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About harakari

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  1. I announced the release of GenZD, a port of GZDoom for iOS in a previous post, but I wanted to share that I released a free version of the app: App Store Link It has a couple limitations where you're limited to 3 launch configurations and one touch control layout but it should provide a pretty complete experience if you just want to try it out, or just need to play [insert wad/mod here] and that's it. You can pay $1.99 USD to upgrade to the full version, or you don't have to pay anything if you're fine with the limitations. Since the initial release, I've made a bunch of improvements: - Better touch controls, and fully customizable: re-arrange, re-size and re-color buttons, add touch controls for keyboard/gamepad controls. - Gyroscope aiming - Better controller support - Full iPad support, including playing with a keyboard and mouse/touchpad - Updated to GZDoom 4.12.2, with some additional patches to make certain mods work (Hands of Necromancy II, Total Chaos, others) - Local multiplayer support for co-op and deathmatch Feel free to give it a try!
  2. harakari

    Could GZDoom be on iOS

    Thanks for trying it out! I'm working on improving the touch controls right now. The App Review team had some questions for me about the app, and then it went into a long review period where I didn't hear anything for a month and then it got approved 😄
  3. Thanks for catching this! I think my fork just needs to be synced with the latest GZDoom code, where it doesn't have these files. I was going to update GZDoom anyway so I might as well do this sooner.
  4. I'll have to check but I don't think these are included in the compiled binary.
  5. Yes! I can share it here with some screenshots. I'm not particularly proud of it, as I learned and hacked my way through zscript worked and used the assets from FreeDoom to cobble together something quick. I used Slade3 as the map and script editor and googled my way through the zscript documentation and learned about actors and objects and so forth. It's surprisingly very easy to pick up and it all made sense to me having never done any mod development whatsoever. The .zip file is actually an .ipk3 so you can change it to that but it should work on any GZDoom installation. GenZDDemo.zip
  6. Hi everyone, I resurrected this thread on whether GZDoom was available for iOS and was encouraged to create a new thread, so here it is. A port of GZDoom for iOS is here and available to download on the App Store: App Store Link Here's a video on how to use and some demos of mods: Link to source on GitHub (still needs updates and cleaning up) I've been working on this on and off for the past few years, with my primary motivation was to just to be able to play Brutal Doom on my iPhone. I was able to get something working in 2021, but there were some performance issues around frame pacing and stuttering. Fast forward to 2023 and with updates to MoltenVK, the project ran much more smoothly, and I decided to start writing the iOS frontend for GZDoom. I wasn't planning on releasing to the App Store given Apple's policies at the time, but when ScummVM was approved and then emulators were allowed I thought I maybe had a chance at an App Store release. After some rejections (I originally included FreeDoom and got a rejection for being a copycat, then developed my own custom IWAD but still got a rejection - so the app has no built-in content), it went through a long review process and I finally got the approval last week. Updating the virtual controls and adding full support for the iPad are the next things I'm working on. I'll probably update the GZDoom version (currently on 4.12) at some point as well. I'd appreciate any feedback here as well - thanks!
  7. harakari

    Could GZDoom be on iOS

    Thank you! Yes, that is my fork and the current source, but I will need to make the link to the source code more prominent as well as push up some additional files as my build process to generate the Xcode project is rather convoluted.
  8. harakari

    Could GZDoom be on iOS

    Hi everyone, just thought I'd resurrect this thread and share that the answer to this question is yes! GenZD, my port of GZDoom for iOS, has been approved and is now available on the App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/genzd/id6503916449 Here's a YouTube video of it on how to use it: The touch virtual controls leave a little to be desired and I'm working on improving them for the next update. I was really focused on getting this approved so I held off on making a lot of improvements until I got the approval from Apple (which took a long time!).