Review: Legacy

Legacy, known as “the players port” went in the opposite direction to Boom, which gave us extra editing features and went for an all out playability and eye-candy fest – which is no bad thing.

What first strikes you when playing Legacy, or the super lovely looking GL Legacy, is how much it reminds you of Quake. It’s got its console, its crosshairs, it’s mouse-look and its jumping – so that’s generally all round quite Quake-y (surprisingly, Fanatic’s QDooM actually works only on Edge – though he is a big Legacy fan).

This is also no bad thing, as long as you liked Quake – even though the story (what story, I hear you cry) was weaker than a lager-top, the engine was cool., so these modifications are generally pleasing.

The problem with Legacy is (and I know that Boom features are currently being implemented, but role with me on this, okay?) is that it still has a lot of Doom’s faults that Boom and ZdooM have eradicated. Also, you can only play vanilla Doom levels (again, keep on rolling), which is a serious downfall when most major wads being produced these days only work with Boom or ZDooM, and now Edge. Perhaps Mattrim was right (see last week’s readers letters), and we are fragmenting a bit too far. However, Legacy does look gorgeous – those bullet holes and blood splats are almost up there with Half-Life – so when those Boom features get going, I’ll defnitley give it a second chance.

‘Til that time, I can survive on the fact it allows split screen battles, skins, a chasecam and a host of other stuff. Hell, screw me moaning about not being able to play Boom levels, there’s plenty of good Vanilla levels – take Darkening E2 for example. All in all, it’s a feature packed port that looks gorgeous and still has a lot of potential.

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Team Legacy

Requires: Doom 2 iwad

Play Type:Any, plus splitscreen





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