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Everything posted by CravenCoyote

  1. The release of Doom was a great day for PC users. For Amiga users, however, it was just another nail in the coffin. FPS games were uncommon on the Amiga, and John Carmack himself said that the Amiga just wouldn't be capable of running Doom. But the Amiga community just wouldn't take no for an answer. A select number of games were released for the system including Gloom, Fears, Alien Breed 3D and Alien Breed 3D 2: The Killing Grounds. It needed a beefy Amiga to run it. RAM upgrades, accelerator cards, even add-on graphics cards. Few people got to experience this game... until emulation made it accessible to the masses. But by that point, the game was still clunky, unoptimized, and just generally unplayed by many. So here I am introducing my devlog for a total conversion project of Alien Breed 3D 2: The Killing Grounds (TKG) for GZDoom. The excellent Project Osiris, headed up by @Arcturus, is a total conversion of the first game and definitely worth checking out. TKG, however, has not been done nor do there appear to be any specific plans to do so. I've been hard at work on this project. It'll take me a while to do. This thread serves as a way to keep me motivated and to ask advice/seek help from time to time. I have never done a total conversion before. I'll be using some resources from Project Osiris to assist me, but TKG is almost a different game to the first. Most of TKG's resources have been released for free online but they can be a bit awkward to work with - at least it's something. More updates to come as I make more progress.
  2. CravenCoyote

    What would you NOT want to see in dark ages?

    Doom 3 is a good game. It doesn't feel like Doom 1 and Doom 2, sure. But it's a good game. It took me a good while to finally sit down and play through it because on release my computer wasn't the best and I was expecting something more along the lines of the first two games. But when I finally actually finished it a year or so ago, I had a whale of a time and kicked myself for not playing through it years ago.
  3. That would really be for @Arcturus to answer, but AB3D 2: TKG has a completely different bestiary to AB3D, the only one in common being the little red pack hunters. Weapons are in a similar situation. If you mean making voxels and models specifically for the original Project Osiris, I'm not sure I'd personally have the will power for this any time soon. They take a lot of work and there are still TKG models and voxels we're still currently working on
  4. Teaser video of some of the progress and developments we've made:
  5. CravenCoyote

    Strangest bits of design in official DOOM packs?

    Boredom, mostly
  6. Weapon models are underway! Oh, you want a teaser of some mod progress? Sure, I guess.
  7. Doom 1 had better atmosphere, music and (mostly) better maps plus the intermission screen which was just so neat to see where you'd been and where you're going. Doom 2 had the better bestiary and weapon selection. I like both of them and it's clear that Doom 2 would make a better base for modding, but Doom 2 felt just like an expansion pack for Doom 1. And I guess that's kind of what it was. Doom 1 gave a better first impression than Doom 2.
  8. Thanks for signing up just post here! We've taken a look through the source files a few times but haven't managed to find any 3D objects at this point. The most I've personally found are sprite sheets. Being able to find them would save a tonne of work though, I can say that much! I'm currently working on some 3D models for weapons at the moment, though they are far from perfect at the moment. Have been learning how to have them work instead of sprite weapons and they're quite particular in their settings. Also on the cards is learning uv-unwrapping so I can texture up what I have at the moment properly rather than simply applying a single texture to the model and having it look quite odd. I think @Arcturus was happy to attempt to model the boss monsters but we've both been quite busy with things lately. He's managed to get map titles working nicely as well with a kicking rad melody for story introduction text per level. We're also looking into new all-new music as an option rather than the standard TKG loop for those that want some variety. In all, we're both very much involved in working on this and progress is still steady. I'm very much enjoying working on this project and hope that people are happy with what we deliver when it's finished
  9. CravenCoyote

    GZDoom - How to reduce camera bobbing with ACS?

    I know you can set this under the Weapon itself using Weapon.BobRangeX n.n and Weapon.BobRangeY n.n (where n is a number). Not sure how to do a catch-all for everything, however. Perhaps something in the doomplayer.zs script could work.
  10. @Crawdeloch have just tested and can confirm it fires up without troubles as a standalone title.
  11. I was just editing my post - it might just be a case of needing to add an IWADINFO lump so that GZDoom reads it as its own game rather than an 'addon'. If you're unaware of pwads and iwads, the iwad is the base game itself. The pwad is a patch wad loaded 'on top' of the iwad. For example: iwad: Doom2.wad patch: Scythe.wad You could not run Scythe.wad alone, because it is not an iwad. It is missing essential lumps that are included only in Doom2. Therefore, to play Scythe, you must load it with Doom2.wad. Freedoom on the other hand is an iwad. It contains everything to make it a complete game. For a release like this, I assume you'd want to make the game an iwad so that ownership of something like Doom, Doom 2, Freedoom etc is not required.
  12. It shouldn't be a problem running the wad with a pre-existing GZDoom installation as your lumps would include all the data related to gameplay. The only things that should really 'change' would be using the settings in the pre-existing installation (eg, video settings, screen res, hotkeys etc). And of course, any Doom lumps that are used if the wad is being read as a pwad. As for when trying to execute Paramelancholia.exe, it tries to fire up Doom 2 and them promptly crashes. My guess is that it isn't picking up Paramelancholia as its own iwad/ipk3. I did find a way to get it running by modifying the gzdoom_portable.ini file: # WAD files to always load. These are loaded after the IWAD but before # any files added with -file. Place each file on its own line, preceded # by Path= [Global.Autoload] Path=$PROGDIR/PMCHOLY/freedoom2.wad Adding this and running it this way fired up the game right away and gave me the correct hud. Could just be a case of needing to include an IWADINFO lump.
  13. Thanks for those @TigerTheGreat, it was Xenium Core I came across previously! For the time being, we'll focus on the core version of TKG and once we've got everything nailed down properly we can begin to look at map packs that were released into the wild. I think it would be a neat idea to have an Episode Selection type interface where people can play these map sets if they'd like. One of the issues that concerns me there, however, is that we have revised some of the lock functions from the original game (ie keycards) and adjusted some routing. We do still have the original 13 passkeys coded, so we could still add them to the maps, but the fear is that finding 13 keys in a map can be a bit cumbersome in today's age. There's also the option of revamping these map packs, but they they'd no longer be original. I'll talk with @Arcturus and see what he thinks about it. I suppose it's also possible we could release the original campaign 'unmodified' as a 'classic episode', but that'll take us more time to do as well. Lots of things to think about here!
  14. I couldn't launch the game from the pack, but taking freedoom2.wad and moving it to my own Gzdoom directory worked, so not sure what's going on there. I'll start off by saying I'm really quite sick at the moment so I didn't record myself or my gameplay for the little playing I did. But I did play what I think was the first map - I eventually ended up at "Underlake Wander" which I'm assuming is Map2. Map01 feedback: - Blue door text reads "Sapphire key for this door" but the Red door text reads "Crimson key needed for this door". Maybe keep them uniform? - The Sapphire key and Crimson key also work for line-defs that need a blue / red keycard. I spent a while looking for keycards but the keys worked. - The Mummy(?) monster seemed a bit... juddery? - The female voice when using terminals is quite quiet, I couldn't hear the voice most of the time. - I managed to get stuck behind the machinery in the yellow card pump room (where you flick the switch, and there are pipes above releasing steam). I had to noclip out. - The first pistol you start with seems to make a keyboard-press sound when you fire rather than a gun sound. Unsure if intentional? - It's a little odd that destroying items like barrels hurts the player. I could understand glass, but barrels of food surprised me. - The HUD didn't display for me at first, I had to maximise it to see any ammo/health/armor count. Perhaps intentional? I think this has a lot of promise and it's definitely very atmospheric. It was very dark when playing and the lamp helped a tiny bit. I'm not sure whether it was my monitor brightness or whether it's supposed to be this dark. I died very quickly after falling to my death in the first 'hub room' thinking I'd found a passageway which was actually just a death pit. When switching between the axe, fist and lamp, they're all bound to slot 1. I know survival horror games often have you fight the controls a little bit, but felt it would be better to have fist and axe on slot 1, and the lamp activated via another key maybe? Great work, keep it up!
  15. I'm not actually aware of the demo level and I don't have any custom levels to hand. I did find a pack of custom maps online in my search for resources but I didn't download them. The beauty of what we're doing is that we're trying to keep it as mod-friendly as possible, so with this being made as its own iwad, people should be able to make their own maps without too much issue. The same of course can be done already for Project Osiris. We've been making good progress with the TKG conversion so far. There are 16 base maps in TKG. Maps 01-13 (bar map11) have had at least a first-pass-draft made of them and are both playable and finishable. They need cosmetic tweaking, but they're there. We still need to add the Spiderbot, Wasp and final boss to the monster roster. All monsters otherwise have voxel models added in some form although not all finished. For example, the Triclaw has a first-draft voxel model but still uses the death sprite I made up for it. Spoilers if people are curious!
  16. CravenCoyote

    DOOM + DOOM II Wad Uploader discussion

    If a duplicate is found, reject the upload. That's probably when the true author would report the imposter one, then upload themselves. Then sit back knowing that it (shouldn't) happen again for that particular wad.
  17. CravenCoyote

    DOOM + DOOM II Wad Uploader discussion

    Would some kind of checksum work to help prevent duplicate uploads? Or would that be too intensive as the database grows?
  18. CravenCoyote

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    So there are a bunch of wad files there. I'm guessing maybe Doom 1 and Doom 2 are now in their own iwad and the others are left as-is? id1.wad id1-res.wad id1-weap.wad id24res.wad iddm1.wad nerve.wad sigil.wad plutonia.wad tnt.wad masterlevels.wad
  19. CravenCoyote

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    I just tried to rebind a key and it crashed to desktop. Hmmm. edit; Restarted it and it let me rebind without an issue. Kind of impressed with this source port so far.
  20. CravenCoyote

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    Yeah, restarting Steam forced mine to update
  21. D A R K M A T T E R UPDATE 24/05/2024 DARK MATTER (V2) is now released. This version includes a SECOND MAP (Dark Envy) as well as some very minor modifications to the first map. DarkMatter2.zip - - - - - - - - - - - A tense, atmospheric and (potentially?) challenging experience for Doom 2 that can be finished in under 10 minutes. Some of you might have seen some of the very few screenshots I shared in another thread. I went for a cosmic horror, yet still shooty, design. Must be run in GZDoom (maybe LZDoom would work as well?). I've been learning about DECORATE, slopes, lighting, fog, scripting etc. Find your way through this dark, claustrophobic, abandoned space station. You're equipped well enough for fighting, but be careful because ammo and health are limited. Not all monsters must be killed if you'd rather not engage them, but there are enough supplies to kill all of them with a little care if you so desire. Some weapons require reloading to add to the heat of the battle. Contains additional monsters, sounds, music, textures, weapons etc. Due to this, probably wont run with other mods, but HUD mods might be OK. I hope you enjoy, and I would absolutely love to know what you think. As always, videos, feedback and bug reports are highly appreciated. They help me to continue to learn and develop. Iwad: Doom 2 Sourceport: GZDoom (maybe LZDoom?) Jumping: No Crouching: No Mouselook: If desired Secrets: No secrets here, no wall humping necessary! Difficulties: Not implemented Readme.txt Screenshots (Spoiler tags so those that enjoy exploring the unknown don't get a sneak peek) Updated 9th May 2024: Fixed some missing textures Buffed Jackal health a tiny bit Buffed Machine Gun damage a tiny bit Added 4 shotgun rounds Added 1 bullet clip Replaced 'Imp' idle sound Download: DarkMatter2.zip
  22. CravenCoyote

    Classic Doom mugs

    I unfortunately don't have it anymore. I used to collect mugs (lol) and when the ex and I split they ended up being left behind. I've tried searching online and I can't find it - I promise you this mug existed! I purchased it from a store called Game (a video game retailer in the UK). I found a picture! It's from a website that doesn't seem to work anymore, and the image is small, but here:
  23. CravenCoyote

    Classic Doom mugs

    I bought something similar to this when Doom 2016 released. The mug had the Doom logo on one side and the other side had a screenshot of someone playing on an Inferno level. Completely forgot that existed until just now. Wonder how common that one was? It was different to the one in the link but I swear it was official.
  24. We've now mapped out the first drafts of Map01 - Map08. We've decided that we're not going to be using the thirteen keys that were used in the original and instead we'll be sticking with a basic set of four - Red, Blue, Yellow and Green. Some areas that required one of the thirteen keys to access will likely already be open for access, access made via an alternate route, access made via a switch, access given via one of the RBYG keys etc. Whatever we do there will be done with cautious attention, keeping the maps close to their original but without the arbitrary and mundane task of key hunting for the sake of key hunting. We've also revised the DoomEd Numbers to make things easier to expand upon, but of course then had to modify the original drafts. All in all, we're making good progress and the project is coming along nicely! If there's anything in particular that anyone would like to see, let us know and we'll see what we can share with you!
  25. Weird alien crazy paving! Aliens can have style too, y'know