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About Dae

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    Warming Up

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  1. Dae

    Cydonia demos [-complevel 4]

    Map09 UV Max 2:58 - cy09-258.zip Video: https://youtu.be/douOPkhAiIQ Map10 UV Max 3:25 - cy10-325.zip Video: https://youtu.be/P_2q3Q12LcY
  2. Dae

    DBP67: Marble Hill

    It seems that the two Chaingunners that were reported before RC2 still don't spawn in on Map13 after touching red key in RC3.
  3. Dae

    Cydonia demos [-complevel 4]

    Map08 UV Max 4:05 - cy08-405.zip Video: https://youtu.be/OU6DViyEvoM
  4. Dae

    Cydonia demos [-complevel 4]

    Map04 UV Max 2:30 - cy04-230.zip Video: https://youtu.be/2WxkHNloh3M Map05 UV Max 3:22 - cy05-322.zip Video: https://youtu.be/mqDM67xc8fM Map06 UV Max 2:25 - cy06-225.zip Video: https://youtu.be/YGeE4Z__8Is Map07 UV Max 2:15 - cy07-215.zip Video: https://youtu.be/4h3n0Jt1xvc
  5. Dae

    Cydonia demos [-complevel 4]

    Map01 UV Max 1:46 - cy01-146.zip Video: https://youtu.be/HFOJm4Vme5w Map02 UV Max 1:45 - cy02-145.zip Video: https://youtu.be/rrDh73lcWyU Map03 UV Max 2:06 - cy03-206.zip Video: https://youtu.be/W0RqL0u3Myw
  6. Dae

    DBP Demo Thread

    Oof, I had no idea. I've just started using the demo format over direct capture, I'll remember that next time I'm looking through new pack releases.
  7. Dae

    dsda-doom v0.28.0 [2024-08-10]

    Is there any way to tell DSDA to stop saving failed demos? I found the option to filter them but no way to disable it, unless I'm missing it.
  8. Dae

    DBP Demo Thread

    DBP67 Marble Hill -complevel 2 Map01 UV Max in 3:17 dbp6701-317.zip Video: Map02 UV Max in 1:12 dbp6702-112.zip Video:
  9. Down Under is a mapset consisting of 12 (13 is a thank you map) speedmapped levels all made with 500 or less linedefs by EduardoAndFriends. Suggested demo prefix: dunder Map01 UV-Max in 1:07 - dunder01m107.zip Video: Map02 UV-Max in 1:39 - dunder02m139.zip Video: Map03 UV-Max in 1:53 - dunder03m153.zip Video: Map04 UV-Max in 1:49 - dunder04m149.zip Video: Map05 UV-Max in 2:49 - dunder05m249.zip Video: Map06 UV-Max in 3:01 - dunder06m301.zip Video: Map07 UV-Max in 2:33 - dunder07m233.zip Video: Map08 UV-Max in 3:21 - dunder08m321.zip Video: Map09 UV-Max in 3:07 - dunder09m307.zip Video: Map10 UV-Max in 2:58 - dunder10m258.zip Video: Map11 UV-Max in 2:28 - dunder11m228.zip Video: Map12 UV-Max in 3:06 - dunder12m306.zip Video:
  10. Fixed. Uploaded a failed demo video on Youtube which I already fixed but forgot to upload the correct demo here too. EDIT: Map11 UV-Max in 4:58 - aom11m458.zip Video:
  11. Reran Map12, edited previous post. Map12 UV-Max in 3:57 - aom12m357.zip Video:
  12. Map05 UV-Max in 3:52 - aom05m352.zip Video: Map06 UV-Max in 3:04 - aom06m304.zip Video: Map07 UV-Max in 2:32 - aom07m232.zip Video: Map08 UV-Max in 4:38 - aom08m438.zip Video: Map09 UV-Max in 5:07 - aom09m507.zip Video: Map10 UV-Max in 4:15 - aom10m415.zip Video: 01-04 is missing because I just started using the demo format, I originally just ran them with direct capture for YouTube. Might rerun them sometime and post demos here.