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About KarunaAztima

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  1. KarunaAztima

    Strangest bits of design in official DOOM packs?

    That's actually a super cool detail and one I did not notice at all!
  2. wait i just realised the google drive doesn't have access, i can't figure out how to give it access help me... EDIT: NVM FIXED IT [ ^v^]
  3. Map Name: Out of Gas Author: KarunaAztima Music: Drainage by Stuart Ryann Format: Boom Build Time: 1h hour, 29 minutes, 40ish seconds Co-Op Starts: Y Difficulty Settings: N Gimmicks: It’s CORN!, They Never Left., Cheese Me, Daddy!, They Watch, Where’s the Beef?, That’s just sad! Comments: I'm really happy with the atmosphere for this even if simplistic. The gameplay was inspired somewhat by me having just recently beat Metal and Stronghold, maps that weren't amazing by any means, but oddly memorable to me. Also my first uploaded map! Screenshots: Map Link
  4. I can't enter right now because I'm on holiday until Saturday and I also want to make sure my college workload isn't too large (I have to start preparing a paper this year), but once I finish the former and confirm the latter is fine, I'm interested in joining!! So I'm not joining right now, but I likely will very soon!
  5. Maybe I'm just a heavy idealist, but I don't really agree with either view in this thread, that I think this use for AI is not worthwhile or cool, but AI can have a place in games that doesn't reduce creativity at all. Specifically, I think AI can be used morally for even more variable versions of games like Facade where the entire point of the game is having a very repayable game with almost infinite amount of possibilities for a procedural story (Like Suck Up!'s concept, although that game still is using stolen material afaik so that isn't moral), provided the training data is solely from a sourced database where every single writer for it is paid akin to a writer for an ordinary game and has the option to pull their work out at any point. This would just be a small minority of games, as you wouldn't use AI for anything with a dedicated story, the vast majority of games. It isn't inherently a lower quality type of game as a single or multiple dedicated stories (Non-AI) is a different experience from almost infinite undedicated stories (AI). I'd compare moral use to procedural level generation, where using Minecraft's style of generation to make a Dark Souls or Super Mario Bros world would be poor quality and pointless, but Minecraft simply could not exist as it is without it, and neither sets of games are hurting each other by existing. It also wouldn't be theft either, if all the writers and artists involved in the databases willingly entered, were paid very fairly for their contribution as long as their work was in the database, and they could pull out at any point. Of course, in the current state of the AI industry, all of these cheats and tech bros will try to do it the worst, laziest, destructive way possible, trying to replace dedicated stories, use it pointlessly, and steal from artists, so I get the fear and I don't like this sort of implementation. However, I disagree with the view that AI is inherently destructive to art, I think it can be used for a minority of video games in a way to create new types, not replace old ones, without stealing any work, albeit this will probably take several decades to come to fruition. This is too idealistic with the current situation of AI, so I don't think this makes the pushback invalid in the slightest. In fact, I think this type of usage can only happen after successful pushback against the current usage.
  6. Discussions on the worst maps, or the best maps, the clearly bad and good design, can definitely be fun. However, what I find most interesting are the moments which make you wonder, not in a frustrated way, but in a legitimately confused way, what the intent of something was, or just seem a bit unusual compared to the rest. So, I wanted to hear people's thoughts on the strangest parts, maps, sections, and general design choices from official DOOM. One that comes to my mind is the red brick building in The Citadel. I get its intent of housing the teleporters as an optional area, but its almost futuristic, heavily-red internal design comes at odds with the citadel itself, along with the strange design of its rooms and the implementation of oddly placed crushers, make it a very odd place that tends to feel a bit unwelcome to enter, which I guess is a good thing for Doom, but it still feels like a very strange part of the map. What about you? What struck you as just, odd when playing an official level?
  7. I hope this is clear, the last person I tried to ask this to really struggled to understand what I was asking. I'm trying to make a doom MIDI, and I'm using LMMS for it as it's free and allows exporting of midis, and has plenty of features. I was very confused though on how to make sure the tracks would be assigned to the proper instruments in-game, so I was suggested to download an SC55 soundfont from a source, and then the patches would automatically transfer into doom or something, but when I went to test it in-game, every single track went to a single 'piano' instrument as far as I could tell, showing that this didn't work Overall, my main question is, how do I get the tracks of my MIDI to go to the instruments I want ingame, and not a single default instrument? I'm still extremely confused as a whole on how I can assign the tracks to the proper midi instruments, and I need help on how to get them to the instruments I want in-game. If necessary, I can send a google drive with the MIDI. Edit: For comparison, here's the Midi in LMMS vs In-Game (Note: This is not an original composition and is mainly a test, this is manually copied from an FL File for The End by Kenny_L)
  8. As someone who came into Doom only recently, while this was definitely due partially to coming in with managed expectations, I believe that while a lot of Doom's levels blend together in my head as a jumble of basic bases, hell, and so on, Doom 2's levels have generally stuck with me a lot more, even the weirder and less well designed ones. Overall, I liked Doom II a lot more due to that I'd say, with levels such as Industrial Zone, Catacombs, Inmost Dens, Dead Simple, and Spirit World being especially memorable
  9. Yeah, but I think the creator of this project misreferred it.
  10. endgame is a fan name for the doom ii text screen soundtrack i think, you see it labeled as such on youtube videos.
  11. KarunaAztima

    The DWmegawad Club plays: I C H I N I C H I

    Alright I did the rest up to today: Map 16: Tortured (UV Pistol Start) In the name: Well, it's hell alright, and there's lots of torture going on. But I don't think we're the ones being tortured. This map reminds me of The Spirit World in many ways, and it's not just the music. This map happens to also share the beautiful, on-point hell theming, and the encounters with a whole lot of bark but not a ton of bite. It's definitely fun for sure, but it feels like a bit of a breather with less to it, most of the encounters being fairly easy. The scale this map has is great though. I particularly liked the switch in a secret that starts grilling the bodies. 8/10 Map 17: Map UAC (UV Pistol Start) In the name: Well, it's a techbase. I'm curious what a a "Map Hell-Base" or a "Map Hell" or a "Map City" would look like. The progression and layout are definitely unique, I especially like the way that the two courtyards reveal themselves to be a singular courtyard during the final fight. Not a ton to it, but does its job well. Also, the beginning reminds me of the one Plutonia map that starts with a chaingunner behind you, but less mean. (Although I've never actually played Plutonia) 7.5/10 Map 18: Creep In the name: Well, it's creepy. But also, we're skulking around this base, room to room, like we're creeping around. A horror map! The dark combat is well executed, and manages to be completely fair even when you face very high damage enemies within. The atmosphere is superb, and whilst the map loses a decent bit of its energy on replay, the first playthrough is definitely worth it. My favourite part is the massive tunnel with a single Arachnotron at the end, being cleverly set up with the rocket launcher switch to only make you notice the large trail of plasma coming your direction at the last possible second. I also find the one secret that turns some lights on pretty neat. My one complaint is that I think the cyberdemon at the end is unnecessary, slows down the map, and comes off as a bit of a cheaper scare. 9/10
  12. KarunaAztima

    The DWmegawad Club plays: I C H I N I C H I

    Took a break for a while, but planning to catch up. Map 12: Eetoem (UV Pistol Start, did save but didn't have to use it) In the name: Well, Eetoem isn't a word. Well, it is, I'm typing it right now, but you understand. Maybe this is set on Base Eetoem or something, with its neat techbase look. Admittedly, this map put me off for a while. Whilst the decor is great and I'd say overall the gameplay is good, the gameplay is very punishing, especially if you take incorrect routing and miss the power weapons. On my final, successful attempt, this map was pretty satisfying, but before that point, I was mostly frustrated, especially with the somewhat slow beginning. 6.5/10 Map 13: Dirty Laundry (UV Pistol Start) In the name: Did someone flush their underwear down the toilet or so? Maybe the laundry is the friends we made along the way. The obligatory sewer level. Fairly cramped, but the gameplay uses it well, with encounters like the arachnotron on the elevator being a nice, tense use of cramped space. The rest of the gameplay is good, and the aesthetics are perfectly done for what they're meant to be, especially the detailed lighting. 7.5/10 Map 14: Around She Goes (UV Pistol Start) In the name: The name is apt as you spend several minutes trying to lure the Spider Masterminds to properly infight each other. A fun, short little map. I generally prefer short to long, and whilst the aesthetics are nothing to write home about compared to the others in this Megawad, the gameplay is compact, enjoyable, and the Spider Mastermind fight was neat, with having to carefully lure them to infight each other. 7/10 Map 15: Diamond Mines (UV Pistol Start) In the name: Definitely like a mine, but no diamonds to see... Unless it's hell diamonds. A great, open, nonlinear map with lots to it. The hot start is well done, the combat, especially early on, is challenging, tense, but fair. Punching a shotgun guy to get my first shotgun was pretty fun. I was pretty surprised to see the BFG hidden in a little corner at the beginning of the map, like some Tom or Jill dropped it on their lunch break or something. Along with that, E1M1 works surprisingly well here as music, and it made me appreciate it more for its general music outside of somewhat overdone memes. Only real complaint I have is that the Cyberdemon kill at the end tends to go very slowly. I really liked the path to the secret exit, especially with the little pattern puzzle. My favourite so far. 9/10 Map 31: Boom! (UV Pistol Start, used saves.) In the name: I have absolutely no idea where this name came from, if anyone has any idea, I'd love to know. I bet it must be some mystical reason. First of all, I love the decoration of this map. The usage of FIREBLU is actually nicely done and I appreciate this map's design in general, especially the tiny outdoor bit. The gameplay, despite its gimmicky nature, is not something to be underestimated. It's difficult, especially blind, and this is the first time I used saves, although I only needed to restore once or twice. The "Don't shoot this" trap is mean, but funny, and I enjoy the path to the secret exit. Overall, despite this map's gimmicky nature, it holds up rather well. 8/10 Map 32: Himitsu (UV Pistol Start, used saves) In the name: According to a quick google search, this is roughly Japanese for Secret. Well, that it is alright. I wonder if this is some secret base as well. Perhaps in Argentina, going by the Wolfenstein texture in one area. This map is just gimmicky enough to fit more as a secret map than a conventional map. There are plenty of odd arenas, such as the Archvile + Imps Fight, the fight on the stairwell with the hitscanners, Imps, and Mancubus, and of course, the Cyberdemon fight. I like the decoration of the map too, with its woody, but unnatural style. I especially like the overseeing control room you fight the Mancubus in. The main highlight of this map goes to the Cyberdemon fight though. It's quite tricky, especially for being near the end, but the concept is unique and makes the duel a lot more tense as you struggle to track the Cyberdemon and its firing patterns. Also, there's the true essence of doomcute with the Imp on the toilet at the end. 7.5/10
  13. KarunaAztima

    The DWmegawad Club plays: I C H I N I C H I

    Need to catch up a bit: Map09: Olive Pinnacle In the name: Well, it's very olive. And that giant mouth object seems like the pinnacle of pool architecture. Fun for the whole family. This is the first map that got me to use saves, I don't enjoy the beginning much and I found that I kept getting stuck on random stuff. The fact that a lot of the enemies just die going through the crusher hallway also made things feel a bit odd, but I really enjoyed the architecture, especially the pool area at the end with the chaingunners leaving the changing rooms (right next to the public pool?), which was a surprisingly fun arena. 6.5/10 Map10: Ed In the name: I think this map is more like a Harry to me. Pretty fun map with a cool design, but I have a complaint in that if you alert the guys right next to a lift and leave before killing them all, this can lead to you getting murdered trying to reenter the area unless you let them all go up the lift one by one. I don't have a ton to say about this one admittedly, although the megasphere ambush is funny. 6.5/10 Map11: Team Rocket In the name: Doesn't seem like a very functional team if we're dueling each other. I like this map quite a bit. I love rocket combat and the cyberdemon fight is well implemented, especially with the teleporters acting as a unique way to dodge around him, whilst trying to incent infights with the barons. By the finale of the map, I just kept my plasma ready at all times and spammed it with the amount of cells given. I believe that the plasma is really underrated as a general go to weapon, it doesn't do bad in any situation except like, trying to snipe cacos. 8/10
  14. Either way, I think we should stop this argument over whether the criticism was appropriately done or not. If needed, it can be done in DMs, let's focus on keeping this page to talk about finishing the rest of the project. I will say though that I think the main issue people had with the criticism was not the criticism itself, but saying "need" and "is" in an objective sounding tone. If you said the exact same criticisms but used "I think it should be" and "is to me" for instance, I believe it would have been received a lot better. Using those types of objective words makes it look like you're trying to claim it to not be an opinion, but an objective fact, even if that was not your intent as I can see by your later posts. I just wanted to raise this point because it seems like there's a misunderstanding over the argument in that I don't think anyone is actually angry over your actual criticisms about the map, but as I said, let's stop this argument now.