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About Zikar

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  1. Thanks! lol, your video jumping around all over the place! Yeah, I try to have each level lead into the next (though they can all be Pistol Started)
  2. Glad to hear! Great to hear you're liking map 3, too!
  3. I think the grenades are 9 by default, which is way out of the way. The seamonsters "SeaMonks", are made by me, they're a 3D model I made in blender and then wrote the Zscript for. There are other new monsters, either made in Blender or pixel art by me too. ;) Also thank you, I tried my best with the textures at hand. I felt I didn't want to stray too far from the default textures to retain that Doom look.
  4. Thanks for the feedback, it's this kind of stuff that's very helpful because I only have my rig to test it on. I think one big mistake was that I did not update the GZDoom/zscript version, which should be 4.11.3, not 4.8. You're right that MenuDef is bloated, I added it there a while back and haven't touched it, it was mainly just to get my custom cursor and other icons in. If there is another way I'm more that willing to change the way it's done, but you know what it's like, you look for solutions and the answers you get can span decades, different source ports etc etc lol
  5. Glad you're having fun with it! On the Lost Soul: There are a couple of Lost Souls in that room, I think one just came from above to join the party. On the door in the pipe: Yeah, I see what you mean. The switch is actually to allow for back tracking, it will drain the tank if the player backtracks. I could just have that functionality connected to the door itself. On the Chainsaw and Grenades: The Chainsaw require fuel now, so you won't be able to select it if you are out. This is to compensate for me improving the Chainsaw. As for the Grenades, make sure you set them in the options, same goes for the flashlight which you weren't using. Though I noticed you kinda had a halo of light, maybe I turned that off on mine and forgot to set it for the player. Thanks for the video, was fun to watch! Oh, and be on the lookout for broken walls ;)
  6. I'm glad you're enjoying it, I'll look forward to the video :)
  7. Hello, I'm new here but I've been working on a mod for a while now and feel it's ready to get some eyes on it. I'd love to get feedback, positive or critical. You will need: Doom 2 GZDoom - Hardware renderer, dynamic lights, shadowmaps, default compat, mouselook, crouch, jump. Custom keybinds in options: Quickswitch to grenade (recommended Q), Flashlight (recommended F), Time Oculus (used in a secret map, recommended T) Contains: 15 new levels, 13 regular split between two episodes and 2 hidden levels. Episode 1 features an underwater base with an emphasis on atmosphere and suspense that starts easy and gradually ramps up in difficulty. Episode 2 features mind bending non-euclidean space, dimension hopping and time travel! Also contains: New Weapons, New Monsters, New Items, New Textures, New HUD and New Models all created by myself. Apologies if I've not done forum etiquette properly. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/lz2ntmljt3i2wtx10phwe/Poseidon-s-Wrath-0.91.pk3?rlkey=4ookvzjcgkp4s1kh3iqcehhod&dl=0