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Everything posted by GzStarWars

  1. GzStarWars

    Trouble with Pistol and Code Pointers PRBOOM

    PrBOOM is a lot cooler than I imagined! It's too bad the port of PrBOOM for the Nitendo DS has a lot of un-adressed issues which prevent my TC from working 100% correctly. :(
  2. GzStarWars

    WiiMote and DOOM

    Well that's what I was going for in the first place (glance up at the beginning of the topic). :) Though I did find a youtube video which I have linked here showing someone playing classic doom with it as well.
  3. GzStarWars

    Trouble with Pistol and Code Pointers PRBOOM

    he he, and the link for it on DOOMWorld was bogus. I did manage to track down the package and now have the docs and I think all is clear to me now. For those who would like easy acess to the docs I have posted them here: http://starwarslegacy.net/Tutorials.aspx
  4. GzStarWars

    Trouble with Pistol and Code Pointers PRBOOM

    Thankx! I'll look up BOOMDEH.TXT in Google because PrBOOM failed to come with it, irony.
  5. GzStarWars

    Trouble with Pistol and Code Pointers PRBOOM

    Still not sure how to create a Friend for the game though, I know it required Bex and that there are spare sprites for use in the PrBOOM wad, but the docs didn't seem to have detailed instructions on how to even put the dog together, also the Sprite for the friend does not seem to be a DOOM Builder option.
  6. GzStarWars

    WiiMote and DOOM

    I wonder how they got it working on Half Life 2 and so many other FPS' then?
  7. GzStarWars

    Trouble with Pistol and Code Pointers PRBOOM

    Ok, I've read the docs but still have no idea how to activate this or put a MBR in my own game. Got any info on this per chance or am I over looking something?
  8. GzStarWars

    WiiMote and DOOM

    There is this, but it is only classic DOOM: http://youtube.com/watch?v=riUW5qon4Tk
  9. GzStarWars

    WiiMote and DOOM

    I've not done it yet myself, but from what I understand you pick up a Bluetooth adaptor and install special drivers so that it can pick up on the WiiMote or something. You also pick up a sensor bar and somehow hook that up to your PC via USB or something, install the drivers and scripts that pertain to what ever game you want to play and that's that I guess, you just configure your game with the WiiMote as it now is assigned to Mouse and Keyboard actions. Something to that effect. The HowTo has to be on one of those links I've posted, but I have not gone through all the details because I don't yet own the required hardware.
  10. GzStarWars

    Trouble with Pistol and Code Pointers PRBOOM

    I'm going to have to see if PrBOOM's docs cover this in more detail, sounds interesting.
  11. GzStarWars

    WiiMote and DOOM

    http://www.google.com/search?q=wiimote+drivers+for+windows&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a http://youtube.com/results?search_query=wiimote&search=Search
  12. GzStarWars

    Trouble with Pistol and Code Pointers PRBOOM

    So it is a BOOM based source port like PrBOOM?
  13. GzStarWars

    Trouble with Pistol and Code Pointers PRBOOM

    What is MBF again? SOunds familiar.
  14. GzStarWars

    Trouble with Pistol and Code Pointers PRBOOM

    Ok, I think I can get it! BTW, what is: Boom's null sprite (TNT1)? Does BOOM have spare Sprites I can play with? I've read it has limited BEX support, but am not sure what it does for BOOM either. Anyhow, thankx for the light!
  15. GzStarWars

    Fake 3D Bridge over moving water in PrBOOM?

    I finally figured out what you guys were talking about and now have it working, thankx a lot!
  16. http://files.frashii.com/~sp00nz/Doom/-help/DF2%20Water%20Town.rar First and foremost, I have to have this work with PrBOOM and no other port. That said, if this is not possible, then I'll merely do somthing else. What I am trying to do is keep all the water in this level able to push the character down the stream. Yet at the posistion I have the character facing at start time, I'd like to put a fake 3D bridge across the water, one that can be travelled beneath as well as above, but when the character travels beneath, the water stream must carry him and the flat must still scroll if possible. On the other hand if the character passes above the bridge, he should not be effected by the water stream below. Think it can be done? I've yet to successfully make a fake 3D bridge of any kind, so if this is possible, if someone would not mind adding it into the map and re-uploading it, then I'll at least have it done and can study the technique for next time. THankx in adavance.
  17. GzStarWars

    Doom Hires texture Pack DHTP-20071111 released

    No GzDOOM support. Not even ZDOOM, shocking!
  18. GzStarWars

    The Apocalypse is Over

    Exactly! Personally I've had little issues with GzDOOM, most of my problems came from slow generic hardware, or outdated GFX cards.
  19. GzStarWars

    The Apocalypse is Over

    Nothing beats the real thing, but if you screwed up and bought a brand new Winblows machine as apposed to an Atari 130XE for Christmas last year, well there is still a complete and legal solution to that here: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=40606&package_id=32947&release_id=64318 and here: http://atariarea.krap.pl/PLus/downloads_us.htm and last but not least, the game: http://yoomp.atari.pl/ Enjoy!
  20. GzStarWars

    The Apocalypse is Over

    I've not played all the way through yet, but I REALLY like how modern DOOM source can be pushed to not feel like DOOM hardly at all! Not that I hate DOOM, I love it, but I also love taking old things and seeing how far you can push them, I.E. http://youtube.com/watch?v=wDoZu9f0bEs or in the case of the DOOM engine, not only see how far it can be pushed, but what it can be reshaped into. What this made me feel like is that I was dabbling with an old Infogrames title called Alone in the Dark as opposed to DOOM. Though some of you say it does not climax that well which is a let down because all Lovecraft (or most) stories climax very well, and it would be nice to see the story progress deeper, and to see original monsters and more creepy atmosphere, but if all we end up with is a modified CyberDemon then I'm kind sad. :/ None the less I will play through to see for myself if I liked it because so far I'm really taking in the work this guy has done, which is MUCH more original (despite borrowed graphics) than a lot of what I've seen from the community on a whole. Not that the community does not put out good quality maps and what not, it's just that a lot lack the artistic vision that this has.
  21. GzStarWars

    Orcs And Doom RPGs

    Cutman: The current port of PrBOOM for the DS run quite well. It's got a few minor bugs, and lack of good touch screen support, but it's coming along quite well! I've been amazed at how many PrBOOM specific features the DS is able to handle without lock up or slow down.
  22. GzStarWars

    Orcs And Doom RPGs

    I just wish they would port DOOM RPG do the DS. Who wants a telephone anyhow, let alone a cell phone. People driving around with these things, texting while eating McNuggets, browsing and throwing away money for ring tones that sound like shit and not just for the fact that ALL ring tones are gay, as in flaming. Anyhow yes, DOOM RPG for the DS would be the right move.
  23. GzStarWars

    Trying to duplicate sliding doors in PrBOOM

    http://files.frashii.com/~sp00nz/Doom/-help/dfslidingdoortest2.wad And now I have this.
  24. http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/index.php?id=9714 I have loaded and tested this wad and it plays great. I then loaded it in Builder and tried to create my own, but can't get the doors to slide side ways. Anyhow know what I'm doing wrong here? Here's my attempt: http://files.frashii.com/~sp00nz/Doom/-help/dfslidingdoortest.wad
  25. GzStarWars

    Trying to duplicate sliding doors in PrBOOM

    That makes sence the way you worded it, now I'll see if I'm understanding correctly. Thankx again! :)