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Everything posted by Jimmy²

  1. @Darman Macray "Sinister Sanctuary" sounds cool, very Hexen-y vibes right off the bat. I would suggest maybe going over the velocities of some of the strings? Right now everything feels a little overly loud, and certainly some harmonies (particularly the most deliberately dissonant) could stand to be pulled back in the mix a little, especially the part around measures 33 and 89, where you have lots of cluster harmonies. "Under Dark Watch" is honestly a great track on the whole. I do feel like the choir could come down in volume a bit, though. Nothing else feels out of place at all here, though! "Reckoning of the Dark Citadel" is solid through-and-through. The octave leaps at measure 25 felt a little bit goofy, though, I think you could stand to have those be jumps from D to A to D, etc. instead of them all just being Ds. They'd probably sound better outlining a power chord instead of a single note at different octaves. The strings at measures 72 and 74 have what feel like a mistake in them when the notes go from E to F to F# very quickly, as if the notes were fumbled a little. Nothing else to report here aside from those technical hitches being probably worth correcting. Checking out those other tracks: "From the Ranks of Corruption" is pretty great. Loving that piano line at measure 33 in particular. Got a great groove. Real "sneaking round a corrupted castle" vibes. Around measure 93 though I did raise my eyebrows a bit - I don't think the material is meshing quite as well at that point. The high choir could certainly be dispensed with there - and I'd change the low notes on the choir at measure 96 to a Bb2, and measure 100 to an F3. Those tiny changes there would just round the piece off a lot nicer, imho. "Three Heroes Emerge" is a nice upbeat and triumphant MIDI, just not sure where it would fit just yet - if not in a map, then maybe one of the finale tracks (which as of yet haven't been stipulated as a requirement for the project, as I'm aware)? At measures 17-33 the bass strings seem to be a little bit at odds with everything else. I could have a look at this for you if you want me to? I don't have issue with this track at the moment, it's musically pretty great, might just need a few touch-ups to make it sound like it'll fit in a level. "To Heal a Poisoned Land" has a fantastic start. Once again though, I think the choir is a bit too upfront. And if I'm honest, I'm not at all sold on what the vibraphone is doing. The low horn section at measure 57 needs to be doing something to properly support the upper voices, right now it's just doing chromatics which aren't jiving well with everything else. All the same, I can see this working in Ruined Village like a charm. I think that slot is currently in limbo so I might pencil that in if you want me to? I can see all these fitting for any slots that have to be cleared - and I suspect that nearly 4 years after this little musical project was started, some folks will have moved on with their lives. x_x You're actually a real musical chameleon when it comes to Hexen's vibe. I think these easy shoo-ins after those small fixes are made! Sorry it took me so damn long to get round to commenting! I think two and a half years has gotta be some sort of new record for me...
  2. Sorry for the complete radio silence on my end. Let's pick this up again, shall we? :)
  3. Those three were not composed by me. I've been interested in knowing where they're actually from for a good while, now, because I haven't heard them in any other Doom project or from any other source. I suspect they're VGMusic rips?
  4. Jimmy²

    Mercury Rain (v1.1)



    A short, slightly puzzle-oriented map made for TerminusEst13's third DUMP project (Doom Upstart Mapping Project). You're stuck on the weather-worn planet Ratama with only a bunch of hostile aliens for company. Find a way off it and kill everything in your way.
  5. Jimmy²

    [Release] Outpost 13

    Great map - astonishing visuals, awesome references, great layout flow, and what an atmosphere pulled off with only stock textures. A custom sky would've been the icing on the proverbial cake imho, but what a map. 10/10.
  6. Jimmy²

    Anyone got covers of Doom Midis

    Kolibri92 on YouTube has been absolutely killing it, remaking my SIGIL MIDI OSTs with real instruments. JD Herrera also dipped his toe in the water with a few covers!
  7. Two new videos released - these are both taken from the full album's lyric video, and more will be coming soon!
  8. the void orbs they're here
  9. Jimmy²

    Doom Streams

    Finishing off Evi2 https://www.twitch.tv/jimmysquared
  10. Zoon-tex [v3.1] on Dropbox (20MB) v3.1 includes: - New switches. - More wood edits. - More recolored skies!
  11. Jimmy²

    Doom Streams

    Finishing off the stream from last night. https://www.twitch.tv/JimmySquared
  12. Santa Claus is back, and he's even more deranged than ever. Merry Shitmas, ya filthy animals! To commemorate the holiday season, and to celebrate the tireless work of my next-of-kin, here is another new single map for GZDoom, done for @Baratus's birthday using their and Skelegant's custom weapons mod Broadsword Jim, a modifier that puts you in the metallic, armored shoes of Jim, a sword-headed wielder of both medieval and modern weaponry. While vacationing in Hyper-Siberia, he suddenly finds himself on a mission to stop Santa from blowing up the world, and to save Christmas from a very unfestive fate. What's that? You've never played Broadsword Jim before? Go sort that out!!! ----- Download "BroadXmas" (21.4MB): GZDoom 4.11.0+ required. Only tested in this port/build. Dropbox Mirror This map requires Broadsword Jim 3.4 (which is included in the ZIP) to be loaded alongside it. Load order is: gzdoom.exe -file baBroadswordJim_v343.wad BroadXmas.pk3 Software renderer NOT supported - hardware renderer REQUIRED. Dynamic lights encouraged but not required. Please load lights.pk3 as well if you wish to use them. ----- Name: Broadsword Jim Saves Christmas Map Format: UDMF Ports Tested: GZDoom 4.11.0 only. IWAD: doom2.wad Maps: MAP01 Music: See credits Gameplay: Single-play only Difficulty Settings: None Multiplayer Placement: None Build Time: 12 days, give or take Textures: Adventures of Square textures (plus edits) Requirements: Jumping, crouching, freelook Screenshots: ----- FAQs: Q: Why'd you make Santa evil?? A: This map is in a few ways a spiritual successor to the "Merry Shitmas!" map I made for TurboCharged Arcade: The Sequel Episode, in which you also kill Santa because reasons. Some inspiration has also been taken from Winter's Fury, both in terms of the wintery Doom bestiary, and of how I present the story in this map. Q: Why all the pop-up messages and cutscenes? A: As with my previous releases Saint Alfonzo's Darkbase and Gloombase, this map features an objectives system (which is optional to view) and cutscenes (which are skippable). Autosaves are also provided at key junctures. Q: I'm not used to the weapons! A: Not technically a question, but: hit F1 to read the help screens - they tell you how the weapon set works. Remember that each weapon has an altfire, and portable items are provided, too. And in case you run out of ammo, your sword-head is your best friend, and is actually incredibly powerful. There are also some secret weapons to find. Q: Why use Adventures of Square textures, but include stock Doom monsters? A: Because the cartoony textures fit the weaponset's equally cartoony looks well, imo. We're in Jim's world, not necessarily in the Doom universe! Q: Does the above mean we're gonna be seeing Adventures of Square E3 soon??? A: lol no
  13. Jimmy²

    Doom Streams

    Going live for the first time in forever with an (attempted) full run of Eviternity 2. https://www.twitch.tv/JimmySquared
  14. Jimmy²

    2024 - Doom New Year’s resolutions

    - More livestreaming. - Finish Earthless (see above for how to do that). - Keep the creative gears turning outside of streams. - Release more things in general!
  15. I'll reupload. Sorry about this, folks. EDIT: Just done.
  16. I've been low on mapping juice lately but slowly getting it back. :)
  17. MERRY CHRISTMAS 2023! Latest version: Zoon-tex [v3.0] on Dropbox (19MB) v3.0 is a BIG update (totalling 5,874 textures and 1,208 flats!) that integrates the tech textures from the Zoon-tech offshoot pack seamlessly into the original, improves some colors, and adds a ton of switches.
  18. Honestly not very sure what to do with Earthless. Happily accepting suggestions!


    There's only a handful of maps missing, but a small amount more that are lying at half-finished. So I still have time to change the direction of the project without an inordinate amount of redoing, but the question is do I just need to push through to the finish in the direction I'm gone? Or is it worth taking an about turn? Ignoring the sunk cost fallacy for a moment.


    My goal was for it to go on the Unity port, and therefore keep it Vanilla. But I think the rigidity of this format is making me feel creatively stymied.


    I could repurpose it for MBF21/DSDeHacked/UMAPINFO, and that would (a) help it stand out a bit more on its own instead of feeling like "just another Vanilla megawad" and (b) remove all the biggest stumbling blocks and let me make the maps I wanna make, but then it wouldn't be accessible on the Unity port when Earthless: Prelude (the first 12 maps) already is. The problem is, I'd probably find it even less fun to work on repurposing the maps for this format. I've been mucking around with this format to create new assets and that's been fun - so I do have stuff already made that I could conceivably add in, but whether it would fit in with Earthless or not is a different story.


    I think at this point I really wanna branch out and do something I haven't done before, but I feel like I've done... a bit of everything. I've done vanilla maps, Boom maps, UDMF maps, Heretic maps, even maps for my own game(s), and most recently something for my sibling, which employs their custom weapons mod. (That's releasing on Christmas Day.)


    Maybe I need to bounce to another WIP project, or find a good collaborator who I can bounce brand-new ideas off of, or do something for a new IWAD altogether like Hexen or Strife. Or maybe I just need a break from Doom altogether. I dunno, it's not that I don't want to create, it's just finding where to put  that creativity. The drive to map for stock Doom has been largely absent for about a year or maybe two, now. Only time pressure from external sources seems to be able to discipline me to do so, and the intrinsic motivation to create, even though I have ideas, has waned quite a bit, with tiredness and distraction becoming a daily thing I have to deal with.


    Gotta figure out how to get my mojo back.


    Ideas appreciated!

    1. Chris Hansen

      Chris Hansen

      Ohh man, this doesn't sound too good and I guess familiar for most of us. Allow me to share my view on your predicament.


      It sounds like you need to choose the option where you need to spread out all your pieces on the floor and pick up only the pieces you really feel for. The rest needs to be archived and parked for maybe later use. And maybe some of it should be scrapped all together to free your mind from them.


      Things have started to become a chore for you and you're stuck between feeling what you want to do and what you need to do. This being a creative process and all you really need to focus on what you want to do; the stuff that makes you happy. And although it seems like you're too burned out and tired from it, there probably still is some pieces on the floor that are near to your heart that can ignite the fire again. It's just all the other crap that's distracting you and making you feel stuck.


      Normally, I would just advice you to take a break. Usually works for me. But I'm thinking that a process where you tidy up and sort your scraps, ideas and plans might be the best solution. Getting an overview and concentrating on a few things could maybe work for you.


      Best regards and best wishes for Christmas


    2. Jimmy²


      Thanks, Chris, much appreciated!


      I think your "spreading the pieces out" idea rings true and sounds markedly similar to an Earthless dev stream I did some time ago, wherein I did no mapping at all, and instead just organised thoughts and ideas in a spreadsheet and then assembling a plan of attack for future streams. I still have that spreadsheet, so it's probably worth a revisit. Just need to find a good point in time to resume streaming.

  19. *gets two maps in, emits a prolonged sigh and closes the game* For pity's sake. RonLivingston is (STILL) a serial plagiarist.
  20. Jimmy²

    Doom Pictures Thread 2023

    ^ You're getting that printed for a mousemat right? :P
  21. KZDoom is still a favorite series of mine, and I return to it every so often for inspiration when I need a refresher on what folks were doing with basic ZDoom functionality back in the '00s. Excited to see what you've got to offer us now, Kurt!
  22. SIGIL 2's custom soundtrack by yours truly is available NOW on BandCamp!



  23. Jimmy²

    2023 Cacowards

    What a ceremony. Gonna take me a full day to get through all this. Keep kickin' ass, Doomworld.
  24. Jimmy²

    SIGIL II - Episode 6

    It was great to be able to work alongside John Romero for this project. Massively grateful for the opportunity and very pleased with the reception so far! SIGIL 2's custom soundtrack by yours truly is available on BandCamp!