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/Source Ports

Source Ports

Introduction | DOS | Windows | Linux / Unix | Console | OS/2 | MacOS | BeOS | Bots & Mods | Misc. | Non Game Related

Jaguar Doom Source Link 304 KB id Software Yes "The release of the Jaguar DOOM Source Code was made possible by John Carmack of id Software and Carl Forhan of Songbird Productions. Thanks also go out to Bill "Burger" Heineman. It is hoped that the release of this source code will help stimulate further Jaguar development for years to come, to the benefit of Jaguar fans worldwide."
nxDoom Beta 1 Link 904 KB BlackAura A port for the Dreamcast based on DoomDC and the original source code. It currently includes a mod loader, the ability to load PWADs with sprites without using WinTex, DeuSF or DMAdds, and a 90% complete DeHacked loader, for loading mods and TCs that use DeHacked patches. A Windows version is packed with the distribution for testing purpose.

Introduction | DOS | Windows | Linux / Unix | Console | OS/2 | MacOS | BeOS | Bots & Mods | Misc. | Non Game Related