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October 19th, 1999
October 27th, 1999
October 25th, 1999
October 22nd, 1999
October 19th, 1999
October 18th, 1999
October 14th, 1999
News Archive

     Most Recent Exclusives
Vicious Circles Review
HAR Review
Saydm1 Review
NARR Review
Rage DM 1.1 Online!


October 29th, 1999 - Updates, Updates, and More Updates
Sometimes you have to wonder, does Kokak ever go to sleep? In any case, we've updated our
DoomGL source port section yet again to reflect the release of ZDoomGL 0.06 alpha. I suppose we should be glad that at least we're getting visible signs of work being done on the port, but IMHO it wouldn't hurt either to test the newest alpha builds internally for a while until it gets into better working shape. The glitches are still plentiful in this release, but all you Doomers out there might want to give Kokak a helping hand and get started on some bug hunting.

In other news, I just received a very interesting e-mail from codemeister DarkFang with a *huge* progress report on his upcoming ZDoom-powered mod Smash Doom DM. He mentions that the official SmashDM page should be posted sometime this weekend on its new home at Tha Doomshack, and that SmashDM Test #4 will follow right after! The e-mail he sent me was quite the meaty bastard, so here's the scoop on SmashDM's progress quoted straight from the man himself:

And as for SmashDM itself, **MAJOR** changes and work, I can't possibly list them all, but, here are the highlights...

  • Time remaining is shown in timed games
  • Players are now in chasecam mode once they get KO'ed
  • Other top three players stats are shown on the user screen during a match
  • Multiplayer scoring fixed
  • Totally revamped Menu graphics (and menu itself!)
  • New sounds added to the menu
  • Bonus stages added (Break the Targets and Board the platforms, just like the orginal Super Smash Bros)
  • New sounds for bonus areas added
  • Bonus stages have an automatic 2 minute limit on them
  • Added a semi 2D engine in Doom in 3D so the bonus stages are 2D in 3D -- again, just like Smash Bros (you'll need a screenshot for that...coming soon)

    There are A LOT more than that, those are just the major highlights. Hopefully very shortly after the site is put back up on doomshack a new test #4 will very shortly follow.

  • Finally, I noticed a new post on the forum by our friendly neighborhood map-smith Aardappel; He's currently requesting demos from anyone who has played games in his two latest Doom deathmatch mapping efforts so far, DM4-ish and Boo. Alas, I just can't ignore the inevitable cheap plug but here goes...Boo happens to be our September deathmatch map of the month, and it's a damn fine map too. Anyway, if you do happen to have any demos against your buddies in any one of these maps, make sure to let Aardappel know - I'm sure he'd appreciate the gesture.

    That's all for now, but we hope to have a few more reviews coming at you next week. Until then, enjoy your Halloween weekend, and make sure you fill those pillowcases to the brim dammit! (HINT: Don't walk around the block like all the other fools. If you want to play hardball, *use a car*. The current record with my buddies is 5 blocks in one night, with time left over for an Evil Dead marathon. Spank!)


    October 27th, 1999 - Source Ports Section Updated
    Just a few small updates today. Our
    ZDoomGL ports section has been updated to reflect the alpha 0.03 release over on the official DoomGL website. A new link to ZDoomGL's readme/history file has also been added to the section, so as to make it easier for people to keep track of the newest changes in each subsequent release. As for the October map of the month, things are looking pretty grim; a really major term paper (we're talking 30%) is due in about a week, and I just ran out of time trying to finish something new. It's definitely coming, but it will be just shy of a month late.

    I hope no one took our last update was just kind of funny to find this old screenshot I took of our debut on the very hilarious Doom, Damnit! and just wanted to return the favor with another gag. Hopefully Cyb didn't take any personal offense; the man does a great job of keeping Doomnation chugging along, and of course makes a mean map. We've got nothing but respect for him, so we hope our intentions weren't misinterpreted as hostile or anything like that.

    Oh yeah, before I forget...go see Fight Club! It's got tons of action, a really interesting plot, and in the process gives your brain something to digest. Don't bring the girlfriend though, unless she's into brutality and all that stuff.


    October 25th, 1999 - Vicious Circles Review Part 2
    Part 2 of our giant-sized Vicious Circles review is up! Most of you can go ahead and read about the last 6 levels of the set, but those of you who haven't had the chance to read part 1 should go look at that first. Don't you even *think* of skipping ahead to part 2 or else - we'll come to your house, stuff a pillowcase over your head and then proceed to beat you senseless with size 13 football cleats.

    You might ask however, "can you guys really do that?!" We would reply, "no, not really...but if we could, the first guy we'd break in half is that random person who tried to reveal our dirty little secret to the world on Doom Damnit!"

    Hehehe. ;)


    October 22nd, 1999 - Giant-size Vicious Circles Review
    Today we've got another review for you to check out in our
    exclusives section. This time we cover for you Schronzki's and Echo's Vicious Circles, an 11 level dm set released a few months ago. I want to apologize to them for our taking so long to look at the pack after they requested a review, but it's finally here. Because there are 11 maps in the set, we had to split the review in half to give ample coverage. Even then the first half almost resembles a novel, but we would greatly appreciate it if our readers could go check it out all the same. So what did we think of Vicious Circles? Go read and find out!

    Part two of the review should follow in a few days; if you don't think this half tells you enough about Vicious Circles, never will get all the information you need shortly. In the meantime, anyone else have a dm map or know of one that they would like reviewed? Just head on over to our contacts page and drop one of us a line. If you don't ask, we can't help you, so don't be afraid to tell us your thoughts.


    October 19th, 1999 - I Lied (aka New Review Posted)
    Well, I didn't really lie, but I did...bah, just forget it. Anyway, what the headline refers to is the fact that we've got another update for you today, even after I said yesterday I wouldn't be able to do one. It's funny, the things you'd do to procrastinate writing an important essay...

    Ok, enough foolishness; we've got a new review covering Stphrz's HAR, which you can read right now at our exclusives section. We do have lots more reviews coming in by the end of this week, so be sure to drop by often and check us out!

    Also, special thanks goes to Doomnation web monkey and mapping guru Cyb, whose last news update about this site made me squirt half a liter of Coke out my nose. Have you any idea how much that hurts you bastard!? =)


    October 18th, 1999 - Saydm1 Review, Source Ports Update
    Ah, it's good to be back in an updating groove again! Today we've got a pretty decent update for you guys to check out. First of all we've got another heapin' helping of our deathmatch reviews ready for perusal, this time covering Shadow's very good Saydm1. Go ahead and check out the review over on our
    exclusives section. We also updated our source port area so as to accurately reflect the new alpha release of Michael Ryssen's ZdoomGL. There isn't really much in the way of new information in that section, but it should prove to be useful for any of you source port newbies out there.

    If things go well this week, make sure to drop by around Wednesday-Thursday for more news and reviews. This happens to be academic hell week for me (3 essays due over a two day period), which prevents me from updating earlier. Well, life goes on, so I hope to see you all later this week. If you're new here, take your time and explore the site! We did all this work for you, so why not take advantage of it? As for our regulars, thanks for your support, now go post something on the forum dammit... =)


    October 14th, 1999 - Back From the Dead
    Sorry for the morbid headline, but I've finally reorganized and put together an nice update for you all to check out. Of course, I did promise a new review this week and made good on my word. Over on our
    exclusives section is a review of HavoC's NARR, a 5 level dm set that works well over the very cool Doomserv. Go on over and check it out!

    On other site happenings, our September news have been packed away neatly in our archives section, so you might want to check that out if you've missed out on past events here at DoomDM. We'll also try to get some more reviews up here, and maybe even some info on the October map of the month! In the meantime make sure to keep on sending in your questions, comments and map submissions to any of our staff. Remember that we're here to help, so ask away.


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