaded a version that did not have the extra items as indicated by the last change list, this should be all set DoomGuysDiacideRC_4.wad
  9. Thanks for playing my level and finding those softlocks! here is an updated version of the level DoomGuysDiacideRC_3 Update change list: -added impassible lines around decorations in the Item Shop -removed softlocking decorations near cyberdemon grid -added extra items at hotfix areas as a tip of the Hat to the playtester who found it
  10. Some Small tweaks I would suggest force pistol starts on every level: I get why the player can keep there weapons from level to level for the sake of narrative continuity of a space marine going from building to building on a mars base. But why would you restart level 17 when you could just load a save and keep all your weapons. Would also make the final boss harder cuz most of us BFG the spider mastermind playing continuous. Get rid of infinitely tall monsters: it's just not fun trying to jump off a high platform to be blocked by imps on the ground far bellow, better to jump over those imps then get killed by them instead of running into invisible walls Have berserk run out when the screen is no longer red: I know Romero is bummed that he couldn't punch things into pink mist after 30 seconds, but its going to add a whole level of excitement and thrill to know it's a temporary increase in strength instead of just, you're now Superman, also to make it so you could add multiple berserks to levels and they would all be meaningful. Increase the fire rate of the pistol: it's far to leasurly given the context it's mostly used in. Simplify the armor system: make it so that green and blue armor block the same percentage of damage, just make one of them give you 100 points of armor and the other is 200. The idea that it's sometimes advantageous to keep low amount of blue armor instead of picking up a new green armor requires lots of inside knowledge of doom and quick math in your head, and considering the RNG nature of doom and the fact the interface doesn't tell you what the last armor you picked up it seems like this could be simplified and not lose much gameplay nuance. Larger tweaks I would suggest: Change the Rad suits to be durability based and not time based: it's would still be 30seconds but they could track if player is on damaging floor and decrease the 30 seconds only if the suit is "in use" getting another suit would reset durability to 30 seconds of use. If they had even extra time they could make it so the suit became more leaky towards the end until is just wore off completely by constantly increasing the probability of player will take damage the longer the suit is in use. Bind a key to activate the light amplification goggles: player gets 30 seconds of seeing in the dark but they can press the f key to turn it on or off, that's what you could find the goggles and the other side of the map and then use it in a cave far away, it would make most of the maps look not terrible cuz the removed the shadow effects when in use could be turned off at will by the player, also I would swap the Photo negative visual effect the invulnerability sphere gives you and use that for the goggles the way it was I think originally intended by the development team, the green tint can be for invulnerability sphere, which is green anyway.
  11. Sounds like a fun project! I would like to claim the word "Monolithic" for my map.
  12. Yagacaw


    This map set was an absolute joy to play! I loved the doom cute river and the entirety of level three. The only thing more terrifying then the cabin was the realization it was my only shelter. Well done!
  13. Map name: [Doom Guy's Deicide] Author: [Yagacaw] Music: [Jamiroquai - deeper underground] Co-op Starts: [Y] Difficulty Settings: [Y] Restrictions: [ 3 textures and 3 flats -Textures: (WFALL1, SKYND03A, INCDECO9) -Flats: (F_SKY1, FWATER1, QFLAT01) Grid size of 64 Sector special 10 ] Screenshots: https://imgur.com/gallery/6MJs7vG File: [ DoomGuysDiacideRC_2.wad ] Notes: [My final map for this project cuz I ran out of submissions slots and also ran out of ideas for how to use Sector special 10 in a weird way. Have fun trying to Murder Red lich by ripping their skull out of the infernal machines! They are not going to make it easy for you! Backstory!: [You did so well taking care of that embarrassing teleporter incident on mars that UAC has expanded your role in the organization from space marine to private black-ops paramilitary contractor. Your first mission is to infiltrate the pocket dimensions of the Lich lord known as "The Red Skull", who is a powerful wizard that abandoned their humanity, with the notable exception of their skull. you should not expect an insanely paranoid wizard who is now just a skull to have Ammunition or med-packs lying around. though you might be able to forage supplies from the corpses of your former co-workers, as you will be the Thirteen-ish space marine we sent through the teleporter to the coordinates the Blue-Skull-Lich gave us. also if you get caught and tortured, Blue skull paid us extra for you to give up yellow skull's name instead of theirs, Ok teleporters over there,,, so get going then, chop! chop! ] Changelog:
  14. Yagacaw

    DooM II Map Interpretation Project (Slots Open)

    I started getting into doom mapping less then a year ago so maybe I can share some tips from another new member who is just learning this stuff themselves. I like the idea of a projects to help new mappers get there legs, and it is certainly helpful to trace others work to help discover your mapping style. If this is the goal i would suggest that the project be in MBF21 format. I was working on a project that involved changing one of my early maps from Boom format to UDMF, which involves changing all the line defs to what the equivalent is in UDMF. While UDMF allows more advanced features it requires knowledge New mappers would not yet have to converts the features of Vanilla doom to UDMF and just have it play the same. So I would recommend picking a lane so to speak and either have the project be for new mappers or, for old mappers who want to mess around with UDMF. Either way good luck with the project and welcome!
  15. I hear that! It was challenging at first cuz my old mapping tricks don't work if I'm not willing to devote a whole third of the textures to switchs or doors. But restrictions can be a great fuel for creative solutions. Check out this great WAD by Pistoolkip where they decorate the whole level with only the texture Wood5 and it looks great! Hopefully this wad will open your mind as it did for me
  16. Map name: [The Incal Woods] Author: [Yagacaw] Music: [Junko Tamiya - Dream 7 Theme Song 'Topsy-Turvy' from Little Nemo the Dream Master (Midi rendition by M.W.S.)] Restrictions: [ 100 lines or less -(99 lines used) 3 textures and 3 flats -Textures: (MIDTREE1, SKYESSL1, SKYESSLR) -Flats: (F_SKY1, GROUND12, SNOWF_6) No orthogonal lines -no right angles here Sector special 10 -its a big part of the map, but no spoilers here Hitscan enemies only -I used every hitscan enemy in the game, even the Arch-vile,,, yes they are! ] Notes: [This came from a Idea I had for how to use Sector 10 in a new puzzle, I have one more idea for how sector 10 could be used, but i ran out of lines making this map, which i guess is a tribute to Jodorowsky's "The Incal" when i noticed how triangles use less lines then squares and thats what the map ended up looking like. Also i wanted to see if i could make a map with 2 different sky transfer areas given that two out of three textures were for the Skies so only one non sky texture was used.] File download TheIncalWood_RC1.wad Screenshot
  17. Map name: [La Fin Absolue du Doom] Author: [Yagacaw] Music: [Takashi Tateishi - Bubble man theme from Mega man 2 (Midi rendition by DurfarC)] Restrictions: [ 100 lines or less -(100 lines used) 3 textures and 3 flats -Testures: (TEKWALLC, SKINTEK1, MIDPIPE4) -Flats: (WIRE2H, GATESK6, GRAYSLM1) No orthogonal lines -no right angles here Sector special 10 -its a big part of the map, but no spoilers here ] Notes: [I usually don't make combat puzzles so for anyone playtesting this level, please let me know if the combat was to much or to little and what Difficulty setting you played at. I'm not sure if adding Monsters to UV made it appropriately more difficult, So I appreciate the feedback! also thank you @senpaigru for help with testing and helping me solve those texture issues!] File Download: LaFinAbsolueDuDoom_RC3_patch.wad Screenshot:
  18. This was one of the most fun and exciting community events yet! Thank you to my partners in the Ménage @senpaigru and @SirPootis for being awesome dudes! I learned a lot and had a lot of fun. I mostly learned what a nodebuilder is and how it can buckle chasing after ambitious ideas. Because we had to cut the original ending to Ménage à trois where our 3 Key paths lead to one empty house where all our mapping styles merged into a new Home. The Node Builder was very clear about that not happening, So It was reworked to be our teams second map 'Homewrecker' that is a much more direct collaboration between the three of us. It was a lot of fun making it I hope y'all enjoy it! And of course a big thank you to @NiGHTS108 for throwing together this fun Mixer!
  19. I Just played the first few levels and I love the combat encounters and weapons and monster replacements, especially the increased fire power for the starting gun which made it not such an issue to run out of ammo. Also loved the dialogue boxes that rise from the floor for the receptionist and therapist in Map01 i had no idea that was possible! Edit: Ok now that you did Freud in Boom you can to Jung in UDMF, cuz you will need line set portal trickery to do the collective unconscious justice
  20. Thank you for the Folks who set up the servers and all the cool people I played Doom with over the first Sunday time slot. It was an absolute Joy to play through The PUSS lovers Quarrel Map set on Co-op as my first intro to the WAD. I think I spent just as much time in team chat geeking out over all the doom cute as I did slaying demons.
  21. I remember Sandy Peterson speaking about the final fight of Doom in an interview, I believe he said the design flaw in question was all the levels were designed to be played from a pistol start, but the narrative and gameplay elements of doom encourage the player towords continuous play. I remember BFGing the spider mastermind in my first playthrough of doom and being underwhelmed, but I have found a new appreciation for the Original IWAds since I learned how they were intended to be played by the original designer, plus DSDA source port makes it real easy to hotkey pistol restarts.
  22. I just played up until just after the Gallery key and what a joy! Reminds me of Castelvania in the best way. Loved the combat and the little details like grass growing out of the cracks between the brinks on the floor. Very Cool!
  23. What a great surprise for the upcoming Snow Day. Thanks for running such a fun event! I learned a lot about Speedmapping, especially how quickly an hour can pass in visual mode.
  24. I am very excited to announce my participation in this project as a mysterious third mapper brought in to spice things up for a couple already publicly declared in this thread. Will keep the details discrete as its way hotter that way. @NiGHTS108 I couldn't help but notice map01 in the resource pack only lists yourself as the only Author. It's your community project to lead so you can do whatever you want, but it pains me to think of you missing out on the fun your creating for all of us by mapping alone, throw your single hat into the ring!
  25. Yagacaw

    PUSS XXXIII: DIE ROWDY [ December Speedmapping ]

    Take 1: The Kaiju War Version Map Name: [Kaiju Exterminators: Your one of them] Author: [ YagaCaw ] Music: [My War - Black Flag] Build Time: [4 hours Build plus minimal playtesting to verify can finish the map on all difficulties ] Co-op Starts: [Y] Difficulty Settings: [Y] Comments: [Genre: Action. Backstory: Oh you want to use the red elevator to go up? me too buddy,,, me too,,, but those rascals, the Kaiju, stole my only key this morning, and took it back to their sky lazer. I think they are trying to melt it, they are such rascals! Our Giant-Robot-Pilot Henry quit this morning to join a punk band, so nothing I can do here,,, but,,,, if you help me out by taking over his Shift,,, put in an honest days work for an honest-day's-pay-experience, then you can have the red Key after you pry it out of the cold dead claws of those jerks who stole my Stuff, Plus, you will have a good chance of surviving this with the satisfaction of protecting this Building from an annoying Kaiju infestation. So,,, what do you say there stranger-covered-in-Blood who walked off the elevator holding a large gun? You seem like a man who says yes to life's exciting and unexpected opportunities! Just sign this boilerplate legal waiver and Jump into that big robot round back, you hold them off for a bit while i stretch out my Hammies and do a shift on the Power generating Treadmill. Also,,, if you could kill any BroodSpawn they sneezed into our hanger this morning that would be Ideal as you are 4 hours late for your first shift, and they are starting to hatch,These things grow to the size of Buildings if they find a food source like a populated office building, or any City, So we better Hurry up then, chop chop!] Download Link: PUSSXXXIIIYagacawKaijuWarV3.wad Screenshot: This was a very silly idea I hoped would be a speedmap that would not take the full 4 hours with mapping and leaving more time for playtesting and decoration. I spent a lot of time coming up with goofy Game Lore to explain my various music choices, and some time doing a quick sketch on paper beforehand, but used a stopwatch for any actual mapping in UDB. Turns out most of the time was underestimated so ideas for adding a Radar function or weapons power up sequence were scrapped for time. Bonus Alternative Music/Backstory Versions And just for Fun- here are 2 Alternate versions of this Map. These Wads have the same exact Level Data between them, the only thing different is the Music track played, the name of the level in mapinfo, and of course, the Levels backstory I make up for the Comments section to be a silly goose. Cuz life is all about writing and cashing happy checks, and I had so much fun imagining ridiculous backstories to fit in with my top 3 choices of Songs to score this Map to, that I Included them here as alternative options to be used in the MegaWad based on the project leads / curators preference. So please Use any Map that feels like it fits the narrative / tonal through-line of whichever level this level comes before or after in the WAD. But if this creates unnecessary decision paralysis - my first choice is KaijuWar.wad with 'Black Flag' music Cuz speed-punk fits really well with Rudys double punch animation all Berserked out. Take 2: The Love conquers all Version Take 3: The Pacific Rim Version Old Versions and Change logs: