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Doomworld Mega Project 2016 (v2 is on /idgames)

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The Reversion
Build time: dunno
Comp: probably vanilla w/some slime trails but dunno
Music: "Tempter" by Mark Klem
A map that was made for a project that will never be released because it sucked.
No difficulty settings

Edit: Map updated with Memfis' suggestion.

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Map name: Confliction
Build time: Buggered if I know
Format: Vanilla or limit removing. The drawseg limit might be a bit over in places, I'll likely tweak the map to minimize it in future.
Co-op: Not implemented
Deathmatch: Not implemented
Difficulty settings: Not implemented
Music: Not too sure, sounds kind of Heretic-esque
New textures: WFALL1 - WFALL4

I saw a screenshot by Eris Falling and was inspired to make something vaguely similar. Thanks heaps to Altazimuth for giving me feedback. Enjoy!

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12 zombiemen never warp in because their dummy sector has no teleport line. The vile (thing 44) doesn't wake up unless you stand really close to the third water slit. It wasn't crushed by the secret switch on -cl 2, either. It never woke up and I only noticed it was there after using IDDT at the exit.

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Music is Zedek's Tomb from Hexen. Cool that I'm inspiring people despite averaging about half a map per year :) Kinda looks like my D2INO map - I'm sure memfis will show up talking about CC4 soon :D

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Heh, you mean Map17? My problem with that level was almost total symmetry. Here the two color theme is done in a much more interesting way. I don't dislike it. Kinda cool mysterious feel too, not sure if it's caused by Hexen music or what.

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That's a fair point, even my remake of the D2INO map was completely symmetrical like that before I switched it for all blue, which turned out to be better anyway. Maybe I can try doing that map again for next year's DMP...

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Map has been updated with rdwpa's bugfixes. I decided to replace the Arch-Vile with 3 Chaingunners instead to make it more risky and the crusher and teleport line have been fixed. Link is the same as before.

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Name: Basement
Build time: 1 day
Tested in: zdoom, chocolate doom
Compatible with: everything
Iwad: doom 2
Difficulty settings: all five
Music: Track that plays in map02 in doom 2.
Build with: gzdoom builder
Description: This is the second map I've ever created, and don't except much from it. This map was going to be MAP02 in my megawad, but it won't hurt if I just post it here instead. It takes about two minutes to finish . Except many newbie errors. Have fun.
I wonder if someone will be mad at me if I still use it in my megawad.

Fixed vanilla compatibility errors. Should work fine now, according to chocolate doom.
Fixed that one blocking body.
Changed many textures
Made exit that looks like one.

Update two:
Some textures fixes.
That one floor that was supposed to hit the celling, now do it instantly thanks to using w1 floor lowers to highest celling


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^ If you want it to be vanilla, don't use SR actions with a zero tag. In vanilla that means that the action is applied to ALL non-tagged sectors, resulting in the whole level falling apart. It's a typical mistake. ZDoom "forgives" it but many other ports don't.

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Still learning :p
Thank you for advice. I change it's description to zdoom compatible for now, and try to fix it tommorow.
Thanks again.

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Right here is the second and hopefully final version of my map



- Red key fight should be easier with radsuits more suitably placed, one on show initially and one revealed after pressing the switch down there.
- The final fight has been made a little harder by adding another arch vile near the exit and cropping the dry land they sit on a bit so it should be harder to camp at the exit now.

Otherwise just difficulty settings and co-op starts/monsters and items placed.

So general blurb.

Author - Matt Powell (Cannonball)
Name - Teenage mutant ninja demons
Build time - 2 weeks (Though mostly split into a couple of 2 hour sessions)
Built with - Doom builder 2
Tested with - Pr-boom plus v2.5.1.4
Compatibility - Limit removing
Difficulty settings - Yes
Co-op - Yes
Deathmatch - no
Music - The Sewers by Stuart Ryan (Stewboy)
General info - Pretty much inspired by Plutonia Map28 and Map29 of Doom Core where I have also used the same music track as the later. The gameplay ranges from your hectic plutonia theme to some tougher lock-in traps here and there. Lower difficulties should play a lot more casually though.

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stasiowygrzybek said:

Name: Basement
Build time: 1 day
Tested in: zdoom
Compatible with: zdoom
Iwad: doom 2
Difficulty settings: all five
Music: Track that plays in map02 in doom 2.
Build with: gzdoom builder
Description: This is the second map I've ever created, and don't except much from it. This map was going to be MAP02 in my megawad, but it won't hurt if I just post it here instead. It takes about two minutes to finish . Except many newbie errors. Have fun.
I wonder if someone will be mad at me if I still use it in my megawad :p


Nice little map, I liked the revealing bloodfalls in the gray brick room...

EDIT: Fixed a pair of bugs i found in my map while playing some day ago:


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Here's a UV-max in 0:48 (9th exit or something) and a NM100 in 0:36 (3rd exit). During the NM100 I noticed it was possible to get trapped out of the final area if you retreat after hitting the switch (which I did when fleeing from a pinky that somehow got up there :D). You can fix that by making the sector that rises usable as a lift from the other side. It's a minor problem here and probably quite unlikely to actually arise in a conventional playthrough, but it's the sort of thing it helps to be aware of.

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Finally got around to fixing and polishing my map...

Thanks for any feedback. EffinghamHuffnagel and TimeOfDeath - I addressed all the issues you mentioned a while ago.

Updated info:

Level name: Bloodcult Stronghold
Author: WindbagJacket
Compatibility: Limit removing
Tested on: ZDoom and prboom-plus
Building time: About a week and a half, plus a few more days spread over 2 months
Editors used: Doom Builder 2, GZDoomBuilder and Slade
Custom music: MAP24 from Community Chest 3 - credited there to "Bobby Prince (for id Software;)remixed by Jay Reichard"
Difficulty settings: Yes - easy, medium & hard. Mostly tested on UV.
Bugs: Probably still some misaligned textures.

New link:

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@Rdwpa man, I don't know how to thank you enough for that runs, and fir finding that bug. Gotta fix this bug as quickly as I can. I am very thankful for you effort, amd attention. Just as much as I am thankful for this one guy's playthrough of this map I found on yt.

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Updated my map. Link is the same as in my original post, but I'll post it here for convenience.
Removed an exit linedef that was leftover from an earlier version of the map.
Changed music to the Final Egg midi because more people preferred it.

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rdwpa said:

Sorry dobu I've been too scared of your map.

No worries; what's kinda funny is that I think this is one of my tamest maps, especially since it's one of the few I can actually max myself. Having to navigate the complex and solve puzzles for the first time is probably intimidating though.

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Can someone give me a rundown of what should be in the little map info blurb? I've got a finished map that I feel comfortable submitting as my first public release of any Doom map and I need to know what to include with it.

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Cool, what port is intended for play this map?
It uses new music?
It uses the texture pack or uses a new Skybox texture?

Just for better knowledge of what we're going to play...

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Level name : The Village of Whispers
Author(s) : NoahMLG
Build time : 3 days
Editor(s) used : GZDoom Builder
Compatibility: Zdoom
Music track : Running From Evil
Playtesting : playtested with zdoom and gzdoom
Difficulty settings : no
Bugs : texture alignment issues
Inspiration : Lovecraft
Author's comments : The original idea was an ascent up a mountain side which lead into a small town but the town soon became the temple.


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t3hPoundcake said:

Can someone give me a rundown of what should be in the little map info blurb?

Level name:
Build time:
Programs used:
Music track:
Skill settings:
Author's comments:

There's a couple of these you don't really need to include, but the "author" and "compatibility" descriptors should definitely be filled out.

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NoahMLG said:

Level name : The Village of Whispers
Author(s) : NoahMLG
Build time : 3 days
Editor(s) used : GZDoom Builder
Compatibility: Zdoom
Music track : Running From Evil
Playtesting : playtested with zdoom and gzdoom
Difficulty settings : no
Bugs : texture alignment issues
Inspiration : Lovecraft
Author's comments : The original idea was an ascent up a mountain side which lead into a small town but the town soon became the temple.


Your link is sending me to my own dropbox home folder

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