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About Zesiir

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    Hell Themes and Techbases

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  1. Zesiir

    RESIGN TO HELL - An Doom 2 Level

    It's a small techbase layout packed with monsters. Action begins the moment you open the door, but you're given ample supplies to deal with them. Perhaps a tad too many shotgun shells, as the Shotgunners drop plenty of ammo for you. The pistol has the Half-Life shooting sound for some reason, but seems to behave the same. Designwise it's decent for such a small map, layout feels very Doomy and lighting is good. It has a few odd quirks, I am not sure why but crossing a linedef trigger in the first room causes a wall panel to open, but there is nothing inside. It was also odd how two doors lead to the same adjacent room, but only the farthest one could be opened. I did like the little window where you could look out at the scenery, and some custom fire sprites. Shame the project was abandoned, it's a competent map.
  2. Zesiir

    Doom 3: Phobos

    Wow, that's so immature.
  3. Zesiir

    Doom 2: Revisited (WIP)

    Updated file. Balanced some combat encounters in MAP10, and fixed some bugs.
  4. Zesiir

    Doom 2: Revisited (WIP)

    Shameless bump. File is updated, to include MAP09: The Pit & MAP10: Refueling Base. Other maps have also recieved some polish. Only one map left to go. Better try and make it something special.
  5. Zesiir

    Cursed Doom Images

    What the hell is wrong with you people.
  6. A thread necro is fine if it adds something to the discussion, IMO. While I will occasionally hide areas on the map, that's just for immersive elements. Like hellish influences creeping into a base, that are not part of the map's layout one would be expected to see. So if I hide a secret in there, that would make sense. The access to that area however is always hinted at. But otherwise I always leave secrets on the automap for the player to find either with the Computer Area Map, or by recognising different- colored linedefs or visual in-game hints. I feel it's an important part of Doom's core gameplay.
  7. I remember finishing Doom 2 as a kid, and I was so proud of myself for doing it. Taking on Icon of Sin with the Rocket Launcher, in Vanilla Doom 2. And seeing that status text screen go beyond 100% kills, that felt so cool. I even asked mom to translate what the text screen said, but she did not approve, haha.
  8. Zesiir

    New Map after 4 Years!

    Try mixing them up. A techbase with hell infesting themes really works :)
  9. Zesiir

    Doom 2: Revisited (WIP)

    Yes, it's something like that. The cyberdemon room is a smaller private hangar overlooking it, but the line area acts a checkpoint. You're basically heading into MAP11 via the official entrance for employees of the base.
  10. Zesiir

    New Map after 4 Years!

    A decent map with a Hell theme. Architecture is solid, I always appreciate when marble textures are used well and here it feels like they belong. Combat encounters were mostly good on UV. Ammo was tight throughout the entire journey, but it did feel balanced enough to only slightly tip the scales into being unfair. Which is fine, honestly. It's a short map with some well-placed monsters sprinkled about so that's definitely an option to spice things up. I managed to clear the final room of monsters, after I went back and looked for secrets. The Plasma Gun worked wonders.
  11. Zesiir

    Snare's first map

    Cute little techbase map. It lacks detail and has some misaligned texures, but it's perfectly playable. I like that you start out in a room with a bed, you just grab your shotgun and get to work. I also enjoyed the detail that there were some doors in the rooms that lead nowhere gameplay wise, and were just there for realism. You seem to have grasped the fundamentals of inter-connected rooms and gameplay progression, well done. Not really much to complain about; other than the lack of detailed environments. The first door is thicc, and has a pegged texture. This means that the door track moves with the door as it opens. Check the 'Lower Unpegged' box in the texture properties to make sure it stays. The door leading to the room with the funky pillars has a misaligned texture on the other side. And yes, the final room with the staircase feels a bit odd. Though I like ascending to the exit switch, it feels like progress.
  12. Zesiir

    System Re-Control: A TNT Map

    I've always enjoyed TNT's techbase maps, and this one is a worthy re-imagining. You start out in the middle of a small ambush, but it's easy to get your bearings and get moving. Challenge was good throughout and level architecture is good for a techbase of this scale. You do mix combat up with some tougher monsters, but that's fine. The arsenal given to a player who's not afraid to explore will help greatly. Unfortunately I got completely stuck at the door leading to the area with the blue keycard. I could not figure out how to get it opened and in the end I gave up. It's possible that I missed something though so that may be on me. Though it felt like the map was almost over anyway. There's also the Rocket Launcher secret; the ambush there is very difficult and almost impossible unless you know what's coming. Might want to tweak that a bit. But other than those I still think it's a fine map that looks and plays good. I found one small issue;
  13. Zesiir

    Doom 2: Revisited (WIP)

    Thanks! Refueling Base in particular has grown into a map worthy of it's name, but I've made sure to avoid making it into a maze and kept environments realistic and memorable. It's the penultimate map, so it'll be big, challenging and full of many completely optional areas to explore. There'll also be shortcuts back and forth through these areas if you're willing to go wall-humping, just like in the original.
  14. Zesiir

    Doom 2: Revisited (WIP)

    Two new revisited maps on the way.
  15. You're right. I do think the maps look good, they just need some polishing for gameplay's sake. If I were to make a horror-themed wad, I would probably have less monsters, and rely more on atmosphere and managing your supplies. Don't be afraid to surprise the player, just have them barely come out on top after combat encounters, and reward hunting for secrets. Darkness can play an important part as well, if done right. Flickering lights work great in such environments. Give the player limited visibility.