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About NintendoNerd1996

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  1. NintendoNerd1996

    Why wont DOOM Builder X test my level?

    So how do I change the name of my level?
  2. NintendoNerd1996

    Why wont DOOM Builder X test my level?

    Okay, I shoulden't have been messing with it, but now it says "Zdoom.PKE could not be found" despite it being in the same file as the other stuff.
  3. NintendoNerd1996

    Why wont DOOM Builder X test my level?

    I forgot to take a pic of the map selection window, but it has all of theses resources, plus another ZDOOM for some reason. The game Configuration says DOOM, and the map in there is called MAP01. BTW, the file say's that its GZDOOM but it's actually ZDOOM
  4. NintendoNerd1996

    Why wont DOOM Builder X test my level?

    I've already messed around in the game configurations and nothing worked. Also, I'm making a DOOM one map, so I think that's why it's playing the first level of the first game. BTW, sorry for the late reply.
  5. NintendoNerd1996

    Why wont DOOM Builder X test my level?

    So I'm using DBX to map and ZDOOM as my launcher, and I've run into a problem, where instead of testing my level, It will play the first level of DOOM one, and the launcher will display the screen off center. It's really annoying as I can't test my level, and I don't even know if half the thing's I set up will even work.