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Everything posted by Mithral_Demon

  1. Mithral_Demon

    Old games that should be remade

    @OP : Super Probotector? Umn.. If thats the other name, then here it's Contra 3: Alien Wars. Thats level 1 after the first tower you shoot down. But a game I'd like to see remade? Future Cop LAPD, seriously, one of the games that some never heard of, and to some, a game EA did pretty godly good at. In this day and age, I want this brought back to life, updated engine, moooore maps, more weapons. The MOBA that has you sending the grunts out with your hard earned points and kicking your opponent to the curb. It'd do pretty damn well. Its singleplayer isnt too bad either.
  2. Mithral_Demon

    The amount of snow in your area

    Western Washington.. Most snow fall we had a while back was a Ice Storm/Blizzard equivalent, 3ft plus additional sheet of ice. Week of no power, but not much really happened. Otherwise.. what.. 1 inch earlier this year? And then before most was... 3in? Yeah, for a being the state where it rains 90% of the time sure doesnt get it's dose of snow fall when the temps hit 30degrees or lower.
  3. Mithral_Demon

    In which state do you reside? (U.S. Residents)

    Washington State. It's decent (Western Washington), weather is fair, only 2 seasons in my opinion is Spring and Winter. Sometimes Summer shows up, but only for a few days to cool down and rain again... Oh Rain. Lots of it but don't see flooding as much except in Chehalis. Where's the snow? It's winter aaaaand coold, but it's either too cold and dry or too wet and warm. Dont say mountains, they are lucky at times.
  4. Mithral_Demon

    What are your favorite video games?

    I think I answered this in a thread before, but whatever. I'll list via Console era/platform. SNES/SFC: PS1:N64:... Okay maybe I could remove the 64 because it's obvious. Ps2:Gamecube:Wii: Pc:
  5. Mithral_Demon

    what game (besides doom) are you playing?

    Currently doing a multiplayer run of Terraria with a friend. Deciding whether we farm Plantera, aim after the dungeon (new enemies from killing Plantera), kill Duke Fishron... Have a modded minecraft modpack made for a few friends.
  6. Mithral_Demon

    How to lose 22 pounds ('really fast)

    But! If you're into making smoothies, you can control the sugar content and what ever fruit you want. I do that instead of having soda. For the most part a thing thats helped me lose some weight, but not sure fire fast, is lower sugar and carbohydrate consumption, increase dietary fiber and water intake if you dont drink enough of it. EAT YOUR VEGGIES, BUT NOT COOKED IN FATTY MC FAT FAT STUFF LIKE Budduh or adding salt or a sweet thing, STEAM AND EAT! ... Even if it's a tid bit awkward. Good suggestion: Cook in the oven Spaghetti Squash cut in half with a tiny bit of salt, once cooked enough, scrape it out with utensil and use it as replacement to spaghetti noodles. Cuts alot of the processed noodle stuff, processed stuff isnt the best you ya.
  7. Mithral_Demon

    Prince dead at 57

    God damn.. This is just one year no famous person can avoid. ;/ Damn shame, I grew up listening to Prince, at times I preferred Prince over Micheal Jackson, but still, losing damn beaut such as him is just a shame. Hope his family is doing well.
  8. Mithral_Demon

    Your screen resolution

    Dual Screen 1600x900 HP2009m and 1920x1080 Dynex TV
  9. Mithral_Demon

    Why there are so many forked wikis?

    I was fine living under the Terraria Online forums whilst linked to the official Wiki, made life easy... One day before the official Wiki was linked, people usually ended up at the Wikia... Oh.. You REALLY don't want to know how pissed I got at -that- wikia. It was ran by (not there now) Admin named HER0, and he made youtubes, big whoopty doo baaasel, but it really escalated for the worse... [/RANT START] He: Is a cheater, he doesn't play Terraria legit, always using his dumb mod to cheat shit in. I don't see how people still like him despite his assanine tactics. Terrible at being an admin for the Wikia, the fact a spammer went around ruining articles... And he kepts banning and the guy circumvented, and then at some point, looked at me thinking I was him while I WAS CORRECTING THE RUIN THE SPAMMER DID TO THE PAGES only because of "Similar name and time stamping yadayada bullshit"... Then again his staff sucked in general. He's just plain out terrible to even talk to. I still have a vandetta against his "mistake".. [/RANT OVER] But otherwise.. There used to be other sources before Wikis were up, but they became more popular as site management got easier to handle.. Why the forking? Pissing contest, I dunno.
  10. Mithral_Demon

    How many hours do you spend per week on the Internet?

    Depends. Depending on when I get off work, and have to do anything else. Give or take 30+ hours a week, it varies. IF I'm sick, then, it drops as I'm spending more time resting. (not like my old self where sickness didnt bother me)
  11. Mithral_Demon

    Favorite Soda?

    Soda wise: Bargs/A&W Root Beer , only because they taste amazing for Root Beer floats. But I consider energy drinks partially in this, and I'd add in Full Throttle, Blue.
  12. Mithral_Demon

    Great Games no one ever heard of!

    IT's more of a under the radar then a No one's heard of. Future Cop LAPD, PS1/PC. 3rd Person Mech shooter. Great game, it's campaign is a little hard, and the controls take a tid bit to get used to, but it's over all fun. Campaign wise you start bare mins weapon selection, 3 types at all times. Minigun, Hellfire missles, and a mortar. But later you can get a new selection, and then unlock new ones, like a Concussion beam, Hyper Velocity Rockets, Shockwave Generator, and Bouncing Mines. The "multiplayer" is where it's at though. You get all the weapons (I think all) from the campaign. It's a near moba style of play except YOU send troops out instead, and they cost points to do so. You get points by claiming Turrets, killing enemy claimed turrets, destroy enemy troops, and kill the Enemy (most recommended, as killing them reduces their points by 10 every time). Claim bases to hinder tanks from entering your area easier.. Or being the dick I am, claim the bases NEXT to the enemy base. :3 -Single player variant has you pitted against Sky Captain, a CPU who gains advantage over you with every difficulty raise. Starting from how many tanks and helicopters he has, to plain out fucking you with better maneuvering. -If against a player, it's equal, start with 10 points, no tanks or heli's, everything unclaimed. It gets down right brutal.
  13. Mithral_Demon

    what game (besides doom) are you playing?

    I havent really touched Doom in a while.. But nonetheless. Been playing Disgaea 5, working on my character for a Tank build for Post-Game Carnage quests while gaining Stat shards/extracts. Minecraft Modded on AT Launcher, Resonant Rise 3. Most mods on, doing a Magic style start before Teching to all hell. Old fun one, Future Cop LAPD (PS1 Classic on PS3).. Got it because it was one of those under the radar types, and it was really fun (even for a demo back in the day), hopefully I get someone to play with.... Back when EA weren't complete ass hats. But.. One that might suck me in if I really get attached, is Heart of the Swarm and Legacy of the Void expansions for Starcraft 2. Already have Diablo 3 with Reaper of Souls, but I'm still hiatus for that.
  14. Mithral_Demon

    Favorite desserts to bake

    I like cookies when it comes to baking. I tend to experiment with what goes in with said cookies, but with in all justifiable delicious dessert means. If I have Mini MM's, I'll throw that in the mix, or even at a time, mix them with reese's mini's in cookies. And every now and then I do a basic cookie dough, and plop em on the pan, then put in a small candy like Rolo's or bite size Snickers/milky way. Like the picture of the cheesecake cookies (eh.. I'm not a fan of cheesecake..), the cookies will look indented similar to those to hold all the melted chocolate.
  15. Mithral_Demon

    Sir Christopher Lee dies at 93

    My condolences. We lose by far one of the more badass actors out there. To boot with making Heavy Metal music. Hopefully his family can cope with the loss, to lose this kind of person would strike a heavy blow.
  16. Mithral_Demon

    This is now the official skeleton thread

    What... the hell is this...? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N132JqqWhHo Only for those who don't get above video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZ5LpwO-An4
  17. In some way I feel Star Fox (Snes) and 64 were kinda meant for Speed Running since you can't just "save and quit" and come back later to that level like Zelda titles. (Although I do speed run A Link to the Past, 3 hours 20 min SNES, 4 hours and 10 minutes GBA with cheated Four Swords part because WHO THE FUCK WANTS TO DO THAT PART TO UNLOCK ONE AREA?! Only cheated so I can go into Palace of the Four Sword, and god it's fun).
  18. Mithral_Demon

    So where does your username come from?

    Mithral = Similar to LotR series Mythril or Runescape's Mithril. Mithral Scimitar from Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance. Demon - Why not? A game forum that is of a game about hell, no?
  19. Mithral_Demon

    Jim Beam Vs Jack Daniels

    I don't drink much if not at all (not very tolerant of alcoholic drinks), but Jim Beam is the only one I had (whiskey/bourbon is the only drink I can tolerate) and it taste pretty good. I drink it straight, screw the whole rum and coke situation. Haven't had Jack only because it's usually out, so Beam or similar are gotten. But if time comes, I'd like to try the "good stuff". I put it in quotes as it may or may not to be my liking.
  20. Mithral_Demon

    vgmusic.com - 30k midi collection

    Holy shit, this site still exists?? I haven't been on that since I got my Acer computer 9 years back. Used to use it on a online playlist while playing Runescape when it was kinda awesome. (dont play it anymore, stopped 08?) Most music I listened to were mostly Zelda and Starfox. Most listened to was one of the Minish Cap songs, umn... Picori Village one.
  21. First computer: Windows 95- First computer I had used personally, but only to play some sharewares including Doom and Jetpack. Not much to say except when booting off the computer, the orange text saying it's safe to turn off the computer. Second computer: Windows 98 This one I was fairly happy to be on, first time I played internet games like Runescape (but I didn't get into it back then..), and played almost any given time, especially when I got Starcraft 1 and Heroes of Might and Magic 3.. Oh god the no lifing I did on those 2 games. 3rd: Window XP The computer that was officially my own and not shared like the other 2. Not much changed, but Runescape (2) was a game I latched onto for a while. Also the time I got Ultimate Doom, Final, and 2; into editing. But theres some memories that seem to be aloof of me right now on that. 4th: Windows Vista 1 After both of my xp and sis xp dying, we both got Acer's, but not much change except getting into Steam Games and playing MMO Requiem: Bloodymare (now Requiem: some other name).. Not much change really. 5th: Windows Vista 2 / 7==Current Sold my old comp to a friend after getting this one, one of the first few computers where Quad Core was public and not as expensive at 2.2ghz. This I really delved into gaming, Black and White 2, Dungeon Keeper 2, Elders Scrolls Oblivion, Skyrim, Diablo 3, entire cluster fuck that take too long to sort. Minecraft, Terraria, Borderlands 2... Yeah, whole lotta everything. This comp also had it's Hardrive fail, graphics card fry, and replaced power supply, beefy SOB. 6th computer: Win 7// WIP. http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Demonsword/saved/DxVD4D My first custom computer. Already ordered everything but the Processor, need to scrounge up 50$ to get it. Won the RAM in a contest, and the main hard drive for Christmas. No stories to tell as it does not fully exist.
  22. Mithral_Demon

    Hardest game Enemy you ever fought .

    QFT on that. Duriel of all bosses, even if you know he's there, his Cold Aura does a ton of damage, even with cold resist you're still fucked royally until NM/Hell where the gear you get is godallmighty better. First time fighting Diablo though, yes, he is tough. But knowing his movements, he's quite easy, and most of his attacks are fire and fire/lightning, just get Absorb Element (Absorb = resist but gaining portional hp) to fire and he's cake. But honestly, Baal, predictable he is, his moves regardless of mode are really powerful and can kill you fast. But to add to the list, even though is considered a Beef Gate (Enemy that guards certain area from access), the Dungeon Guardian from Terraria. Entering the dungeon means insta death if you haven't killed Skeletron.. But if you are some insane genius or an overpowered character, you can kill it, and rewards with Pet (Don't Even Ask-- Tool tip) Floating Skeletron Head and access to the Dungeon (risk of not getting Skeletrons ACTUAL drops). DG has 9999 Hp with 9999 Defense, all attacks do 1 damage except crits at.. 2 damage, so ranged fighting is a must on killing it.
  23. Mithral_Demon

    words you get wrong?

    THIS, FUCKING THIS! I swear to god my mothers side of the family drive me crazy because of this! Funny it's not Wash they say wrong, it's the goddamn STATE Washington they say wrong! War-shington , da hell! As far as things I hear wrong but I laugh is cinnamon and synonym. I don't remember the word(s) I have issues saying, been a while since I said them.. So no dice on my particular response.
  24. Mithral_Demon

    What did you get for Christmas?

    80$ (50 check, 30 cash) 100$ Gift card 1TB Seagate Hard-drive Finger Lights (rave lights if you want better example) Knitted hat, scarf and bag Already used 92$ of the gift card buying 3 of the cheap parts for my custom computer, last of it will go to Steam when I receive the parts. 120gb SSD, CPU Cooler and DvD Writer/Burner. Soon to open a bank account to buy last 5 parts I haven't ordered. Looking eeeextrememly forward for this computer. CPU, Mobo, case, graphics card and power supply.
  25. Mithral_Demon

    What do you want for Christmas?

    Asmuch as I'm looking forward for money for my first custom computer... Honestly the only thing I want is for my friend to be happy.. :/